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Соч. Мой дом Не надо много предл. Миним. 5-6, спасибо

5-9 класс

Pakhomova13taya 08 июля 2014 г., 19:52:53 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 июля 2014 г., 22:50:43 (9 лет назад)

I think every person always dreams about place where we can speak about his probloms, where we can feel happy. Also everyone has home. 


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краткая форма: he has got

1) Mr Brooke was surprised by the fact that British teen-agers’ favourite TV programmes could be a soap opera and a quiz.2) a) Mr Peterson regretted that teenagers spent their pocket money ongames and cinema rather than on books. b) He added that his son did notplay computer games very often. 3) a) Mrs Peterson suggested thatteenagers should spend their pocket money on books rather than on gamesand cinema and it would be a good use. b) She added that it would be agood use! 4) a) Mr Braxton said that it was normal that three out of fourboys aged 16—17 were involved in sports outside school. b) He continuedthat his 16-year-old son had been playing football for his school footballteam for two years. 5) a) Mrs Holley regretted that only four out often girls took part in swimming and kept fit. b) She added that in theprevious year her daughter had taken part in a school swimming compe-tition and got (had got) second place. 6) a) Mr Gordon regretted thatparticipation in sports activities fell off when teenagers started to earnmoney and learn to drive. b) But he was sure that his daughter wouldnever stop taking part in swimming. c) He added that that year she waslearning to drive and still going to swimming practice. 7) a) Mrs Stanleywas not surprised that British teenagers were interested in clothesso much. b) She also said that the previous week her daughter and herfriends had been shopping for 4 hours and bought a lot of clothes!

1. Замените подчеркнутые слова соответствующими личными местоимениями.

1. My GRANDPARENTS are pensioners. 2. MARY is a young nice lady. 3. Are BEN AND TOMMY pupils? 4. THIS BOOK is very interesting. 5. Is YOUR SISTERr married? 6. HIS FRIENDS are fond of computer games. 7. HER BROTHER is not a teacher.

2. 3. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. The ball of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The flat of my sister is large. 5. The name of the girl is Jane. 6. The computer of my son is modern. 7. He was a friend of my cousins. 8. The children of my brother are at home.

Читайте также

пожалуйста проект на английском совсем заумными словами не надо, так проект на тему dog walking(выгуливание собак) ну тема вообще нашего урока летняя

работа вот я выбрала. написать проект срочно много не надо главное рассказать про эту работу зачем она мне ну и т.д вот у меня пример есть ток также не надо

I'd have a dog , if i weren't so busy/ You sometimes hear people say that, but not everybody is so responsible. A lot of people who have pets don't have enough time to walk them properly and often feel quality about it. You can get quiet a lot of clients if you just stick an advert up on the bus stop near your house. Summer is the time when people want to go on holiday так и т.д срочно до завтра

I have read book "Robinson Crusoe" (Не надо)

tHE AUTHOR of the story is Daniel Defoe (не надо)
The main character is....
he is (качества)....
The novel tells about (3 предложения)....
I lise the story because it's.....

не надо

не надо не надо


у меня комната большая . В ней живу я и мама . Около моей

кровати стоит телевизор а рядом с телевизором мамина кровать. Мой дом не большой в доме у меня

стоят игрушки мягкие. Моё любимое место это зал где я могу полежать и

посмотреть телевизор. А также моя

комната потому что я играю в компьютер и в приставку . В комнате мне нравится то что в

ней тепло всегда и не холодно , картины весят

и всё. Но я бы хотел себе в комнату отдельный шкаф и стол для уроков.

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