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Tracey and her sister had always wanted their own horse. And although neither of them had much spare money,they there about to _______ their dream.

5-9 класс


QueenMarceline 28 февр. 2015 г., 23:23:43 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 марта 2015 г., 0:04:38 (9 лет назад)

 я думаю что будет d)believe И хотя у них не было много корманых денег они верили в свою мечту)


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Переведите пожалуйста предложения на английский не используя переводчик (он иногда не правильно переводит)

1) Я не хочу туда идти потому что мне не нравится искусство.
2) Я не хочу дело в том, что мне не нравится что-либо новое.
3) У меня нет желания делать проект.
4) Мне не хочется я устаю и хочу отдыхать в этот день.
5) На самом деле я хотела бы, но у меня нет нормальных фотографий.
6) У меня нет желания потому что я не люблю смотреть фильмы.
7) Я не хочу. На самом деле я не люблю когда ходят все в одинаковом.

Вставьте a/an в пропуски.

1. ... garbage is not only, but dangerous because it causes ... air pollution.
2. In Canada people don't realise that they throw out 10,000 tons of ... waste.
3. Cars are ... important part of ... life for most people. But cars also cause ... pollution and release fumes.
4. Over 14 billion pounds of ... waste per year is thrown out to sea and it kills millions of sea animals.
5. If we want to breathe ... healthy air we have to think about what we do.
6. Because of our lack of ... knowledge there is now ... huge hole over ... Antarctic.
7. ... water is ... vital element of ... life.

Читайте также

Срочно!! Переведите пожалуйста! Не через переводчик!) Mr and Mrs Williams had always spent their summer holidays

in England in the past , in a small boarding-house at the seaside. One year, however, Mr Williams made a lot of money in his business , so they decided to go to Rome and stay at a really good hotel while they went around and saw the sights of that famous city.

Переведите пожалуйста нормально текст ни как в переводчике и вставь слова.

Marie Curie was bow Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was the youngest of Jive children. Her parents I)........... as teachers and they brought her up to love I learning. Her mother died in 1877. Manya, I as they culled her, and her sisters had to gel jobs.

Manya became a tutor for a family. She enjoyed her 2)........... there and could send money to her father and her sister, Bronya, who was smdying medicine in Paris.

When her sister got married, she invited Manya to live with them and study at the Sorbonne. It was then that she 3)........... her name to Marie. Marie studied Physics and Maths and got her Master's degree in both subjects. When she graduated from university, she started research 4)...........magnetism. It was at that time she met Pierre Curie, a young scientist. They 5)...........in love immediately and got married. Marie moved to his house and they both started examining uranium and other elements to decide whether they were radioactive. It 6)........... them four years to isolate the radioactive source which she named radium. For this, they 7)........... a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. In 1906, her husband died in an accident and Marie got the position they had offered him at the Sorbonne.

In 1911, she got a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. 8)........... World War I, she designed the first mobile X-Ray machine and travelled with it along the front lines. Marie died in July, 1934 in Paris. She died 9)...........radiation poisoning. She worked hard and proved that if a person keeps to their goals, they will 10)............For her, success came with the two Nobel Prizes she received and the fact that she was the first woman to ever get one. We all owe her our respect and admiration.

Умоляю переведите на русский!!))))Заранее спасибо;)))

Marie Curie was bow Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was the youngest of Jive children. Her parents worked as teachers and they brought her up to love I learning. Her mother died in 1877. Manya, I as they culled her, and her sisters had to gel jobs.

Manya became a tutor for a family. She enjoyed her time there and could send money to her father and her sister, Bronya, who was smdying medicine in Paris.

When her sister got married, she invited Manya to live with them and study at the Sorbonne. It was then that she changed her name to Marie. Marie studied Physics and Maths and got her Master's degree in both subjects. When she graduated from university, she started research into magnetism. It was at that time she met Pierre Curie, a young scientist. They fell in love immediately and got married. Marie moved to his house and they both started examining uranium and other elements to decide whether they were radioactive. It took them four years to isolate the radioactive source which she named radium. For this, they won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. In 1906, her husband died in an accident and Marie got the position they had offered him at the Sorbonne.

