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Помогите мне срочно мне нужно завтра англ ая незнаю что рассказать про лето я была в греции была в турции и в хельсинки нужно чтобы было 7 предложений

1-4 класс

срочно умаляю помогите срочно!!!

Princess161089 01 марта 2017 г., 11:04:03 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 марта 2017 г., 12:07:06 (7 лет назад)

My Summer Holidays

I like summer very much, because it is warm and sunny. In summer pupils do not go to school, and in June I went to the school summer camp. We played badminton, volleyball, basketball and other games with my friends. It was fine.

Sometimes I go to the village. This summer I was in the village too. There I saw different birds and animals. I saw dogs, cats, cows, pigs, geese, ducks, chickens and even frogs.

Our family my mother, my father and I went to the Volga river and to the Irgiz river with a tent. There we swam, went fishing and played. I liked it most of all.

I had very good holidays last summer.

+ 0 -
01 марта 2017 г., 12:42:32 (7 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


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Many British families follow their main evening meal with a dessert or pudding as some people call it. Most puddings only need simple ingredients such as

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Перевод пожалуйста только не из переводчика

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Люди,Помогите мне.СРОЧНО!!

Is it has,is or the possessive `s/s`?Write as in the example.
Ken`s brother is in the car - possessive `s
He`s got a noisy dog
She`s my grandma
The man`s car is red
She`s got the boys` notebooks
Ann`s Tom`s best friend
Helen`s mum is the girls` aunt.

Исправь предложения.Пример:Miss Chatter had a big crocodile.-Miss Chatter didnt have a big crocodile.Jill played football an hour ago.-?Tim and Tom were

in the desert a week ago.Помогиите плиз мне срочно нужно до завтра!!Спасите!!

Помогите!!!!!!Мне нужно переделать весь текст в прошедшее время!!!!Помогите пожалуйста!!

On Monday we have five lessons.The first lesson in Russia.At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercise.Nick (это имя) goes to the blacboard.He answers well and gets a "five".Pete (имя) does not get a "five" because he does not know his lesson.After the second lesson I go to the canteen.I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea.I do not drink milk.After school I do not go home at once.I go to the library and take a book.Then I go home.
Помогите мне пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!

Какие Английские слова могут быть в предложениях ;1.She is a (cheater).2. Andy's uncle is good at playing football. He is a (tporsnam). 3.Andy's aut is

tall and beautiful.she wears wonderful clothes. She is a (delom)4. Mr Bissett works in the police. He helps people. He wears a uniform. He is a (Licero iceroff)5.Mrs Bissett makes reports for Children TV. She is a TV (porreter)6.Liza's aunt looks after the animals. she is a (tev)7.Liza's uncle lives in the village. He works on the farm. He is a (mafrer)8.Mr Morton writes books. He is a (terwri)9.mrs morton works in a theatre. She acts in in plays. She in an (sseract)10.Jack's uncle flies a plane. He is a (toril)11.Jack's aunt sings and plays music. She is a (ingers)СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ,МНЕ ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО...ЗАРАНИЕ СПАСИБО!

Jason: Miss chater my dad does not know what a horse is

miss chatter: Why do you think so jason?
jason:Because i drew a horse yesterday
and showed it to my dad and showed it to my dad he
asked me what it was

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