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5 вопросов к этому тексту !!!!!

5-9 класс

Leevika2002 14 апр. 2014 г., 10:28:45 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 апр. 2014 г., 12:37:25 (10 лет назад)

Whose descendants are most Americans?
Why did the pioneers have to be tough and self-reliant?
What caused frontier men and women to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things?
What American trait did willingness of the frontiersmen to experiment and invent lead to?
How did friends and neighbours help each other to survive?


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Misha is Rassian, isn't he?
Misha and Robin MacWizard are't friends, are they?
Cute is not a very good agent, isn't is?
Misha's house is very big, isn't it?
Robin can fly and travel in tame, can't he?
Robin is from the year 1599, isn't he?
Misha's real pen friend isn't from the past, is he?
Misha's pen friend can't come dack to our time, can he?
Misha's can't tell Agent Cut about Robin's secret, ca he?
The Stone of Destiy is in Westminster Abbey, isn't it?
Misha can help Rodin go back to the year 1599, can't he?

1)get out of; 2)put off

......... this room immediately.

(Возможно, два варианта ответа или нет правильного ответа)

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Напишите пожалуйста разделительные вопросы к этим предложениям:

In this town, a Roman road( in Latin strata) crossed theAvon(in the Welsh languages, the word afon means a river).
Of the names of the places we are often able to tell who the people were in the past.
Latin words started to be used in the names of English places a very long time age.
Специальный вопрос к этим предложениям:
From this we know that at different times Roman, Welsh and English people lived here.
We can easily tell where Europeans from different countries settled in America by looking at the original names.

Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы к этому тексту : The wind inthe Willows (After Kenneth Grahame)The fouranimals in the story are good friends

. Toad loves cars and often gets into
difficult situations. Badger , Rat and Mole always help him.

One day Toad bought a little red and yellow caravan to travel
around the word . There was a kitchen, little
beds , books games and food in it. Toad
was in love with the caravan . He took
his friend and started in the afternoon.
The weather was fine – warm sun, but not too hot. Mole was in front with the horse , which
pulled the caravan, and the others
walked behind the caravan. Suddenly the saw
a car in front of them. The car went very quickly . The horse was afraid
of the car and and pulled the caravan off the road. The caravan fell over and
was broken . But Toad wasn’t angry. He
sat on the road and looked happy.
I don’t want to see this caravan again , said Toad . Caravans are not
interesting . Cars are the most beautiful
things in the world. The friends came home late in the evening and were
very tired.

The next day, Toad caught an early train to London. There he bought a big and very
beautiful car ! Toad was a risky driver and he broke a lot of cars . His
friends were angry with him and asked him not to drive cars again . One day
Toad had lunch in a small cafe and saw a black car near the cafe. lt was a beautiful new car . Toad walked around it for a long time. Then he opened the door and got into the car…


1. Why did the caravan fall over on the road?
2. Why wasn’t Toad angry with the сar on the road?
3. What did Toad do the next day?
4. Why were Toad's friends angry with him?

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He takes mountain paths through the heather Задать разделительный вопрос к этому предложени No one can

deny that walking is the cheapest way of travelю

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