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Ask your classmate what he or she was doing

1-4 класс

At these times.

1. 10.15 yesterday morning
2. 5.00 yesterday afternoon
3. 11.00 last night
4. 8.30 yesterday evening
5. 7.30 this morning
6. 4.15 on sunday afternoon

Lilygri 06 нояб. 2013 г., 14:23:36 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 нояб. 2013 г., 15:30:52 (10 лет назад)

 Den going to be Kazan in 10.15 yesterday morning
Alice wiil play in 


Читайте также

8. Andrew is making plans for Sunday . Write what he will do . Use : to visit Granny , to buy food for Rex,

To take Rex for a walk ,to help mum ,to go to the swimming pool , to play chess .

9. Bob will not do what Andrew will do.

10. Ask your friend what he will do tomorrow ( write 8 questions ).

11.write what you usually when it is cold?

12. what does your mother wear when it is cold?

a) Interview your classmate about yesterday; b) Ask your classmate where his/her mother/brother/friend was yesterday.


Were you at/in ... yesterday?

Was your ... ?

school, shop, Buckingham Palace, cinema, London, work, Zoo, home, Kyiv, library, cafe, park, theatre, bus, museum, post office, department store, hotel, church, Trafalgar Square

перепиши вопросы вставляя пропущенные слова и ответь на них. 1 You.What is job?I am a ... 2 Your mother.What is her job?y Mother is a ... 3 Your

father.What is his job?my father is a ... 4 Your sister.What is ..? 5 Your brother.What is ... ? 6 Your grandmother.What is ... ? 7 Your grandfather.What is ...?

Complete the questions. Ask your classmate to answer them.

Example: When did Mrs Wilson get up?

... did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early?
... did the grandfather buy?
... did the grandmother make a cake?
... was six years old?
... people came to see the grandma and the grandpa?

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