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ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ!!!!!)))))))))))) Each one of Varda Caivano's small, lush painting represents a unique journey into the busin

10-11 класс

ess os applying pigment to canvas. These rare adventures are built up in muted, retro tones, recalling the palette of 1950s abstract painting that her work often suggests - midnight blues, evening meadow greens, faded pinks or the orange of old book jackets. Created slowly, layers of wash, cross-hatching, experimental dashes and precise blobs of paint chime together in what seem to be Hard-won restless arrangments. Here a face seems to peer from the paint, there a temple emerges, only to dissolve again in her shifting compositions. This London-based Argentinean artist has been an art world slow-burner, accruing legions of fans in the past few years. Quietly rubbing against the grain of contemporary painting, this kind of quizzical, intimate work is a thing to be cherished.

Alefftina69 18 сент. 2014 г., 11:46:24 (9 лет назад)
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+ 0 -
18 сент. 2014 г., 13:14:32 (9 лет назад)

Каждая маленькая, пышная живопись Варды Каивано представляет уникальную поездку в деловой пигмент применения рта к холсту. Эти редкие приключения созданы приглушенными, ретро тонами, напоминая палитру абстрактной живописи 1950-ых, которую ее работа часто предлагает - полуночный блюз, вечерние зеленые луга, исчез гвоздики или оранжевый старых суперобложек. Создаваемый то, медленно, слои мытья, штриховки, экспериментальных черт и точных капель перезвона краски вместе, в какой, кажется, С трудом завоеванный беспокойный arrangments. Здесь лицо, кажется, всматривается от краски, там храм появляется, только чтобы распасться снова в ее составах перемены. Этот лондонский аргентинский художник был медленной горелкой мира искусства, накапливая легионы поклонников за прошлые несколько лет. Спокойно трущийся о зерно современной живописи, этот вид шутливой, близкой работы - вещь, которую будут лелеять.

+ 0 -
18 сент. 2014 г., 15:08:14 (9 лет назад)

Каждый из небольших, Варда Caivano в пышных картина представляет собой уникальное путешествие в бизнесе, как применение пигментов на холсте. Эти редкие приключения строятся в приглушенных, ретро тонах, ссылаясь на палитре абстрактной живописи 1950-х годов, что ее работа часто напоминает - в полночь синие, зеленые вечеру луг, выцветшие гвоздики или оранжевые куртки из старых книг. Создан медленно, слои стирки, штриховкой, экспериментальные тире и точные капли краски перезвон вместе в, казалось бы, с большим трудом беспокойный Arrangments. Здесь лицо, кажется, равному от краски, есть храм появляется, только чтобы раствориться снова в ее смещения композиции. Этот лондонский Аргентинский художник был мир искусства медленно горелки, получаемые легионы поклонников в последние несколько лет. Тихо трении зерна современной живописи, такой насмешливой, интимная работа, что нужно дорожить.


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Перевисти предложения на русский язык. f.)People who follow a vegetarian diet are often fitter, have lower cholesterol levels and are less likely to

have weight problems.d.)Not eating meat, so the argument goes, reduces such risks .g.)Some people , though, are vegetarians for religious reasons.b.)First of all , humans have evolved to eat meat, so it can be seen as a natural part of our behaviour.

h.)This is because it is rich in protein , which is a vital part of a balanced diet.

Срочно помогите! СРОЧНО СРОЧНО!!! срочно What is about Paul Newman, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and other great actors that

allows them to create a character so vividly and realistically? Why don’t they look as if they are acting? One thing they all have in common is that they use a technique known as method acting. (1)________________________ It is a way of creating the emotional conditions that a character would experience in real life. An actor playing a prisoner may live in prison to experience the reality. (2) ________________ In this article we look at the history of method acting and the people who made it happen.
The name ”method acting” came from the Actors Studio and Group Theatre in New York in 1940s and 50s. (3) ___________________ He was not only a great teacher but he was also very popular with his students. Marylin Monroe, one of his favourite students, left him seventy-five percent of her estate, something that still earns his family millions of dollars each year. (4) ____________________ Konstantin Stanislavsky was using a similar idea in Russia in the 1890s. Indeed, there was one person who provided a link between the two teachers. Stella Adler worked with Strasberg and taught both Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro. She had also studied under Stanislavsky. Unfortunately, her disagreements with Strasberg eventually led to the Group Theatre breaking up.
Their disagreement was over the correct way of teaching method acting. This is one of the main problems with the technique. (5) ___________________
All of them, however, have one thing in common which is that the actors have to try to identify, in some way, with the character they are playing. The differences in opinion were mainly over whether the actors should use their own experiences to try to understand the character or whether they should approach the character with a completely open mind.
Lee Strasberg was able to use his techniques for himself in the film Godfather II. (6) _________________ The film was a personal success as Strasberg was nominated for an Oscar for his role. (7) _____________________
Strasberg died in 1982 but his ideas live on in the performances of some of Hollywood’s greatest stars.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (1-7) предложениями, обозначенными буквами (A-H). Одно из предложений в списке A-H лишнее. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие предложения, в таблицу.

