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fill in prepositions 1.why were you late classes?

5-9 класс

2.why are you angry me?
3.you are always late my parties.

4.it happens them very often.
5.what happened him?
6.Tom is often late classes.
7. -are you looking the birds the sky?
- yes,i am,i am fond watching birds.
8.she is tired answering his questions.

9. who looks your pets when you are school.
10.Kate's brother can never find his things,he often looks his toys and clothes.

Misteryunkoff 09 мая 2013 г., 13:03:13 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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09 мая 2013 г., 14:40:48 (11 лет назад)

 1.why were you late for classes?
2.why are you angry   at  me?
3.you are always late   for  my parties.

4.it happens    to  them very often.
5.what happened   to  him?
6.Tom is often late   for  classes.
7. -are you looking  at   the birds   in  the sky?
- yes,i am,i am fond   of   watching birds.
8.she is tired  of   answering his questions.

9. who looks   after  your pets when you are  at   school.
10.Kate's brother can never find his things,he often looks   for   his toys and clothes


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Переведите пожалуйста. 1) I was washing up at 7 p. m. 2) He never did it. 3) My family went to the seaside last summer. 4) She did"t put her hat on. 5)

Was he learning grammar at that time? 6) When did you feed the parrot? 7) The baby was sleeping in the afternoon. 8) They were not playing, they were doing their homework.

1. I watch 2 or 3 hours of television a day.

2. At weekends I watch 4 and even more hours of television.
3. If there is nothing good on I'll sit down and wait. I won't turn off the TV.
4. I always leave the TV on even if I am doing my homework.
5. I always turn on the TV when I come home.
6. Yesterday I didn't watch TV at all. I had a lot of homework to do.
7. I have already looked through a TV guide to plan what to watch.
8. I won't turn the TV off if guests come.
9. I am not a couch potato* but I like watching TV.
10. I have never thought that watching too much TV is bad for my health.
переведите в косвенную речь пжалуйста

Читайте также

Fill in the gaps with the past simple form of the verbs in the list.


1 A: I ...my wallet on the bus.
B: Did you report it?

2 A: Last night, I ...my lost key.

B: That's great.

3 A: I ...swimming yesterday.
B: Good for you.

4 A: Why are you late for work?
B: My alarm clock ...working this morning.

5 A: I ...to solve the puzzle before breakfast.
B: You are very clever, Mike.

6 A: Did Brian win the race?
B: No, he didn't. He ...a fast enough boat.

Помогите пожалуйста перевести в косвенную речь:

(очень прошу)
1)He wondered:Where does she live?
2)Vera asked her mother: When did you graduate from the University?
3)Ann asked her mother :Can I go to the cinema this weekend?
4)The teacher asked the pupil: Why were you late for the lesson yesterday?
5)He said to me: Who is your favourite writer?
6)Vova said to me: How old were you when you learnt to speak?
7)Sveta said to me: Put on the light ,please.It is getting dark.
8)My friend said to me: Put up with the situation.

4. Fill in with the correct particle.

1.John takes … his dad. He s also a good tennis player , too.
2. Kate took … swimming like a duck to water.
3. Take … those muddy boots before you come in , please!
4. My dad took … golf when he retired.
5. The plane took …. an hour late.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
1. You are unfit . Look how … of breath you are after coming up those stairs.
2. I am totally …. favour of contact sports.
3. Losing this match is …. of the question!
4. Jack is … charge of the sports equipment.
5. These golf clubs are … excellent condition.

6. Match to form exchanges .
1. Would you like to go to watch the match?
2. I’m sorry I can’t join you.
3. Are you busy later?
4. Can you play tennis ?
5. It’s very nice of you to ask.

a) No, not at all. Why ?
b) Don’t mention in.
c) Of course I can.
d) Yes, please. That would be nike.
e) That’s a pity.

Fill in the blanks with do, does, is, or are. 1. Where she work?

2. When you finish school?

3. Why you like that movie?

4. When the game?

5. What your brother's name?

6. Where my jacket?

7. How old your parents?

8. When Dan eat dinner?

9. What the answer to question number 5?

10. How the boys like the class?

Fill in the blanks with do, does, is, are.

1. Where you live?

2. How you?

3. When they come to school?

4. Where she work?

5. Why Kim sad?

6. Who your teacher?

7. What their names?

8. Who you sit with in class?

9. When the boys go to sleep?

10. How Tom like his new car?

fill in was wasn't were or weren't Where ......... you last night, Mark? I .... at the cinema with Peter Annie ...... at school yesterday Yes, I

Know. She ..... sick ........ the children at home yesterday morning? No, they ..... . They ..... at zoo ..... you and Sophie at the mall yesterday morning? Yes. We .... in jenny's clothes shop because there .....a sale on.

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