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какой личностью должен быть глава государства? желательно предложений 20)

10-11 класс

922469 28 июля 2013 г., 4:47:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 июля 2013 г., 6:05:06 (10 лет назад)

Напишу прилогательные свойственны главе гос. а ты из них уже сома предложения придумай: умнй, властный, образованный, целеустремлённый, непоколебимый, уверенный, главная черта требовательность к себе и к другим! если нужен перевод на английский пиши!


Другие вопросы из категории

Oats and barley have much in common. They are both small grains

or cereals and constitute important grain crops exceeded only by
wheat, rye and corn in acreage and value. What the origin of
common oats is remains in doubt but its cultivation is not so old as
The species of oats, which include all the cultivated varieties,
appears to have arisen in the eastern temperate zone of Europe or
western Asia. As for barley, it has been known for thousands of
years and must have been cultivated before any recorded history. In
the barley ear spikelets resemble those of wheat while the spikelets
of oats differ in that they have stalks forming a panicle usually 9 to
12 inches long. there exist many different kinds of oats and barley
and as with the other small grains, there are many differences as to
characteristics between varieties raised.
Both oats and barley are most commonly seeded in the spring and
grown as annuals; yet each has varieties that are winter annuals to
be sown in the fall. No winter-oat varieties have been developed
thus far are sufficiently hardy for dependable production where
winters are severe. They are not grown as far north nor at such
elevations as barley, the hardiest winter barleys resisting winter
killing better than any of the present varieties of winter oats. Of the
spring sown oats some are very early. These are favored by the
warm climate of the south, for they complete the growth before the
hottest, driest part of the season.
Both oats and barley are grown by essentially identical seeding,
cultural, and harvest methods. They fit conveniently into same sort
of crop rotations, have about the same effect on the land on the
succeeding crops, and have approximately the same seasonal labor


In a welfare state you don’t have to be poor in order to receive your pension or your dole money or your child benefit. This blanket distribution of benefits should be modified. Only those people who really need benefits should get them. There are some other problems.
•Some people who are entitled to various benefits do not receive them, because they don’t understand the complicated system and they are not able to fill in all the forms.
•Some other people do not know what they are entitled to receive. The poor simply don’t know about their rights to receive particular benefits and sometime don’t claim them.
•Others may be too proud to apply, so they refuse to accept help.

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