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нужно вставить слова срочно очень помогите

10-11 класс

Karachun00 16 нояб. 2013 г., 20:24:13 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 нояб. 2013 г., 22:15:46 (10 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

In each mini-dialogue put one verb into the present perfect simple and the other into thepresent perfect continuous. Use contractions where possible.1 A:

What’s the matter? You look worried!B: Yes, I am. I ’ve been looking at (look at) the contract in detail, and I ’ve noticed (notice) a lot ofpotential problems.2 A: I (call) Carol all day, but it goes straight to voicemail.B: I expect she (go) to Head Office.3 A: ‘Tosca’ is coming to the Opera House. (you see) it?B: Not yet, but I (look forward) to it for ages.Shall we go together?4 A: How long (you produce)cars at this site?B: About four years. We(invest) around twenty million dollars in plantand machinery.

Письмо в официальном стиле
2. It's (their/theirs) doors, not (our/ours).

3. They're new pupils and I don't know (their/theirs) names.
4. (My/Mine) flat is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers) is nicer.
5. That's not (my/mine) book. (My/mine) is new.
6. They took (our/ours) books and we took (their/theirs).
7. Are these pencils (her/hers)?
8. Is this (your/yours) house or (their/theirs)?
Помогите пожалуйста выбрать правильный вариант из скобок.

проверьте на ошибки I believe that people need robots. They will do all the human work, thus making our lives better. 1)I have a

robot, his name is Bender.

2) Bender is 6 years .

3)He is able to: talk, walk, fly, swim under water, jumpand much more.

4) My parents bought Bender as a bodyguard and butler.

5)He perfectly copes with responsibilities at home like cooking, washing dishes, washing clothes, vacuuming the flat making repairs, caring for animals, helping me with homework, going shopping.

6) For 6 years we have become close friends.

7) My robot is very humane, obedient, caring.

8) Bender is easy to use. It is switched with the button, which is located in his neck.

9) Bender does not differ in appearance from the other robots. It is made of metal. Growth together with antenna is 6 feet. Weight is 525 pounds. He works thanks to its microcheaps and cables.

10) I am happy that I have such a robot

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сюда нужно вставить time words : first/ as soon/ as/ after/ etc|When|befort.... и т.д.
и слова weather: cloudy|wet|sunny|... и т.д. помогите срочно надо очень

one Danish village in 2007 was discovered the skull, which is called Силендским. Studies have shown that it was several times перепрятан and that its owner had existed in the 13th and 14th centuries. Dimensions of the skull in one and a half times the human and the most interesting feature is the huge orbit - judging by their size the owner of this skull could see well in the dark. And the smooth surface of the cranial bones indicates that it is being successfully surviving in cold conditions

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!Нужно вставить слова за место цифр.

Steven Sonnenberg (1) in Germany,but he (2) to Boston,USA with his parents when he (3) six years old.He (4) there languages-German,English, and Russian.I (6) law at Harvard from 2000-2004.Now i (7) a course in international studies at the Sorbonne in Paris.After the course,i (8) on holiday to Russia.I can't wait to see the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg.
Слова которые нужно вставить:has, studied, speaks, emigrated, was born, 'm going, was, 'm doing.

Помогите пожалуйста ,нужно вставить слова в пропусках

1.Excuse me,do you speak English? I ... for a hotel
1.look 2.am looking 3. Was looking 4. Have been looking

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