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Does your brush his teeth in the morning? Does your friend swim in the afternoon? Do they have lunch at school?

1-4 класс

Stwoargy 15 мая 2016 г., 23:42:16 (8 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 мая 2016 г., 0:16:31 (8 лет назад)

Yes. Yes. Yes. :)))))))


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Do you have a shower in the morning? No,----------
3. Does he like reading stories? - Yes,----------------
4. Do they have lunch at school? - Yes,_-------
5. Does your sister go to bed at 10 o’clock? - Yes,----------
6. Do you get up at 7 am on Sundays? - No,-------
7. Does your dog sleep in your room? - No,----------

перевидите hi my name is Jill, I love to play ball sing dance and read books in school I was very clever in the morning at home, I love to eat cake with

pink icing, they are very good! I have lunch at school at twelve zero zero and in the evening I go to the ballet with her ​​dog smoey Yokoi and John and I have a house cat lives washi I live on the second floor in my room at my house the third lot of gamesβββββββββββββββββββββ

They have breakfast at 8 am.He has coffee for breakfast.They dont have breakfast at 8 pm.He does not have coffee for breakfast.Do they have breakfast at 8

oclock?Does he have coffee for breakfast?When do they have breakfast?What does he have for breakfast?нужен срочный перевод

In the morning, I was still thinking about the well.

"Uncle Pat, does the wishing well really work?" I asked.
Uncle Pat chuckled.
"How old is it then?" I asked. "Older than the farm and that's over three hundred years old," replied Auntie Pat.
"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Have you ever tried making a wish?".
They both burst out laughing.
I knew Uncle-and-Auntie Pat hadn't money to spare, but I still had some of last week's pocket money.
I reached in my jeans. There it was — a shiny ten pence piece.
I went outside to the well. It looked rather tatty, but I tried to convinse myself it could be magical.
I took my ten pence coin and tossed it in...
After a few seconds, I heard it splash into the water deep below.
I spent the rest of the day helping out on the farm. I fed the geese, I picked some fruit and I dug up some potatoes.
It was hard work. How I wished my wish would start working.
That night I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. I had some magical dreams... I dreamt the geese laid golden eggs.
I dreamt the fruit trees grew five pound notes.
And I dreamt I dug up some buried treasure along with the potatoes!
But in the morning when I woke up, I realized they were only dreams.

Помогите пожалуйста сделать задание по английскому!!! Disagree with Helen 1... I cleaned my teeth at five o"clock in the morning. 2... I thanked Mother

after breakfast 3.... I helped my father to wash up 4....I helped my mother to wash up 5.... I cleaned the house 6..... I wanted to help Mum 7....I played chess with my mother 8..... I watched television at six o"clock in the morning 9.... I lived in Africa.

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