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Burn and o'clock please be as by please are a gentleman you ten gate this at letter the составить предложение...помогите)

5-9 класс

Artemparfenovromanov 06 февр. 2015 г., 6:47:30 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 февр. 2015 г., 9:02:46 (9 лет назад)

Please burn this letter as you are a gentleman,  and be at the gate by ten  o'clock.  


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) задачка вот кто сможет))))))))
Переведите пожалуйста:*

An interesting tour,a lot of tourists,a red doubledecker,a good restaurant,our century,a world-famous supermarket,a beautiful church,as far as the palace
To get to the railway station,to miss the plane,to take a bus,to walk past the post office,to buy some souvenirs,to turn at the monument.

Очень нужно,заранее огромнейшее спасибо:***

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Помогите с пределениями в англ. 1 Money, property, that you receive from someone who has died 4 The state of being known by a lot of

people because of your achievements

5 Willingness to achieve something in life

10 Having a lot of possessions, especially because your family has owned them for a long time

11 A job or profession that helps to forge your way to the top

12The relationship between two people which assists to rise through the ranks

2 Someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school

3 An attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work and determination

6 The quality of being liked by a lot of people

7 The way someone lives, including the place they live in, the things they own, the kind of job they do and the activities they enjoy

8 Determination to become rich, successful and powerful

9 The belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully

13Money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for

14 Knowledge or skills gained while doing a job 1

5 The respect and importance of a person because of his high position in society or the quality of his work

Read this paragraph about the internet and choose the correct from of the verb.

People who have been grown/have grown up with the Internet have just begun/have just been beginning to realise what its possibilities are. However,the idea that a relatively new method of communication also reguires a new set of formal and informal rules of behavior has largely been being/has largely been ignored. Take,for example,the many teenage girls who have been discovered/have discovered the Buckingham Palace website and have been sent/have been sending Prince William 'very friendly' emails. William's grandfather,the Duke of Edinburgh has certainly not been/has certainly not being impressed by the emails he has been received/has been receiving. He says that most og the messages he has been sent/has sent are asking whether he is the name of a public house!

Перепишите предложения в Active 1.The pupils will be given out prizes by the headmaster 2. Many tasty things will be made by mother for our party 3.

She is being told a wonderful story by her Granny 4. Yesterday my tape-recorder was repaired by my friend 5. This rule has already been explained by our teacher 6. The test had been written by the pupils before the bell rang 7. Many folk-songs were used by Russian composers in composing music 8. Look, trees are being planted by the choldren in our land

Помогите сократить текст примерно до 100 слов

The is a lot to see in Russia, but first of all foreign tourists visit the capital of our country , Moscow, its economic and cultural centre. They dream of visiting Red Square, which is called the heart St. Bazil's Cathedral. Whith its nine beatifully painted cupolas, it is a real masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. If you come to Moscow for the first time, you should by all means visit the Kremlin , which is very impressive. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the State Kremlin Palace, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. The Kremlin centre looks truly magnificent today. The main Kremlin Rower, the Spasskaya Yower, has become the symbol of the country. If you leave the Kremlin by Trinity Gate, you will come to the Alexandrovsky Gardens. The first thing to do in the Gardens is to stand by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, still and silent. Not far from the Alexandrovsky Gardens behind the Bolshoi Kamenny Bridge you will see St. Saviour's Catthedral wiht its huge beayiful gilden dome. The original cathedral was erected by the order of Emperor Alexander as a token of the Russian people's gratitude to God for the deliverance of Russian from Napoleon's invasion in 1812. In 1931 it was demolished. But in 1995, Moscow's Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the world-famous musician Mstislav Rostropovich laid the first stone in the foundation of the new Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Today you can admire this Cathedral in the centre of Moscow, Foreigners are usually ssurprised by the number of churches and cathedrals in and around the city. There arw also a lot of beatiful palaces, old mansions and monuments in Moscow. There are more than 80 museums in our capital. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, whose collections include works of art of the ancient Orient and ancient Egypt, and the State Tretyakov Gallery, which houses a rich collection of Russian icons. Other unique museums in Moscow are the State History Museum, the All-Russia Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, Polytechnical Museum and many others. Moscow is famous for its theatres too, The best-known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theatres and studios are also very popular. One more interesting place to visit in Moscow is the All-Russia Exhibition Centre, which occupies an area of 530 acres. The Exhibition Centre is situated in a beautiful park. The most admired feature of the Exhibition Centre is its fountains. The "Friendship of the Nations" and the "Stone Flower" fountains are the most beautiful. The Exhibitions Centre is a large cultural and commercial complex where different international exhibitions and fairs are held. One of the most famous sights of the city is the Moscow Metro and the journey by Metro will be unforgettable. In the Metro you do not feel as you're underground. This is due to the unique architecture and the artistic design of the stations, which are more like palaces. No two stations are alike; most of them have their own appearance. Moscow is the city that must be seen. It is one of the largest cities in the world. The population of Moscow is over 10 millon. Mpscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament and centre of political life of the country.

Помогите перевести: I went home. My parents were very kind and tried to make me feel better, saying it didn't matter, but that wasn't the point.

They didn't understand that I couldn't even sit at the piano, my beautiful piano. I was scared, I didn't want to fail again. Then my mother had an idea. She convinced me to go and see another teacher, Mrs Finlay. I didn't want to but in the end I went to see her. She was kind and gentle, and she understood that I was afraid to play the piano, that it was almost like starting again.

Mrs Finlay was very patient. I went to see her every week and little by little I began to enjoy playing again. I began to practise again every day on my beautiful piano. I was so happy. I had gained back my pride and self-confidence.

It has been a very difficult time in my life, but I don't regret it. I feel stronger because of it. I lost some things for a time - my pride and self-confidence, but I got them back again with all my hard work and help from other people. I'm ready now, I've got another chance to play in the next national piano competition and make my dream come true. When I do, I want my parents and Mrs Woodham and Mrs Finlay to be there.

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