In 1911, she got a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. During World War I, she designed the first mobile X-Ray machine and travelled with it along the front lines. Marie died in July, 1934 in Paris. She died of radiation poisoning. She worked hard and proved that if a person keeps to their goals, they will succeed. For her, success came with the two Nobel Prizes she received and the fact that she was the first woman to ever get one. We all owe her our respect and admiration.

I always wanted to work.I had dreams of earning my own money and I had ambitions.So after my GCSEs i left school.I didnot think about a higher

education.All I wanted was to go out into the world feel independent and start working. One of the valuable lessons I learned at school was how to write a CV.i dug up some examples from my old text books and compiled my CV. I must have given out about 20 copies to local supermarkets caffee shops offices restaurants bars building companies garden centres and clothing shops. After two weeks of waiting I got a positive reply and so my first job was filling documents as an office junior.i had to sort all of their files and keep them in alphabetical order.Ok so I learnt the alphabet and lost of new names but after two weeks I was starting to get headaches.And I was not getting any job satisfaction. Then my dad offered me a job to help him out at his bakery.He was getting very busy and needed some extra help.When I started out I was the night baker.I had to get there by 4 a.m.I learnt quickly about the different types of bread and cakes.I got used community meeting new people making friends and feeling useful.Now that job satisfaction! I am now the manager of our shop so my dad is able to rest a bit .I feel proud to be continuing in the family business.Just think that this bakery was started by my great- grandfather and its been selling bread in our town for over 100years! As you an see it took me a while to find and understand what I really wanted for a career.For some people choosing a career is the easiest choice they ever make. My sister knew that she wanted to be a dancer at the age of six.

Will married Anne Hathaway in November,and she came to live in Henley Street.John Shakespeare was pleased that his oldest son was married,but I don't

think Will's mother wanted him to marry so young.Families cost a lot of money,and John Shakespeare was having a lot of money troubles in those days.Times were hard in Henley Street.

Susanna was born the next May.All babies look the same to me,but Will was very pleased with her.

‘Look,Toby,she's got my eyes,’he said happily.‘She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt,and as clever as King Solomon.’

‘Oh yes?’I said.‘All parents talk like that about their children.I don't believe a word of it.’

I didn't see much of Will's wife.I knew she didn't like me.To her,I was one of Will's wild friends,who got him into trouble.She came from a very serious,Puritan family.Lots of church-going,and no singing or dancing.

Soon there was another baby on the way,and one evening in February 1585 I hurried round to Henley Street to hear the news.Will's sister,Joan,opened the door,and then Will came running down the stairs.

‘It's two of them!’he said.‘Twins!A girl and a boy.Isn't that wonderful!’

Will had some good friends,Hamnet and Judith Sadler,and he called the twins after them.John Shakespeare was very pleased to have his first grandson,and everyone was happy.For a while.

Will and I still went around together when we could.He was still reading,and writing,and soon I could see a change in him.He was twenty-three now,and he was not happy with his life.

‘Stratford's too small,Toby,’he said.‘Too slow.Too quiet.Too boring.I've got to get away.’

‘Yes,but how?’I asked.‘You've got a family—three young children,remember.’

He didn't answer.

In the summer months companies of players often came to small towns,and in 1587 five different companies came.Will and I always went to see the plays.Will loved to talk to the actors and to listen to all their stories of London

The Queen's Men came to Stratford in June,and we went to see the play.I don't remember what it was.I know that I laughed a lot,and that Will said it was a stupid play,with not a word of poetry in it.

‘Why don't you write a play yourself?’I told him.

‘Write a play?’He laughed.‘Anne would never speak to me again.’

I didn't say anything,and Will looked at me and laughed again.

It happened a few months later.I walked into the Shakespeares' kitchen one evening,and there was Anne,with a red,angry face,shouting at the top of her voice.

‘How can you do this to me?And what about the children—’Then she saw me and stopped.

Will was sitting at the table,and looked pleased to see me.‘I've told Anne,’he said quietly,‘that I'm going to live in London.I want to be an actor,and to write plays,if I can.’

‘Plays!’screamed Anne.‘Acting!Actors are dirty,wicked people!They're all thieves and criminals!They drink all day and they never go to church—’

‘Don't be stupid,Anne.You know that's not true.Listen.I'll come home when I can,but I must go to London.I can't do anything in Stratford.’He looked at me across the room.‘Are you coming with me,Toby?’


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