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How many holidays do british students have ? What are the british holidays ?

5-9 класс

Kranik19601 28 марта 2017 г., 7:37:23 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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28 марта 2017 г., 10:10:26 (7 лет назад)

The main summer holiday (6 weeks) is from mid-July to early September. Children also have 2 weeks holiday at Christmas and at Easter, plus a week in mid-October and in mid-February. Exact dates vary between each education authority.


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Hov long does a lessjn last in British and Russian schools?

What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Britain?

Which is the first foreign language at schools in Britain?

What other languages do British students have?

How many holidays do British students have?

What are these holidays?

Do you wear a uniform?

Wouid you like to wear a uniform?

Answer the questions write down your short answers

example: - do british students wear a uniform? - yes they do
1)how long does a lesson last in british and russian schools
2)what are the favourite colours for school uniforms in britain
3)which is the first foreign language at schools in britain
4)what other languages do british students study at school
5)how many holidays do british students have
6)what are these holidays
7)do you wear a uniform
8)would you like to wear a uniform

Соединить вопросы и ответы. Вопросы: 1. When does the school year start in Britain? 2. At what age do British children go to secondary school? 3. Do

British students wear a school uniform? 4. Do children in Britain learn foreign languages at school? 5. What school holidays do British children have? 6.How long does a lesson in British school last?Ответы: a) At the age of 11 or 12. b) It stars in September. c) It lasts 40 or 45 minutes. d) Yes, they do. French is often the first language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language :German, Spanish, Russian... e) most students do. The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green.f)They have Christmas holidays,Easter holidays snd summer holidays.Schools also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term .Thesee holidays last week.

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math the questions:
-When does the school year start in Britain?
-At what age do studentsgo to a secondary school?
-Do British students wear a school uniform?
-Do students in Britain learn foreign languages at school?
-what school holidays do British students have?
-How long does a lesson last?

-At the age of 11-12 - It starts in September
-It last 40 or 45 minutes
-Yes,they do.Usually french is is the first foreign languaga they learn at school.Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language:German,Spanish Russian...
-Most students do.The favourite colours for school uniform are blue,grey,black and green.
-They heve Christmas holidays,Easter holidays.Schools also heve special half-term holidays in the middle of each term.These holidays last 2-3 days before or after a weekend.


Work in pairs. Do the quiz. a) What are the traditional Christmas dishes in Britain? b) What kind of tea do they call «English tea»?

p>c) What does the traditional breakfast in Britain consist of?

d) How many days does British Christmas go on for?

e) Who can visit you on Boxing Day in Britain?

f) What has the First Foot to carry visiting somebody’s home?

g) Who is a May Queen?

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