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Втравить предлог there is a book .... The table

5-9 класс

торррррррррррррррр 20 июля 2013 г., 8:10:53 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 июля 2013 г., 10:00:57 (10 лет назад)

There is a book on the table.

+ 0 -
20 июля 2013 г., 12:43:03 (10 лет назад)

There is a book on the table скорее всего так


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Переведите пожалуйста текст. New Zealand is a small country and it`s very far from the rest of world.There are two islands called North Island

and South Island.Wellington is the capital city and Christchurch is the biggest city on South Island .The river Avon runs right throught its centre.There are trout in the river ,but only children under 12 are allowed to catch the fish.

Teenagers like bike riding and hiking ling distances.There are many places for hikers,and tourists who come to New Zealand just to hiking especially on South Island because there are high mountains,big lakes and a small rainforest.People like to hike in New Zealand because it is very wild but there aren`t any snakes.

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Помогите пожалуйста, с заданием по английскому. it is a ball? isn't it? There is a ball there, isn't there? 1. it is cold, ............ ? 2. it is a nice

cat, ............? 3. There is a cat in the box, ..............? 4. There is a book on the desk,............? 5. There is a blackboard there,.............? 6. There is an exercise- book on the table..........?

fill in the gaps with SOME and ANY. 1. Is there--------- milk in my tea ? 2.Have you got--------money? 3.Is there--------hot meat on the table? 4.

There are ---------people in the park. 5. Does he have ------sugar? 6. Are there------pencils in the box? 7. I will buy-------bananas tomorrow . 8. I don't drink------milk. Ilike tea and juice.

Когда пишится артикул a/an,the или артикула нет вообще. 1.When do you come...home...from...scool? 2.There is...desk in...classroom.

3.There is...exercise-book in...bag.

4.Do you have...History on...Monday

5....Spot is...funny

6....Spot is...funny dog.

7....Jerry is...little.

8....Jerry is...little boy.

9....Sam is little sisters are...nice.

10....Alan is little sisters are...nice girls.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!! Помогите пожалуйста!!!!! Нужно поставить предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму: 1)There is a little girl

in the room.

2)There was a telex on the table.

3)There are students there.

4)There were forks on the table.

5)There are telexes on the desk.

6)Therewere women in the room.

7)There are fifty children at the nursery-school.

Choose 3 correct sentences with "there is/there are".

1) There is some chairs in the room.
2) There is geese in the yard
3) There are only three sheep in the barn
4) There is a little milk left, I'll make an omelet.
5) There are lights in the sky.
6) There are a tooth on the floor.

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