А Strasberg, though, was not the first person to use such techniques.
B He didn’t appear in many films himself.
C What is that?
D There is more than one version of it.
E In it, he played an elderly criminal called Hyman Roth.
F Many people who became household names were taught there by Lee Strasburg.
G One playing a homeless person may live on the street.
H One of his students, Al Pacino, also won one for his part in the same film.

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species. There are only about 1600 left in the wild and another 200 in captivity. The female panda has an average of only about 7 cubs (baby pandas) in her lifetime. This is why it is extremely important that we protect these beautiful animals.
In April 2006, a four-year-old male panda called Xiang Xiang was released into the wild. He was the first panda born in captivity to be set free. This was more than 40 years after the birth of the first giant panda in captivity. Xiang Xiang, whose name means 'lucky', has a radio collar so scientists can follow his movements. When released, he barked like an angry dog and ran towards photographers before heading into the forest!
Xiang Xiang began training to be a wild panda from the age of two. He was raised at the Panda Centre in the Wolong Nature Reserve Where more than a hundred pandas live (more than half of the oandas in captivity!). Xiang Xiang's habital trainig began in a five acre open space. He later went to a much larger area that was more like a natural panda habital. There, Xiang xiang learned to build a place to live and to eat bamboo. He started to become aggressive towards humans and make noises like a wild panda. Also , his health improved and he began to have more energy.
The area around the Wolong Nature Reserve is the largest giant panda habitat in the world. Scientists will work out how many more pandas can live in this area, then they will release that number into the wild. Xiang Xiang was released into the western end of the Wolong Nature Reserve. There, he may meet other pandas. However, will they befriend him or not? If they do, then in the future pandas will be released in eight or ten different locations. The plan os to double the number of pandasin the wild by releasing around 15 each year.
Conservationalists hope many more pandas like Xiang Xiang will be released back into their natural habital. However, the giant panda's habitat has been shrinking more and more due to deforestation for wood and farming. This is the greatest threat of all to pandas. For this reason, the Chinese government has decided to protect 28 natural areas. They have also set up centres like the Chengdu Research Base. This research base started with six pandas whose habitat had been destroyed. Today it has 33 and they plan to reintroduce some of them to the wild in the future.
It is important to breed pandas and to release them into the wild. However, protecting their habitat is the most important step. This is the only way to make sure they survive.

сделайте пожалуйста краткий пересказ данного текста, примерно на пол страницы One of the great mysteries of archaeology was the sudden collapse of the

Mayan Civilisation of Central America. The disappearance of one of the great civilisations of the ancient world puzzled scientists for years, as they searched for clues among the ruined and deserted Mayan cities. How could a sophisticated culture with its knowledge of mathematics and astronomy vanish into thin air? At its height in about 800 AD, there were probably about 13 million •Mayans supporting elaborate cities with grand pyrarnid temples. Their lands extended from Chichen Itza on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, through Tikal in Guatemala to Copan in Honduras. And then, almost instantly, everything collapsed. Researchers have recently discovered that it was in fact climate change that caused the collapse of Mayan culture. It coincides directly with several periods of intense drought each lasting about a decade. The worst drought lasted between about 760 and 800 AD. Each one put more intense pressure on an already fragile civilisation. The cities were densely populated. But they relied on corn-growing farmers who didn't produce enough to sustain both themselves and the city dwellers. Even though the Maya built reservoirs to collect water, their crops still depended on seasonal rains. Their land had few rivers, being mostly dry limestone. When the rains failed, the water for drinking and agriculture simply ran out. With few reserves and lacking what became crucial for survival, Mayan Civilisation died. History has many examples of cultures that collapsed in other parts of the world. Almost 3,500 years ago, a drought lasting about 200 years terminated a flourishing society in Mesopotamia. Scientists know from studying the rings in trees that a drought in about 1130 AD destroyed the Anasazi culture of the Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, USA. But not all societies have had to surrender to the devastating effects of drought. The Chumash, of California's Channel Islands, apparently changed their behaviour in response to climate change. When deadly droughts threatened their survival, these hunter-gatherers became traders. What can modern societies learn from the Maya's downfall? Supplies of clean water are one of the biggest problems facing countries all over the world. Australia has experienced record droughts since the start of the 21st century. The western USA uses so much water that the Colorado River is dry by the time it joins the sea. People will have to change their habits even more, in order to survive the climate changes that are predicted in the next decades.

