Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Задание: Составь и запиши вопросы.

1-4 класс


Nick nice?
Thomas smart?
we funny?
Mr Greenwood brave?
pupils strong?
his pet ?

Aloisssa 08 апр. 2014 г., 15:07:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 апр. 2014 г., 16:01:15 (10 лет назад)

Is Nick nice?
Is Thomas smart?
Are we funny?
Is Mr Greenwood brave?
Are pupils strong?
Is it his pet?


Другие вопросы из категории

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ПЛИЗ

Задайте вопрос
No.i havent I have got a dog.
No he cant.But he can talk.
He is 5

Помогите! Нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужном времени.

My brother Mike usually. 1. (to get) up at eight o'clock. He 2. (to be) a school-boy. He 3. (to go) to school in the afternoon. Mike 4. (to be) fond of sports. He 5. (to go) his morning exercises every day. He 6. (to like) to eat eggs, a sandwich and a cup of coffee for breakfast. After breakfast he 7. (to go) to school. He can 8. (to speak) English well. It often 9. ( to take) him two hours to do his homework.
Yesterday it 10. (to take) him 3 hours because homework 11. (to be difficult). Mike 12. (to be) happy when he finished doing his homework.

Ответь на вопросы анкеты спортивного клуба,

1)What is your name?-____________________
2)Do you run in the park?-__________________
3)are you brave?-_________________________
4)Can you swim?-________________________
5)Do you play tennis?-_____________________
6)Are you strong?-________________________
7)Can you ski and skate?-__________________
8)Do you ride a bike?-__

Work in pairs to know more about the place your friend lives in. Comolete the qestions

1.You don't have a flat in Kiev ...?
2.There is a dining room downstairs in your flat ...?
3.You have no fireplace in your flat ...?
4.You have the sofa near the window ...?
5.You will buy two armchair ...?
6.You are not going to have a study upstairs ...?
заранее спасибо!:)

Читайте также

Составь и запиши вопросы.Образец: ls Nisk brave?

Nick nice? 1----------------------------

Thomas smart? 2-------------------------

ls We funny? 3-----------------------------

Are Mr Greenwood brave? 4----------------------------

pupils strong? 5---------------------------------

his pet

Помогите пожалуйста!!СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!!

Составь и запиши вопросы по образцу.
Example:You,a computer - Do you have a computer?
1)they,funny toys -
2)she,a big dog -

3)He,a nice bird -
4)The boys,scooter -

5)you,roller skates -

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