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Выпишите из текста на английском языке основные предложения для краткого пересказа.

1-4 класс

Everything is good in its season
There are four seasons in the year. Each of them brings different weather and different clothes. When it is hot, people wear T-shirts and shorts, sports shoes, socks and sandals.
Women wear light blouses and skirts. In summer people dress like this in Africa, Russia, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain and America.
In cold weather people usually put on warm clothes: jeans and trousers, sweaters and jackets, overcoats and caps. In winter they wear fur coats and fur caps, high boots and mittens or gloves. The proverb says: "There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes."
Another proverb says: "Everything is good in its season." Do you understand it?
When you think what to wear, choose the right dress. Think what is good on the sports ground and what is good at the party and why a long dress looks beautiful on a woman but is funny on a little girl.
When you buy clothes, try them on. Make sure that they are your size, that they suit you and that you like their colour.

Padalko 29 февр. 2016 г., 7:23:55 (8 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 февр. 2016 г., 9:18:32 (8 лет назад)

Each of four seasons brings different weather and different clothes.


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Вставте слова,from,friends,letter,the longest,the country,summer,like.

It was nice to hear_________you.
You know,the summer holidays are_________holidays in Rassia.
__________is the best Time of the year!
In summer i will go to________and spend a lot of time outdoors.
I______to be in the contry.
There is a big field near our house in the country and i can play football with my______all day long.

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Выпишите из текста на английском языке основные предложения для ПЕРЕСКАЗА.

At the beginning of the 11th century England was already a great country and London was an important city. In 1066 William the Conqueror and his people come to England from France. William the Conqueror became King of England. The king lived in London. Many of his people lived in London too. But William was afraid of the people of London and he built the White tower to live in it. Now it is one of the most important and beautiful buildings of the Tower of London.

In those days people usually built houses of wood. Sometimes there were fires in the city, but they were usually very small. 1666 was the year of the Great Fire of London.

On Saturday, 2nd September, 1666, there was a strong wind from the river and a big fire began. It started in the house of the king's baker, near London Bridge.

The baker's wife woke up in the middle of the night because the house was on fire. Soon the next and the next... The fire burnt until Thursday. Many houses in London were burnt. The fire burnt for four days. More than 250 thousand people didn't have home any more.

Какие можно задать вопросы к этому тексту на английском языке:we are a big rescue home for homeless dogs.today we are looking for a new home for a very

nice dog.it is a labrador.give him a home and he will be your friend. 5 вопросов на английском языке!заранее спасибо!

ответить на вопросы записать их на английском языке 1)откуда вы? 2)сколько вам лет? 3)вы в 5 классе? 4)сколько предметов ты

учишь в школе?

5)When does your first lesson start?

6)сколько мальчиков и сколько девочек учится в твоем классе?

7)когда вы обычно возвращаетесь из школы?

8)вы устаете после 6 уроков?

9)вы отдыхаете дома?

10)как вы отдыхаете?

11)в каком часу вы заканчиваете домашнюю работу?

12)кто-нибудь помогает вам делать домашнюю работу?

13)ваши родители посещали школу в прошлом году?

14)вы помогаете вашей маме по дому?

15)когда вы обычно ложитесь спать?

пожалуйста ответы напишите на английском языке

Переведи текст на русский язык: Once upon a

Переведи текст на русский язык:

Once upon a time in a faraway country there lived a king. He lived in a beautiful palace. He had everything he liked. He liked cheese best of all. His cheese makers made the best cheese in all the land.

Everyone in the palace could smell that cheese. Everyone in the town could smell the cheese. Everyone in the country could smell that cheese.

One day a little mouse smelled the cheese. He told all his friends about the cheese. Soon, every mouse in the country ran to the palace.

Yhe mice were very happy. They lived in the palace and ate the king's cheese. But the king was not happy. He called his wise men and asked them: "How can I get rid of these mice?" "That's easy," said the wise men. We know how to get rid of them."
Не могу прочитать по английским напишите по русски

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