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a dream coming true. in spite of his poor health robert louis stevenson travelled..... помогите найти этот текст и перевести

10-11 класс

Kissmiss123 16 сент. 2014 г., 20:15:16 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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16 сент. 2014 г., 20:55:29 (9 лет назад)


перевести не смогу


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составь вопросы.расположи слова в нужном порядке.

образец:run,Do,in,you,morning,the?-Do you run in the morning?
3)a pen,take,I,May?.......

вставить артикль,где необходимо. 1.These are his ()pens.() pens are red. 2.This is () bag.() bag is black. 3.This is my brother"s b

all.() ball is red and blue.

4.He has () child.His () child is six.

5.Are your parents at () home?-No,they are at () work.

6.I read () book.() book was interesting.

7.I have ()daughter.My () daughter is ()pupil.

8.Is this () book new?

9.He gave me () red apple.()apple was tasty.

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1.Read the article bellow.Match the paragraphs 1-3 to the descriptions a-e. There are two descriptions that you do not need.

a. Why people like reality TV
b. The beginnings of reality TV
c. The end of reality TV
d. Making money from reality TV
e. Problems with reality TV

The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997. Half the population of the country watched the final episode and a new kind of TV programme was born. Two years later in Holland, the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a fantastic success and the final programme was watched by million people. There are now more than 20 countries around the world which have Big Brother or Survivor on their TV screens. The ordinary people who take part in the programmes are known by millions of people in their own countries and reality TV has become big business.

For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programmes cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers are asked to telephone the programme – to vote or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the show. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show, a group of attractive people are made into pop stars. The viewers vote for their favourite person on the show. The winner makes a record, his or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines, millions of copies of the record are sold and then … they are quickly forgotten.

But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal, two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the private lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called “rubbish TV” and the studios were attacked three times in one week. In Greece, Big Brother ways described as an insult to human rights and civilization. But despite the problems, reality TV continues to do well in most countries and it will be here for a long time.

2.Read the article again and tick (+) the things that are mentioned in the text.

1.Reality TV started in Sweden.
2.The prize money for Survivor is $1 million.
3.Many countries have reality TV shows.
4.Some people get married after being on a reality TV shows.
5.In the UK,Big Brother is more popular than Survivor.
6.Reality TV makes money when the viewers make phone calls,
7.Loft Story and Pop Idol are the names of reality TV shows.
8.Loft Story has been very successful in France.

III. Make sentences by combining two parts. Use an infinitive phrase as in the example: 1. I heard him. He walked out of the room. Example: I heard

him walk out of the room. 2. She saw them. They left a building. 3. John invited Rose. "Come to my party". 4. I felt something. It touched me. 5. I advised him. "Don`t buy a used car." 6. The boy cries. The pain made it. 7. I listened to him. He was telling me his story. 8. The man saw somebody. He (she) stopped in front of his door.

Помогите пожалуйста решить!!! 1. He hasn^t got so ___money. a)a few,b)many,c)much,d)a little. 2. ___ do you see in the park

?a)Which,b)Whom,c)Why,d)Whose. 3. ___ book is it? a)Whose,b)Why,c)When,d)How. 4. ___ do you usually have for breakfast?a)Which,b)How often,c)What,d)Where. 5. ___ do you have meals? - As a rule,three times a day. a)How,b)How far,c)How often,d)When. 6. ___ them your dictionary,they left theirs at home. a)Take,b)Lend,c)Translate,d)Buy. 7. Are you going to tell ___ the truth? a)my,b)his,c)they,d)us. 8. I can see___and___brother.a)their,Mary,b)him,Mary^s,c)us,Maries^,d)your,Mary^s. 9. A lot of people ___ in English. a)interested,b)are interesting,c)have interested,d)are interested. 10. I would like to talk ___ the phone___him.a)in,to,b)on,to,c)at,with,d)for,without. 11. He speaks English ___better than French.a)more,b)much,c)many,d)most. 12. You enjoy the film,___? a)do you,b)don^t you,c)aren^t you,d)don^t you. 13. He is going to look ___his father until he is well again.a)for,b)after,c)up,d)through. 14. Mark Twain^s words: "When in doubt___the truth.a)tell,b)say,c)talk,d)speak. 15. He___ mistakes and it___him a lot of harm.a)make,does,b)does,makes,c)made,did,d)makes,did. 16. My father is a journalist. He ___ articles for newspapers.a)writes down,b)translates,c)looks through,d)writes. 17. Please,___slowly. a)tell,b)speak,c)don^t say,d)understand. 18. I couldn^t buy___book___. a)this,anywhere,b)a,nowhere,c)an,somewhere,d)-,anywhere. 19. There ___ snow on the road. a)is any,b)are much,c)will some,d)is some. 20. I hope my plans do not ___ with yours. a)interrupt,b)observe,c)interfere,d)interest. 21. If you don^t know a word ___in a dictionary. a)look it up,b)look for it,c)look after it,d)look through it. 22. I want tea___coffee.a)in spite of,b)instead of,c)except for,d)because. 23. Where do you___? -I am from Russia.a)get from,b)are from,c)come from,d)go from. 24. ___Canaries are___ good place to have a rest for those who enjoy the sun.a)The,a,b)_,the,c)The,an,d)_,_. 25. Her yellow dress catches everyone^s eye___. a)at least,b)slowly,c)immediately,d)at the same time. 26. ___ do it,he is too young.a)Not to let him,b)Let him not to,c)Do not let him to,d)Do not let him. 27. Let^s ___ into two groups and start looking for them.a)divide,b)separate,c)isolate,d)share. 28. This room has such a nice ___over the sea. a)look,b)view,c)sight,d)appearance. 29. I am going to tell ___about it, I promise to keep it a secret.a)anybody,b)somebody,c)everybody,d)nobody. 30. I___ all that newspapers say. a)am not believing,b)not believe,c)don^t believe ,d)doesn^t believe. 31. Let^s go. The ___,the___. a)sooner,better,b)sooner,best,c)soonest,well,d)soonest,good. 32.It is typical ___ woman. They all behave the same in this situation. a)of some,b)from a few,c)for any,d)with many.

можно перевод(( As a child, my son possessed an intuitive awareness of his world. While waiting in line for a movie one day long ago, he wandered

away. Begging us upon his return to follow, we were led to a wall where clung a dead butterfly, barely unfolded from its cocoon. Its fragile yet brilliantly colored wings offered a fleeting glimpse of the majestic animal it would have become had it lived. This mysterious object was little more than an inexplicable curiosity to my child who at that time was hardly “aware” of his own existence. Yet somehow this butterfly, who so valiantly struggled for life to the very moment of its death, touched in my son an existential chord; an appreciation for the gossamer thinness that divides life and death.Children are natural existentialists. Attuned to their bodies, ever in touch with awe and brimming with truth, they live in the moment; their bodies are their homes. For them, home is not a place but a timelessness grounded in the ‘now.’ And in the endlessness of that ‘now,’ the complexities of what lies ahead—relationships, achievements, meaning, and even death—are insignificant.

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