The Geographers' A-Z Street Atlas is one of the icons of London, as famous as red buses and ...fog. It is the book people reach for when they want to know

exactly where to find thousands of streets in London. You could find it on the bookshelves of the most London homes and in just every travel agency in the city. It lists every street in London and its carefully drawn maps show parks, gardens, railway lines, canals and just about anything else that can be put onto a piece of paper. So where did it come from? Phyllis Pearsall was a remarkable woman. She was born in Britain in 1906. She stayed there until she left school, and then travelled around France. She earned money by painting people's pictures and writing for a newspaper in Paris.
In the 1930s she returned to London, where she worked for her father's company, making maps of the world. She thought that there was a need for new street maps of London, after in 1935 she got lost while using a 20-year-old street map. So she started working on a book of maps. She walked along every street in the capital and wrote down the name, the important buildings and even the house numbers. Working eighteen-hour days she walked a total of 3,000 miles, while compiling her book. She kept the information about the streets on cards in small boxes.
One day a box with cards of all the streets beginning with "T" fell out of her window. She found most of the cards, but some cards landed on top of a bus and she never saw them again. When she sent the cards to the printer, someone asked her, "Why isn't Trafalgar Square in your book?" It was because she had lost the card. Phyllis Pearsall called her book A to Z. The first A to Z was in the shops in 1936 and sold very well. Now it is the most popular book of London street maps. It shows every street in London, important buildings, museums, theatres, schools, parks, train and underground stations. Later Phyllis Pearsall painted pictures of many of the city's famous buildings. In the same year, she formed the Geographers' Map Company which began publishing street maps and atlases of towns and cities and road maps of the whole country.
Today there are more than 130 people working for the Company. It publishes 359 titles including maps and atlases in both black and white and full colour. Computers were introduced into the drawing process in 1991. In 1996 the Company produced its first electronic street map of London on CD which contained over 90,000 streets, stations and different places of interest. 2005 saw the start of the next generation of A-Z maps, this time for mobile phones.
Phyllis Pearsall wrote about the history of the company in her book From Bedsitter to Household Name. She died in August 1996 at the age of 89.
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можно перевод,а то совсем не успеваю( New York is the largest city in the United States and one of the largest in the world. It is in the southeastern

corner of New York State, where the Hudson River empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Five towns joined together make up the city of New York. The town of Manhattan takes up Manhattan Island. The Bronx, another town, is on the mainland, north of Manhattan and Queens. The fifth town, Staten Island, is in New York Bay. Beginning in the 1880s, great numbers of Europeans moved to the United States. Many of them landed first in Statue of Liberty as they antered New York Bay. The “Big Apple”, as New York City is nicknamed, has an energy that few other cities can equal. John F. Kennedy International Airport is one of the busiest in the world. More ships come into New York’s harbour than into any other port in the world. The city is a leading many Factoring center. It’s chief industries are clothing, printing and publishing. New York can be called the financial capital of the world. The United Nations has it’s headquarters in Manhattan. New York is a great cultural and educational center, too. It is the art, music and drama capital of the United States. It is museums, art galleries, libraries, zoos, and botanical gardens are world famous. If you want to have a good view of New York City, you can do it from the top of the World Trade Center (110 stories) or from the Empire State Building (102 stories). You can see the newest plays and shows on Broadway. If you are interested in art, you should visit the famous Metropolitan Art Museum. If you want to sit quietly and people-watch, you should go to one of the city’s many parks. The largest of them is Central Park

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