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U and your friends went on a two - day walking tour to a beautiful lake not far from your city/village last weekend

10-11 класс

79196723850 07 дек. 2014 г., 14:13:25 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 дек. 2014 г., 15:22:39 (9 лет назад)

Dear Liza!
I was delighted to receive your letter, and I am so glad to have a pen-friend in England. I would like to  tell you about my two-day walking tour to a beautiful lake. Last Friday my friends Dasha, Katya and Sasha proposed me to go to lake on two days. I agreed with that wonderful proposition. So, we went  by foot to lake in the afternoon on Friday. This lake is no far from our town, so, we came there quickly. What a beautiful nature there! We decided to pitch a tent and cook dinner at once. Then we bathed, swam, played volleyball and had our dinner. Then we slept in the tent. On the next day we had our breakfast and bathed in lake. Later Katya and Sasha stayed on the shore of lake. Dasha and I went to the forest.  This were very interesting! We found some mushrooms and made many photos. It was wonderfully! Then we came home. My friends and I were full of emotion that's why I wanted to share them with you.
Sincerely yours, Masha


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from england who are just staying in your town for an exchange programme. Write a letter to entertainment agency manhattan which deals with organising discos

1. Explain why you are contacting them

2. Ask about a possibility to organise a disco according to your class preferences (time, place, number of people)

3. Ask about kind of music and refreshments

4. Ask about prices and security in the disco

Переведите пожалуйста !!!!

1. Чем ты увлекаешься? /Чем интерисуешься?
2. Он осталтся без подарка.
3. Английский такой сложный, но я выучу его.
4. Какая от тебя польза?
5. Ты мне надоел!
6. Сделай что-нибудь!
7. Если бы ты знал, как это звучит с твоей стороны!

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You’ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she wrote you about his/her future plans. He/she wants to become an actor. And your friend

is sure that this profession will give him/her the opportunity to become famous and make a lot of money. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which say.• about your thoughts regarding his/her career plans• what you are going to do after leaving school• how you prepare yourself for your future profession• what you think is necessary to be successful in your future job

Put in both / either / neither.

1. Ann has two sisters and a brother. ……………….. sisters are married.
2. These were two pictures on the wall. I didn’t like …………….. of them.
3. It was a very good tennis match. …………..……. players played well.
4. It wasn’t a good tennis match. ……………..……. player played well.
5. “Is your friend Canadian or American? “…………….… she’s Australian.”
6. We went away for two days. But the weather wasn’t very good. It rained ………. days.
7. “I bought two newspapers. Which one do you want? “ ……………… . It doesn’t matter which
8. I invited Jack and Linda to my party, but …………………. of them came.
9. “Do you go to work by car or by bus? “....I always walk. ”
10. “Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one? “I don’t like ……………… of them. ”
11. “Do you work or are you a student?” “……………….. .I have a job, but I study too.”
12. Ann and I didn’t know the time because ……………..….. of us had a watch.

Write a story how you and your friend full out. alternatively you can write about someone elses quarrel. which of the friends was right/ wrohg? either

take one friends side and jistify your opinion or take no sides and give your reasons.

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