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10 предложений с There is / There are с комтатой и предметами

1-4 класс

Goryachkinalera 04 февр. 2014 г., 21:35:35 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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04 февр. 2014 г., 23:58:27 (10 лет назад)

There is a book on the table.
There are some copybooks near the book.
There are a lot of pencils in the box
There is a lamp under the ceiling.
There is a sofa near the wall
There are some pictures on the walls
There is a carpet on the floor
There is a chair among the furniture
There are a lot of textbooks in the corner.
There is no people except me here.


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Little, my, is, red, in, squirrel,box, a
скласти кросфорд за допомогою числівників вписаних англійською мовою

число, більше від шести.
подвійна сума від пяти.
число. більше на одиницю від другого.
число, меньше на одиницю від другого.
число, що становить суму другого і четвертого.
число, більше від четвертого в десять разів.

допоможіть будь-ласка

Напиши,что ты любишь делать летом и осенью;что ты не любишь делать зимой и весной.

In autumn i like to _______________
In summer_______________
In winter I don`t like to_________________
In spring____________


Читайте также

Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола и подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое. There ( is , are ) a large table in my room. There (is, are) three

windows in my classroom. There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my living-room. There (is, are) a blackboard, four desks and five chairs in our class-room. There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books on the table. There (is, are) two shops and a cinema in my street.

подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое. There ( is , are ) a large t

able in my room.

There (is, are) three windows in my classroom.

There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my living-room.

прочитай прочитай предложения, выбери правельный глагол в present simple (am,is,are) или в past simple (was,were) 1.there is/are a lot of cows

in the field
2.the weather was/were rainy last summer
3.was/were you in the country last sunday?
4.my mum's eyes is/are blue
5.where was/were they a month ago?
6.we wasn't/weren't in the desert last year

ПОМОГИТЕ ВЫБРАТЬ СЛОВА ИЗ СКОБОК there (is are) a lot of cows in the field. The weather (was were)rainy last summer.

(were was)you in the country last Sunday? My mum^s eyes (is Are)blue. (We wasn^t weren^t)in the desert last year

Помогите составить 10 предложений вот задание: What is the best place in your house? 1.Where do you live? What rooms are there in your flat/hause? 2.Do

you share your room? I ..... with my sister(s). ...... brother тут я не с кем не делю комнату напишите. 3. What us there in your room? I've got ........ I haven't got ............ There are ........ There is (not).......... 4.Is your room tidy? I clean ....... at weekends. I put. ......... in the ........ 5.What have you changed ? I have put. ......... near ........... We have repainted ...... ......... redecorared. .......... 6.Do you like your room? Why? I can spend time with .......... I like. ........ there.

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