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8) __they study at shool ?-NO,THEY___

5-9 класс

9)___they friends ?-Yes,they ___.
10)__she in London last summer?-no ,she __.

Elenacherneva 17 марта 2015 г., 23:46:12 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 марта 2015 г., 1:48:16 (9 лет назад)

8) did, didn't 9) are, are 10) was, wasn't


Другие вопросы из категории

1 Вставить нужное возвратное местоимение

Jane Looked at ...... in the mirror.
You can do it .......
Вставить местоимение some илиany.
I met...people. but i didnt have.... friends,
Do you have.....matches? yes. i thihk i have .... in my pocket.
3 Вставить местоимениеsomebod/anybody/something/anything
I wont tell you...about her because I gave my word.
Excuse me you dropped....
Do you have...who will help you?
... came into the room.
4 Вставить местоимение much или many
I see..... people every day.
Do you have...time?

английский сочинение Shopping

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста поставить глаголы в скобках в правильное время: Present Perfect or Past Simple1. I (shout) at them and they (run) away.

2. What's the best film you ever (see)!
3. Simon is not at home. He (go) to a football match.
4. It was such a wonderful performance that we (applaud) for fifteen minutes.
5. Why do you look so sad? Anything (happen)!
6. Jaime lives in Venezuela; he never (see) snow.
7. I (not/wake) at 7 o'clock yesterday, because my mother (not/be) at home.
8. Anyone (see) my dictionary? I can't find it.
9. A lot of rain (fall) last week.
10. When I (get) home late yesterday evening my dad (be)
very angry.
11. I (know) Helen for 10 years. We (study) at university together. She was one of the best students.
12. Alexander Fleming (invent) penicillin in 1928.
13. The house they (buy) looks much larger than ours.
14. I (order) a taxi to take me to the airport. So we'll be on time.
15. You (cut) your finger! How it (happen)!
16. Peter (not/eat) all the bread and butter, he (leave) some on the plate.
17. He (be) interested in jazz ever since he (leave) school.
18. We (have) a lovely time in Wales. - So you (enjoy) your holiday, didn't you?
19. I (use) to like swimming but I don't now.
20. I never (see) so many beautiful girls as here at the party.
21. My elder brother (have) a car for two years already. He (buy) it in France.
22. Jane (recover) yet? - No, she is still in hospital.
23. My watch (stop). I must take it to the watchmaker's.
24. Shakespeare (be) born in 1564 and (die) in 1616.
25. We (run) out of sugar. Can you go and get some from the shop?
26. My brother is an actor. He already (appear) in several films.
27. What your father (give) you for your last birthday?
28. You (see) Tom? - Yes, I (to talk) with him an hour ago.
29. Are you the boy whose dog (make) a terrible noise at night? - I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I never (own) a dog.
30. What (happen) there? - The dog (bite) the boy when he entered the garden.

Переведите срочно надо! I study at boarding school. It is a school for girls aged 11-18. The best thing about boarding is girls you are always with

your friends. Besides, it is the best way to get a good education. The teachers encourage us to work our best because they want us to succeed in life. We are never afraid to take test or exams. We can go and see a teacher for help anytime. We study all the compulsory subjects and there are a lot of optional subjects. The discipline is rather strict at school. We watch less TV than we did it at home but there are a lot of other interesting activities to take part in. In the evening we do anything from dancing to playing games. We go on school trips and do a lot of sports. But, of course, I sometimes miss my family.

My name is Mary and l’m a student of the 11-th form, I study at lyceum.

I go to school five days a week. Our classes start at 8 o'clock a. m. and last till 3 o'clock p.m. So we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study many different subjects: Ukrainian, Russian, English, literatures, history, biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics etc. Languages and history are my favourite subjects.
Because of the exams in this year I don’t go to the section and clubs. All my leisure time I am preparing for exams or rest.
At school I like to communicate with friends and learn new and interesting things during the lessons. But sometimes teachers ask too much homework and I don’t like it.
I admire my class teacher Lyudmila Ivanovna and history teacher Galina Alekseevna, they are really good teachers
The best moment in my school life this last year, when the session was canceled. All my classmates and I were very happy.

проверьте пожалуйста текст на наличие ошибок( не только грамматических)

In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the

age of five when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven.
In infant schools children don't have real classes. They get acquainted with the class-room, desks, play and learn through playing. They learn numbers and how to add them.
When the children are seven they go to junior school which they attend until eleven. Boys and girls study at junior school for four years. There they have classes, read and write, do mathematics. Then they go to secondary school.
At secondary school pupils study English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and Physical training.
There are some types of secondary school in Great Britain. They are grammar school, modern school and comprehensive schools. . One can attend modern school but of a modern school don't learn foreign languages.
If they go to grammar school they will have a good secondary education. This type of school is most popular in
England. At secondary school pupils study English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign
languages and PT lessons. English, Maths and Science are called 'core' subjects. Pupils take examinations in the core
subjects at the age of 7, 11 and 14.
There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls do not together study at these schools. The son and
daughters of aristocracy go to these schools. Their parents pay much money for the education in private schools. The
teachers of these schools pay personal attention to each pupil. There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls do not study together at these schools. The teachers of these schools pay personal attention to each pupil.
English pupils have school uniform. It is an old tradition in the country. A boy's uniform consist of a special suit, a school cap , a tie end a blazer. A girl's uniform consist of a hat, a coat, a skirt and a blouse . As usual uniform is dark.
As you have just read British education has many different faces but one purpose. Its purpose is to develop pupils' abilities and prepare them for life in the modern world.

Зделать предложение в паст континиус и в паст индефинет : 1) What he (to do) ten years ago?-he (to study) at school. 2) Yesterday I (to ask) my friend not

to ring me . 3) You (to play) volley-ball last Sunday ?- no , we (to play) football. 4) My father (to write)a very interesting article last month. 5) She (to come) home at eleven o’clock that’s why she (not to call)you. 6) What the weather ( to be ) like yesterday?- It (to be) fine. 7) We (to talk) loudly but he(not to wake )up. 8) When you last (to be) in this city?- I(to be) here five years ago/ 9) I (to be)angry when he (to ring) me so late yesterday.

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