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в настоящем времени she- he- I- It- They- найдите ошибку: I am He are

5-9 класс

Rainbowwhale 30 дек. 2014 г., 5:26:21 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 дек. 2014 г., 6:45:22 (9 лет назад)

1) she - is

     he - is

     I -am

     it - is

     they - are

2) He is. (are - относится к множественному числу)

+ 0 -
30 дек. 2014 г., 8:24:48 (9 лет назад)







Ошибка - he-are, правильно he-is !!!


Другие вопросы из категории

Продолжить What do you think of the Internet? I am a big fan of .. It's really .. You can ... and ...

Also ...

It is also good for ..

Plus ..

The only problem with ... is ..

In brief, ..

Complete the sentences using a preposition + gerund of the following verbs: cause; pay; escape; pass the exam; interrupt; tell; live; play; solve; spend;

walk; help.

It took us a long time but we succeeded __ this problem.
I’ve always dreamed __ in a small house by the sea.
The driver of another car accused me ___ the accident.
There was a fence around the lawn to stop people __ on the grass.
Forgive me __ you but may I ask you something?
Where are you thinking __ your holiday this year?
The guards were not able to prevent the prisoner ___
I wanted to cook the meal by myself but Dave insisted __ me.
I’m sorry we’ve had to cancel our game of tennis tomorrow. I was really looking forward ___They insisted __ for the meal.
I congratulated Ann __ the exam.
They accused me __ lies.

Тут обходим артикль the?:

Let's invite... Browns to my birthday party!

Читайте также

Open the brackets.Use the right pronouns and the right forms of the verbs.Model:I`ve given you some money.Where(is/are)(it/they)?-Where is it?

1.What`s the news?-(It/They)(is/are)bad.

2.My friend has earned a lot of money.He gave(it/them)to his mother.

3.This summer I learned a lot about people.This knowledge(help/helps)me make friends.

4.My grandfather has a good libraly.I really want to get access to all(this/these)information.

5.Don`t follow his advice.(It/They)(is/are)never good.

2. раставьте слова в нужные колонки

(по примеру it she he we you they)

my friend and I , Queen Elizabeth II, your best friend and you Lila and Rita,
a maths teacher and an art teacher, a school subject, Max and I, Alexander Pushkin
1___ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____

Пример: He did not cut his hair himself.->He had it cut. 1)I won not fix the car myself.I... 2)They did not repair the fence


3)She is not making the dress herself.She...

4)They are not going to paint the house themselves.They..

5)They do not develop their film themselves.They...

6)She did not clean her jacket herself.She...

7)He won not clean the hose himself.He....

Read the situations,then rewrite the information using the causative form.Пример:Someone is going to clean our windows tomorrow.What are we going to do?->We are going to have our windows cleaned.

1)The dentist pulled out one of Michael is teeth yesterday.What did Michael do?

2)The garage serviced her car for her.What did she do?

3)Someone is installing a burglar alarm in Sue is house.What is Sue doing?

4)They can send the information to you by email.What can you do?

5)Eric is wallet was stolen yesterday while he was doing the shopping.What happened to him?

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)Dad...(it /repair)at the hardware store yesterday.

2)You really should ....(it/examine) by a doctor ? you know.

3)She .....(her nails/do)at the beauty salon at the moment.

4)I .........(never/my ears/pierce).

5)I ...(dry-clean) this afternoon.


Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из настоящих времен: present simple, present continuous, present perfect.
1 This man (to be) a writer.
He (to write) books.He already (to write) eight books.
2 Ann is a very good girl. She always (to help) her mother about the house. Today they already (to wash) the floor and (to dust) the furniture. Now they (to cook) dinner together.
3 What they (to do) now? - They (to work) in the reading room. They always (to work) there in theevening.
4 Where he (to be) now?- He( to be) in the garden. He (to play) volleyball with his friends. They (to play) every morning.
5 You (to find) your notebook?- no! I still (to look) for it. i (not/to remember) where i (to put) it.
6 We (to know) him for ten years. He always (to be) very helpful.
7 What you (to read )? - i (to read) a new detective. i almost (to come) to the end of it, but i yet (not/to understand) who the criminal is .
8 My sister (to drink) black coffee, while i always (to prefer) coffee with milk.
9 Where (to be) the children?- They still (to play) in the garden.
10 Your father (to return) from Sweden?-Yes, he (to be) at home for two weeks.

помогите перевести в косвенную речь, слова автора использовать а) в настоящем времени б) в прошедшем времени He …, “I am proud of my brother who took the

first prize at the competition.” My friend … to me, “The discussion will still be going on when you return.” My father… ,”We arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day we went to have a look around the city.” She said… ,”He has just left.” She said to me…, “Were you present at the meeting yesterday?” He … me, “When will your parents arrive in St.Petersburg?” “Don’t take the books from my table,” … Lena to me. “Take train number five,” said the man.

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