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charlie chaplin рассказ

5-9 класс

Nicolenco1999 16 окт. 2013 г., 11:37:55 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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16 окт. 2013 г., 13:17:13 (10 лет назад)

He was born in Walworth, London, England to Charles Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah Harriette Hill, both Music Hall entertainers. His parents separated soon after his birth, leaving him in the care of his increasingly unstable mother. In 1896, she was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother Sydney had to be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several weeks to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died an alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother suffered a mental breakdown, and was eventually admitted to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon, near Croydon. She died in 1928.


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1.Most people know all about Mickey Mouse.Mickey is the most famous cartoon character of all time but what about his father,Walt Disney?
2.Walt Elias Disney was born on December 5th 1901 in Chicago,lllinois.He liked drawing from an early age and he sold his first skethes to his neighbours when he was only seven years old.In August 1923 he left for Hollywood.He had only $40 with him.His brother Roy lived in California and together they started the now famous Disney Brothers studio in their uncle's garage.
3.Walt created his most famous character Mickey Mouse in 1928.Mickey appeared in the first sound cartoon,Steamboat Willie the same year.Walt won the first of his 32 Academy Awards in 1932 for the film Flowers and Trees.Over the next five years Walt Disney made some of his most popular films,such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,Pinocchio,Fantasia,Dumbo and Bambi.He made 81 films in total while he was alive.
4.Walt Disney died in 1966.His work lives on today with each new generation enjoying his films and cartoons.

"У нас есть замечательная классная руководительница. Мы её очень любим. Она нам как старший товарищ, и мы ей как младшие товарищи. Она очень добрая,

всегда нам помогает. Однажды ей пришлось уйти на неделю из школы по семейным обстоятельствам. Мы очень скучали без неё. Мы скучали за её интересными рассказами и её шутками. Ребятам из нашего класса было очень грустно. Мы очень любим нашу учительницу! Она лучшая учительница в мире)" пожалуйста переведите на английский язык соблюдая грамматику

Help Rob pack his backpack. Fill in the gaps with the words.Extra pairs of socks, a torch, a box of matches, a pair of Wellingtons, a pair trainers, warm

sweaters and warm jackets, a water bottle, a camera!!!!!Ребят подберите правильно плииз, перевод я знаю а подобрать не могу правильно 1. It can be muddy in the forest, so they'll need ....
2. They are going to walk for a long time, so they'll need ....
3. They can get thirsty, so they'll need a ... .
4. It is going to be dark in the forest, so they'll need a ... .
5. They are going to make a campfire, so they'll need ....
6. It can be very cold at night, so they'll need ....
7. Their socks can get wet, so they'll need ....
8. They are going to see a lot of beautiful places, so they'll need a ...

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Charles Spencer Chaplin didn't have a very happy childhood. He was born in London, England, on 16 April 1889. When his father left the family.

Chaplin's mother didn't work, and her two sons were often hungry. When their mother got ill, Chaplin and his brother went to the workhouse, which was the place for orphans. Life there was very hard, but Chaplin didn't give up. He started his career as an actor when he was nine. When he was twenty-one, he joined a travelling music-hall company. Soon after he went to America and became the famous film star, Charlie Chaplin. The actor died in 1977 but we still remember his "Little Tramp", a funny little man in baggy (мешковатый) trousers and a small bowler hat.

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Madame Tussauds is the most popular and talked about wax museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead, from every walk of life.Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Alfred Hitchcock, Charlie Chaplin, the British Royal family, Bill Clinton, Jack the Ripper... There is no other place where you can see all the celebrities at once, even if they are only wax figures.The museum is situated in Marylebone Road, not far from the street which is famous as the home of the first great detective Sherlock Holmes.There's usually a long queue in front of the museum. No wonder! Many tourists would consider their trip to London worthless if they didn't visit the famous Madame Tussauds.

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which country made charlie chaplin famous? what was his childhood like?

did he have any brothers or sisters?
when did he start to work?
what is he famous for?

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