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Agatha Christie биография

5-9 класс

Alexandraa2508 02 авг. 2014 г., 11:54:29 (9 лет назад)
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02 авг. 2014 г., 14:34:56 (9 лет назад)

Agatha Christie was one of England's most famous writers. Her crime and detective stores became famous for their clever plots. Agatha Christie was often called the queen of crime.

Agatha Christie was born in Devon, England in 1890 as the daughter of a British army captain. During the First World War she worked in a hospital as a nurse. Later on she got a job in a pharmacy. This influenced many of her crime stories because some of her victims were poisoned.

Agatha Christie was married twice and especially her second husband travelled a lot with her. Some of her novels, like "Death on the Nile" were set in the Middle East. "Murder on the Orient Express" was written in Istanbul.

At the beginning of the 1970s Agatha Christie became ill, but she went on writing. When she died in 1976 she had written over 60 novels, 150 short stories and 16 plays. Her stage play "The Mousetrap" is the longest running play in history. It was first performed in 1952 and after a record 23,000 performances it is still running today.

Many of Christie's books and short stories have been turned into successful movies.


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Complete the sentences. Use the present simple and present continuous in each pair.

1. a) He ... (not wear) a school uniform today.
b) He always ... (wear) sports clothes.
2. a) Our teacher ... (work) now.
b) She ... (not work) at the weekends.
3. a) I ... (not use) a computer at the moment.
b) We sometimes ... (use) computer.
4. a) We ... (study) English at the moment.
b) We ... (not study) English every day.

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перевод текста. ALEX: Hi Maria! MARIA: Hi! ALEX: What's your favourite literary genre? MARIA: I love novels and

short stories.

ALEX: Novels? You must be kidding! they are so boring!

MARIA: No, i'm not. i really love them. So what are your favourite genres then?

ALEX: Oh, I love detective stories and comedies.

MARIA: Such an interesting choice. I bet you are into Agatha Christie books!

ALEX: Absolutely! And what is your favourite author?

MARIA: Well... O. Henry i guess...Yes, he is my favourite author.

ALEX: His stories are both short and romantic, that's what you like. It's no wonder that he is your favourite author.

MARIA: Exactly!

Copy the words and word combinations which can be used with the article a/an

....palace,...... gallery .......actors.....politician...... enjoy......town,......famous park,.......active part ,.....interesting,..... adventures,.....answer,.....islands,......character,.... London,.....history,.......Agatha Christie,...... author,....... know,.....independent,.... newspaper.

Просто проверьте. есть ли ошибки? Если да, то исправьте пожалуйста. СРОЧНО, пожалки.

Murder on the Orient Express, published in 1934, is one of my favourite novels. It was written by a remarkable British novolist, Agatha Christie. It is one of the most famous works by Agatha Christie.
It is set on the train called the Orient Express. It all starts with the fact that a man is murdered. And Poirot has to find the kill who is still on the train. The main character - its Poirot, his Agatha Christie very truthful and vividly descrebed. The ending will surprise you as the mysteries are finally found out.
Agatha Christie is an outstanding novel. Once I picked up the book, I couldnt put it down because this book which full murder, mystery, suspense and excitement. I recommend it, especially to those who enjoy mysteries or like a really good book.

Вот ответы . задайте к ним вопросы плиззз!!!

William Shakespare
1. He lived in Stratford-on-aAvon
2) He acted in *The Globe*,
3)He wrote in the golden age of English literature .

Agatha Christie
1) In 1890
2) She got married in 1914.
3) She wrote more than a hundred stories.

Jack London
1) His father was a farmer.
2)He had a lot of jobs.
3) He wrote stories about animals.

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