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see you tomorrow переведите

5-9 класс

Greenpis 07 июля 2013 г., 1:42:59 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 июля 2013 г., 3:09:24 (10 лет назад)

Увидимся завтра;)

Так точно


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несколько строчек про спортивную программу

( можно и на англ.языке)

What do you think is important when choosing a career?

do you think people work too hard nowadays?
how do you think the world of work is changing?
what do you think is would be like to work is changing?
what problems do people face when they are unemployed?
Ответь те на эти вопросы:) пожалуйста:) очень нужно мнение остальных!!!

Плиз помогите!))

1. завтра мне придётся пойти в магазин.
2. тебе часто приходиться мыть пол?
3. им не нужно ехать на поезде. Они могут поехать на автобусе.
4. вас не нужно открывать дверь. Я сделаю это.
5.:когда ему придется вставать? - в семь утра.
6. что ей придётся сделать? - ей придётся приготовить завтрак.
Все это плиз переведите. Всем добра^^

Читайте также

Переведите плиз диалог на русский Только прошу вас не с переводчика Misha: Hi, guys. Do you need a player? Jim: Yes,

we do, but we don't need you! Mark: Stop it, Jim. He is our last chance. Jackson has broken his arm, Andrews has caught a cold, Graham has left the school and Black has joined the choir. Jim: Why did he do that? Mark: He went there with his best friend Kate Small. Ha-ha-ha! Jim: It isn't funny. He was our best forward. Last year he scored three goals. And now he's not with us! Misha: Is this match very important? Mark: It's the final. All our team worked really hard for it last year. In March we beat the Bears. The score was 2-1. Then we played with the Sharks and they lost one-three. In April we played with the Foxes. The game ended in a draw: 3-3. So tomorrow is the most important match of the year. Misha: If you give me a chance, I can try to help. Jim: Have you ever played football before? Misha: Yes, I have. It's my favourite game. Jim: OK, Inin, you are in the team. We have no time to train you. The match is tomorrow morning. You'll be a defender. Try to help our goalkeeper, that's all you have to do. Misha: Don't worry, I will. Mark: See you tomorrow. Misha: Bye!

Переведите текст: Patsy:Hi,Ann.I'm getting on the plane now. Ann:Can't wait to see you.I'm on my way to the airport. Patsy:All

right!! See you in a couple of hours.

Ann:Are you wearing warm clothes? It's very cold here.


Ann:Yeah! And it's really windy. I'm wearing my coat and scarf.

Patsy:Really? I'm wearing a short skirt and a blouse. It's hot here.

Ann:I'm only joking. It's a lovely, hot day today in Glasgow.

Patsy:You're awful!

Ann:No, I'm not.

Patsy:Okay,I'm hanging up now. See you later.

Поставьте предложения так.что бы получился диалог: a)Why not!See you tomorrow morning then. b)Have you ever been to the planetarium?

c)I don,t know yet.

d)what are you going to do on Sunday morning.

e)No,I ve never been there.

f)Let,s go then.Its worth seeing.

дана ситуация , продолжите ее , что бы получился мини диалог 1)We`re friends. I start( это ситуация) / Hi! Do you want to come to my



2)we are students in our English class. I start.(ситуация)) / Can i borrow your dictionary please? (начало) ________________________

3)We`re friends. I start.(ситуация) / Bye bye. See you tomorrow.(начало)

переведите : " Well,i look forward to seeing you tomorrow.You can get a train Waterloo station.Trains leave from Platform8. There are two fast trains per

hour.They leave at 10 minutes to and 20 minutes past each hour.A second class return ticket costs 4.68 points. They journey takes about one hour."

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