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шығарма жазу school of kazakhstan

5-9 класс

Нiколькаа 03 дек. 2014 г., 1:04:56 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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03 дек. 2014 г., 1:57:39 (9 лет назад)

I live in Kazakhstan. Education in Kz is more difficult than education in USA or UK. We are learn three languages: Russian, English and Kazakh. We are all wear a school uniform and do home tasks. Day at school starts at 8 o'clock and ends at 14 o'clock. we don't have a lockers, but we are have a big cloak room.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите перевести 14 слов с Английского на Русский, зарание Спасибо.

1) to shorten - ______________
2) scissors - _______________
3) folk - ___________
4) to wonder - ___________
5) to find out - ___________
6) to meet-met - ____________
7) to need - ____________
8) to file - ______________
9) to go went - ____________
10) at once - _____________
11) the think-thought - ___________
12) to stamp - _______________
13) to do the best - ____________
14) swe - _______

Всем привет! Переведите пожалуйста текст(не используя переводчик).Заранее спасибо! Pets A lot of

teenagers keep pets at home. Some of them are very common. Duncan’s pet is a budgie. Its name is Whipper the Budgie. Duncan likes his bird very much. He often watches it flying around the house. Duncan always laughs when he sees Whipper dance in front of the mirror. One morning when Duncan was still asleep he felt Whipper’s beak touch his lips and heard his bird say loudly “Hel­lo!”. Later Duncan noticed Whip­per say “Goodbye”. Now there are several words in Whipper’s vocabulary. Some people buy danger­ous animals as pets; crocodiles for ex­ample. In Florida you can see a young man walking a crocodile! In Canada one family keeps a buffalo as a pet. They call him Buffalo Bailey and love to watch it running on the farm ground. Julia Lloyd has a pet that can change the colour of its skin. Have you ever heard of such animals? They are chameleons. They are very beautiful but they are not easy pets. Julia often watches her pet changing the colour of its skin and climbing the tree in its big cage. Have you got any pets at home? What are they like? Do you think that any animal can make a good pet?

Нужно это перевести!!! Очень срочно!!! Восемь этажей, на девятом этаже, в гостиной,в ванной, перед столом,позади кресла, под кроватью, рядом со шкафом,

в холодильнике, на стене, известная картина, садперед домом, многоэтажный дом, ее письминый стол, моя кровать, вой гардероб, его любимое кресло, наша маленькая квартира, белая плита?

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The diversity of a flora of Kazakhstan considerably varies both by structure and number of various systematic taxones of plants (species, sorts etc.), and

by geography, in particular, by nature-climatic zones and high-altitude belts. In the plain part of the steppe and desert zones both diversity and peculiarity of a flora are increased from west by east, and in mountain systems - from northeast (Altay) to the southwest (Western Tien-Shan, Karatau).In the Kazakhstan territory, more than 6000 species of highest vascular plants, about 5000 species of mushrooms, 485 species of lichen, more than 2000 species of seaweed, about 500 species of mushrooms are registered.

Правельно ли я перевёл:In 1961 he came back to Hong Kong. At the age of 7 he entered the school of the Beijing Opera.

Practicing from 5 am until late at night every day, under the strict supervision of teachers who can carve for any disobedience or deprive of food, the students honed their masterstvoVpervye Jackie appeared on screen at the age of 8 years in an episode of "Big and Little Wong Tin Bar", and for all the time in school, he appeared in episodes of about 20 times.

Помогите на месте пропусков(...)вставить словаThere are two types of schools in Russia- (...) schools and (...) schools.State schools provide (...)

education.Parents have to play for their children"s education if they want to (...) a private school.Only 1% of schools in Russia is (...).Education in Russia is (...) between the ages of 6 and 15.(...) education takes 9 years,it includes 4 years of (...) school and 5 years of (...) school.At (...) school pupils learn reading,writing,arithmetic,art and sport.At (...) school the number of subjects grows.Besides schools of general education in Russia there are (...) and (...).At the end of the 9-year course pupils take a (...).

переведите пожалуйста!! I've been In Almaty for nearly two weeks now-it's a big city in the south of Kazakhstan. I'm having a wonderful time. Last week, i

explored the city with my Kazakhstani friend, Dariga. We stareted in Republic Square and saw the independence Monument with the statue of the " Golden man" on the top. Then we went to Panfilov Park and visited the beautiful cathedral. It was built in 1907 and, apparently, it's the second tallest wooden building in the world. That evening we went back to Republic Square to see Firework display. The next day we went to the museum of a famous writer, Mukhtar Auezov. I learned about one of his play, Enlik and Kebek. It's a bit like the English play Romeo and Juliet Wiliam Shakespeare. A boy and girl From two different tribes fell in love, but their families didn't want them to be together, because the two tribes were enemies. So Enlik and Kebek ran away and lived in the mountains. Unfortunately, their families foun them - very sad, but very romantic, I suppose! Dariga has taken me top lots of different restaurants. My favourit food here is plov ( a rice , vegetable and lamd dish) and i also love sansas with fruit, honey and nuts-delicious! Dariga speaks Kazakh and Russian and English, of course. There are a lot of different nationalities living in Almaty. I've practised my German and French here too. Yesterday, a Kazakh guide took us into the mountains. We went fora long walk through the forests with beautiful views of the snow on the top of the mountains. This evening we're going to the Arasan Baths. It'll be the perfect way to relax after all this sightseeing. i can't wait to see you and show you all the photos. заранее огромное спасибо!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the following sentences put questions beginning with the words in brackets: 1.His family moved into Almaty from Semey two years


2.She started her business not so long ago.(What?)

3.At the start of her business no one helped her. (Did?)

4.If nothing unusual happens we shall move in the ordinary way. ( Shall?)

5.After four year primary school he went to secondary. (Where?)

6.Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. (What?)

7.Education is compulsary for all children in the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Is?)

8.A school year lasts 9 months.(How long?)

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