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Rewrite the sentences using the Passive. 1) People have played sports for hundreds of years. Sports_______________________________________

5-9 класс

2) Scientists found the dinosaur bones last year.

The dinosaur bones__________________

3) Different countries hold the Olympic Games every four years.

The Olympic Games ___________________________

4567893 29 марта 2015 г., 15:21:03 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 марта 2015 г., 18:17:13 (9 лет назад)

1) People have played sports for hundreds of years. Sports have  been played by people for hundreds of years

2) Scientists found the dinosaur bones last year.

The dinosaur bones were found  by scientists  last year

3) Different countries hold the Olympic Games every four years.

The Olympic Games  are held  by different countries every four years.

+ 0 -
29 марта 2015 г., 19:34:52 (9 лет назад)



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Нужно придумать 5 вопросов с хвостиком)

Заранее спасибо!!!

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Помогите пожалуйста с домашним заданием по английскому языку. Нужно к завтрашнему дню! За ранее спасибо) copy the sentences using the articles

where is necessary 1)I haven t ... idea of going for a walk

2)It was a nice place with ... green trees near .... river

3)Vitya is playing ... football in... yard

4)You need ... fresh air, fruit and vegetables

Copy the sentences using the past indefinite or past continuous

1)They … a lot of interesting things when they …. In the South (to see, to travel)

2)The students …when the teacher….(to shout, to come)

3)We… supper when the telephone ….(to have, ring)

4)It … when we … to the village (to rain, to get)

помогите пожалуйста . Rewrite the sentences using passive structure

1.The ecologist is telling the children about the importance of environment
2.They reduced the amount of electicity last mounth
3.What environmental problems has the author describedi in this article?
4.Why do people cut down the forests?
5.Acid rains are destroying the habitats of many animals

Rewrite the sentences using passive forms of the verb.(Перепишите предложения, используя пассивные формы глагола)

1.Our neighbour gave me an interesting book.
2.We have planted some trees.
3.She asked me a lot of questions.

помогите USE THE WORDS IN BRACKEDS TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES: 1) i............. (walk) along the street when i...... (see) Mike. 2) A lot of people

........ (stand) near the shop when the police car.......(arrive) 3) i........(see) him yesterday but he........ (not/see) me. 4) yesterday 5.30 she......(cook) dinner. 5) -What are your plans for tomorrow? - I......(play) chess with Deb. 6) He......(travel) a lot, bit now he........(like) to stay at home. 7) I....(be) sorry i .....(not/return) the book yet. 8) I.....(return) the book three days ago. 9) She.......(live) here for three years. 10) It......(be) famous for hundreds of years.

Make the sentences passive. Use by if necessary. Karl Benz built the first modern automobile in

1885. 3 They have manufactured the Mini in Oxford since 1994. 4 The mayor is encouraging people to cycle in the city centre. 5 Commercial spacecraft will fly tourists into space in the near future. 6 By the time we got to the airport, they had cancelled the flight. 7 The French held the first Tour de France bike race in 1903. 8 Škoda has sold over 30,000 cars in the UK this year. 9 We are encouraging cyclists to wear safety helmets on the roads. 10 NASA will select six volunteers to take part in a simulated space trip to Mars. 11 They had closed the ticket office by the time we arrived at the station.

12 Decide if the sentences are correct or not. Rewrite the sentences that are incorrect. 1 What language are these instructions write in? 13 How long ago was this motorway build? 14 You will be helped to put your bags in the overhead locker. 15 I’ve been heard that this airline is more unreliable than some of the others. 16 World Car Free Day is being hold on 22 September this year. 17 It has being reported that this low-cost airline is unreliable. 18 Will the flight attendant be helping us with our bags at the check-in desk? 19 Weren’t these buildings construct last year?

3 Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns. 1 I haven’t been ______________ in my new car yet. 20 ______________ called while you were out, but I don’t know who it was. 21 She was expecting her family to meet her at the airport, but ______________ came. 22 There’s ______________ important I must tell you before I leave.

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