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Помогите мне сделать номер 47.

5-9 класс

Ксэня 02 янв. 2015 г., 4:57:19 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 янв. 2015 г., 6:07:43 (9 лет назад)

1. a hospital 2.a chemist 3. a pharmacy 4.a doctor 5.a dentist 6.a nurse

+ 0 -
02 янв. 2015 г., 7:33:38 (9 лет назад)

a-hospital, b-chemist, c- pharmacy, c- doctor, e- dentist, c- a nurse

+ 0 -
02 янв. 2015 г., 10:09:15 (9 лет назад)



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Перевод этого текста,пожалуйста! Science fiction writes, including Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov, wrote about rockets to the moon, nuclear power, the

Internet and robots. All of these things are now a reality: that is of course, except for the robots. So where are these household robots we were promised? Where are our robot helpers to do the ironing, cook dinner, walk the dog, clean the house and so on? It is true that we have already got some robots which can perform a single task such as vacuuming the carpets or moving the lawn, but what about the human-like companions we were promised that can walk, talk and cater for all our needs? Perhaps it is much more difficult in practice than in theory to build such a robot. The truth is that for such a robot to exist it must be able to think and scientists simply don't know how to give robots this ability. They don't have the knowledge to give a robot intelligence or the power of reasoning. Worse still, it seems that they may never work it out. Researchers say that the best way to overcome this problem is to study the human brain and try create an artificial brain that copies its functions. Nevertheless, scientists have already overcome other problems such as mobility. For example, Honda's ASIMO robot can walk, run and climb stairs without any problems. Also, robots can now look more human thanks to roboticist David Hanson's invention of a skin covering called Frubber which has been used on robots such as Repliee Q2. Language may be another obstacle as robots have to be able to understand figurative speech such as idioms, as well as gestures and emotional responses. All in all, experts are divided as to when robot assistants may become a reality. Some say five years, others say fifty. Who knows - soon household robots may be as common as home computers.

Срочно!!!помогите,пожалуйста с английским!!!

Заранее большое спасибо! :)

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прошу вас помогите мне с прямой

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помогите мне сделать домашную работу. Нужно вставить пропущенные слова в предложения!

It ... big and moderm. I ... a new student in the class. There ... many interesting subjects.
I ... happy because I made two new friends. Their names .. Katya and Dima.
Now there ... 14 boys and 14 girls in the class.

Помогите! Заранее спасибо!

здравствуйте я новенькая помогите мне сделать английский язык надо задать 5 вопросов не важно специальные или общие вот текст: The Tower of London is the

oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe .It is one of the most popular museums nowadays. The great central tower, the White Tower, was built around 1090 by William the Conqueror on the site of a Roman fort built there more than 1000 years earlier. Massive defensive walls and other towers were added later. Through the centuries , the Tower of London has been a citadel , a palace , a prison for offenders against the State , the home of the Mint, the treasury for the Crown Jewels , a menagerie , the first royal observatory. Three queens of England have been beheaded within its walls.
The Towers guardians are the Yeomen Warders who wear splendid scarlet and gold uniforms dating back to Henry Vll s time . помогите очень надо на завтра пожалуйста!!!!

переведите на английский пожалуйста! в переводчике переводила - половина не правильно :( помогите мне!

В нашем районе много бездомных котят, которым в зимние холода нужна помощь людей. Мы должны кормить их и по возможности предстовлять им дом. Мои друзья помогают мне в этом. Мы кормили их молоком и мясом. Животные наши друзья.
У меня дома живёт кот, которого я нашла на улице под дождём. Он был маленьким, всё время пищал и просил есть. Теперь он мой ласковый и пушистый друг. Мы много с ним играем. Моя помощь спасла ему жизнь.

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