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Tell each other about the best/worst thing that happened to you on the first day at school this year.

10-11 класс

Ghettomoney 02 дек. 2014 г., 13:48:09 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 дек. 2014 г., 14:30:19 (9 лет назад)

 - i have a nice day today in the school, because on the first day we don't do enything but speak with our friends abound our holidays

 - but i don't agree with you, though this is the first day but i wont to do any homework, i often haven't enough time to walk with my friends, i want summer holidays again 

 - ok? but how you spend your first day at school

- i meet a lot of friends and that is cool, teachers don't came to lessons so we play speak and cry on all lessons, 

 - so this day was cool? but than? it would be problem


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Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык1. Как правило, он работает в офисе. 2. Она всегда гуляет в этом парке. 3. Вчера он

получил письмо. 4. Неделю назад моя сестра мыла окна. 5. Через два часа я буду смотреть телевизор. 6. Мой брат обычно покупает тетради и ручки. 7. Вчера я не повто­рял слова. 8. Утром я обычно не смотрю телевизор. 9. Несколько лет назад мой дед играл в футбол. 10. На прошлой неделе он чи­стил клумбу. 11. Вы купите эту картину завтра. 12. Он будет иг­рать в компьютерные игры завтра. 13. Мама отдыхала в саду час назад. 14. Они принесли диски на прошлой неделе. 15. Он встре­тил ее в офисе вчера. 16. Она всегда пишет сочинения хорошо. 17. Мы часто поем песни. 18. Мой папа всегда читает вечером газеты. 19. Иногда я играю в волейбол в спортивном зале. 20. Часто мы берем книги в библиотеке.

Помогите переделать в Passive Voice 1. The bill includes service. 2.People don"t use this road very often. 3. They cancelled all flights because of

fog. 4. They are building a new road round the city. 5. They have changed the date of the meeting. 6. He can"t repair the lock

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What (happen) to you since she (leave)? I (think) ypur daughter (become) a real beauty since I (see) her last. What you (do) with the knife? The point

is broken off. For these last three years I (save) hearly every penny for my trip to that country. Well, dear, what you(do) all day long? You (look) tired. Come and sit hereby the fire. Hello, he (say) holding out his hand, I(look) for you for a long time. I never (have) the chance to thank you for what you( do) for my brother. You se, I (do) this kind of thing for the last thirty years. I(think) of it ever since Molly (tell) me about your decision to go to sea. You(live here ever since you(leave) Canada? Do come in and joing us. We (have) coffee and (watch) TV.

Сomplete each sentence using the word given, so that it means the same as the sentence before it. Use no more than five words.(Закончите

каждое предложение, используя данное слово, так, чтобы это означало то же самое как предложение перед этим. Используйте не больше, чем пять слов.)

1 Tony loved reading ghost stories in the past but now he simply hates them. (used)

Tony ..................................... reading ghost stories but now he simply hates them.

2 When he was boy, he watched every TV programme about the worlds mysteries.(would)

When he was boy, he .................................. every TV programme about the world's mysteries.

3 I never believed in dreams until one of them came true.(believe)

I ..........................in dreams until one of them came true.

переведите пожалуйста!!:) I started school the following September, and my brother went to kindergarten. I still remember my first day at

school. I even remember that there were 38 students in my class – but of course I’ve long forgotten most of their names by now.
We lived in the same flat all the time I was at school. I only moved house again when I started university in 2003. I decided to study forestry so I had to move to a town near the border. Rents were quite expensive, so I decided to move into a shared flat. Five of us rented a large flat in the city centre, and shared all the housework. I had the time of my life! I’m still living in the same town, but I’m sharing with just one person now. It’s more comfortable but I often miss the big parties we used to have at the other place.

Переведите пожалуйста!!)) A SECOND LOOK AT SCHOOL LIFE The first day at a new school is never easy. You are wearing new

clothes but you are not sure if the astronaut helmet matches your kilt. Your teacher hovers above the floor, waiting for the final stragglers to arrive. A missing classmate eventually turns up twenty minutes late: she'd been trapped in a cloud of bubbles. Welcome to school life - in Second Life.

Second Life - the online 3D computer game in which more than five million players worldwide create a virtual society - is being used to teach teenage pupils as part of "Schome":a project set up by Peter Twining, director of the centre for curriculum and teaching studies at the Open University. The main aims of Schome (School + Home) are to overcome the problems within the current education system and to develop a better way of learning for the 21st century.

Initially, Dr Twining and his colleagues spent six months trying to get young people to suggest creative ideas for new education systems, but the results were disappoanting. Then they realised that the virtual world of Second Life affers a better way to test new designs and ideas whenever you want. In a traditional classroom, everyone knows what the rules are, what the teachers and pupils are supposed to do. But in a school in a virtual world you can challenge the established rules, and students can control what they do in a way that would be too expensive or difficult in reality.

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