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Whose spectacles are there?(your,yours) are on the table? and these are(mine,my,mine).

5-9 класс

Subbotas 19 нояб. 2014 г., 5:58:32 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 нояб. 2014 г., 8:24:51 (9 лет назад)

Whose spectacles are there? Yours are on the table and these are mine.


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Make questions for the following answers/

When___________? The zoo opens ay 9 a.m..
Where____________? The children played with koala bears in the zoo.
What_____________? Next summer, visitors will see a new dolphin show.
Why______________? Jim has taken some photos of swans because he is going to do a project the birds.
How many___________________________? There are 6,000 creatures in the zoo.

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запиши вопросы,на которые отвечала Джилл. Example;There are three windows in the room.- Are there any windows in the room? 1)There is a nice picture on

the table.- 2)There are a lot of postcards on the table.- 3)There is a new computer in the room.- 4)There are a lot of old things in the pantry

вставте is или are 1.there...a big grey carpet on my flor 2.there...three windows in our living room. 3.there...a lot of books on the shelves

4.there...no chairs in my bedroom 5.there a book on the table 6.there...girls on the bench 7.there a mouse in the kitchen

выбирите самое правильное предложение 1 is a sofa in the living room? is there a sofa in the living room? 2 there's DVD player on

the floor?

there's a DVD player on the floor

3 are there a poster on the wall?

are there any posters on the wall?

4 my keys are in the drawer?

my keys are on the drawer?

5 the lamp is next to the bed?

the lamp is next the bed?

fill in the gaps with SOME and ANY. 1. Is there--------- milk in my tea ? 2.Have you got--------money? 3.Is there--------hot meat on the table? 4.

There are ---------people in the park. 5. Does he have ------sugar? 6. Are there------pencils in the box? 7. I will buy-------bananas tomorrow . 8. I don't drink------milk. Ilike tea and juice.

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