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Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам ( в скобках количество вопросов).

10-11 класс

1. His sister has got some English magazines.(2)
2. They
have very little free time.(2)
3.Our students are having a test now.(3)
4. We
had a lecture yesterday. (2)
5. I

бодя17 04 марта 2017 г., 3:13:07 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 марта 2017 г., 4:39:40 (7 лет назад)

1. Who has got some English magazines?


Другие вопросы из категории


80. Rewrite the sentences in the correct order.


2. -

3 sell/ I/ the car/ say/ to/ heard/ like/ he/ him/ would.

4. most/ her/ I / relible/ to/person/ belleved/ the/ be.

5. with/ I'd like/ another/ to/ us/ for/ week/ you / stay.

6. Anna/ this/ expect/ time / I / her /pass / test / to.

7. exam/ cheating /the /Paul /at /noticed /teacher / the.

8. warned/ Julia / iron /not /to / use / me / that / faulty.

9. -

10. we/ our / want / happy / children/ to / healty / and / be.

Put the dialogue in correct order. im sorry.im very bysy would you like to go swimming today that s OK what about

tomorrow morning

i think autumn is

i like fruit very much

why autumn

which is your favourite season.

нужно. поставить ing глагол
Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола be или have.

1.Their son ...a businessman. 2.He .. a cassette. 3.These boys ... student. 4.Much time ... often spent by my relatives together. 5.My friends will ... introduced to my parents by me tomorrow. 6.The museum ... visited by them last Sunday. 7.The examinations ... seldom passed by him well. 8.The library ... rarely visited by the student last year. 9.The cace was ... cooked by my mother all evening yesterday. 10.The man ...waiting for her at the moment. 11.She ... finished her work whem we came in. 12.I ... never been to the USA. 13.The letters ... already been written by her. 14.By 9 o'clock yesterday I ... already sent all the letters. 15.She ... just met her husband. 16.They ... not translated this text yet. 17.The sentences ... already ... written by them. 18. We ... student of the college. 19.There ... no magazines on the table. 20.there ... an armchair in front of the TVset.

Читайте также

XV. Поставьте вопрос к выделенным словам в предложении.

Начните вопрос с указанного слова.
1. The Missouri and the Mississippi are the largest rivers in the
USA. What …
2. Englishmen have bacon and eggs for breakfast. What…
3. The government spends a lot of money on education. How much

4. The US president lives in the White House. Where …
5. Japan produces good cars. What

11. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. Количество вопросов к каждому предложению указано в скобках. 1. They go to school every

morning. (2) 2. We shall know the results of the test in a week. (3) 3. Students worked in the library for a long time yesterday. (4) 4. Не lived in Moscow during the summer. (3) 5. She is watching TV in the living room. (2)

Поставьте вопросы к подлежащим в следующих предложениях:

take my children to the nursery school every day.We
do not get up at seven o’clock every morning.My
friends’ children go to school.Mr.
Orlov works at our Ministry.His
wife is not an architect, she is an economist.Our
books are on the shelf.They
are not in room 10.I
do not drink coffee every morning.Her
children drink milk every day.His
books are on the table.

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

students answer the teacher’s
questions during the lesson (2).

поставить вопрос к выделенным словам

1,She often tells me about her work (3)--выд. слова- She me about her work
2.My books are on the table (2)-- выд.слова -My books on the table
3.Our engineers must sent three documents to foreign firms (4) -- выд слова -Our engineers three documents
4. I spoke to the director of the factory on the phone yesterda.(3)--выд слова I to the director of the factory yesterda
5. I was in Kiev two weeks ago (2)-- in Kiev two weeks ago
6. The students are answering the teacher's questions (3)--The students the teacher's questions
7.I was working at my office at 3 o'clock yesterday (3)--I at my office at 3 o'clock
8. We have done business with this firm (2)--We with this firm
9. The director had finished the talks with foreiqn businessmen when I came to him (3)--The director the talks with foreiqn businessmen
10. We will conclude a lot of agreements with this firm (4)--We a lot of agreements with this firm

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