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She has coffee in the morning .поставить в вопросительное и отрицательное .

5-9 класс

Кристи12 05 февр. 2014 г., 14:12:45 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 февр. 2014 г., 15:53:35 (10 лет назад)

вопросительное : 
Did she has coffee in the morning?
She hasn't coffee in the morning.


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переводите текст на русский. 200 баллов

I name Bulat. I m eieven yeans. I go to the pool . I study in 9 class.
My buddy call Almaz. Him eight year. He to go to school second class.
Mihe mum call Raichana she work manager.
Mine dad call Ayzat. He work driver.
Our family merry frindly and industrious

Поставьте глаголы из текста в прошедшее время.Просто напишите глаголы. A patient comes to see the doctor.He is coughing badly.Thr doctor says he

doesn`t like the patient`s cough and asks him to take off his shirt.He wants to know how long the patient has had his hough.The doctor asks to patient it regualrly and explains that he hasn`t come about hiscough.He says hes feet hurt every time he walks.He has had this pain for 2 weeks.Then he understands that he has had new shoes for 2 weeks too.

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Раскрой скобки и поставь глаголы в нужном времени1. Tom usually ......... (drink) coffee in the morning, but today he ....... (drink) tea.

2. It ........ (rain) again. It often ...... (rain) here in autumn.
3. Where,s mother? She ..... (make) cakes. She always ..... (make) cakes for guests.
4. Look, there,s. She ...... (wain) for David. She usually ....... (wait) for him after lessons.
5. John can,t come. He ....... (write) a letter to Sarah. He always ...... (write) to her on her birth-day.
6. Where are the boys? - They ..... (play) hockey. They ...... (play) hockey at Sport Club.
7. I can hear music. - Yes, David ...... (play) the piano. He ...... (play) the piano very well.
8. Bill can,t help you with your work. He ...... (work) in the garden. He sometimes ...... (help) the gardener.
9. Jeff ...... (work) as a taxi driver. Now he is on holidays, he ..... (not work).
10. ........ (you read) this book about flowers? - No, I ....... (be not). I ...... (never read) such books.

Поставь глаголы , данные в скобках , в present simple. John Fields1 ) ... (be) a farmer.He 2)...(get up) at 5 o'clock in the morning . He 3)...(wash)

,4)...(get) dressed and 5) ..(have) breakfast. He 6)..(put on) his coat and 7) ...(go) outside. He 8)...(milk) the cows early in the morning .His wife and chilren 9)..(not/get up) so early. They 10) ...(get up) at 7 o'clock . His Wife 11) ... (feed) the chickens and then she 12) ... (make) some tea for herself.The chilren 13) ...(not/like) tea. They 14) ...(drink) milk.At 7:30 am, John 15)...(take) the chilren to school.His wife 16)...(help)John on the farm and then she 17)...(do)the housework.At 4o'clock , the children 18)...(come) home from school.Mrs Fields 19)...(cook)dinner.John 20)...(not/help) his wife with the cooking because he can't cook.In the evening , John and his wife 21) ...(watch) TV or 22)...(listen) to the radio .The children 23)...(not/watch) TV. They 24) ...(do) their homework.They all 25)...(go) to bed at 9:00 pm.

решите плиз поставте правильное время At 10 o'clock in the morning yesterday I(lie)on the beach When my mother came home I (do) my homework When she

(meet)him he (go)to school The phone (ring)when we have dinner What you (do)at 10o'clock in the morning?

Помогите перевсти из прямой речи в косвенную)) 1-Sharron Davies was 13 when she first competed in the Olympic Games. 2-Britain's swimming

star has won prizes since then.

3-Our interviewer went to find out more about her.

4-How old were you when you started swimming?

5-I learnt to swim when I was six.

6-When I was eleven I started swimming in the British Junior Team.

7-Is swimming the most important thing in your life?

8-Swimming is my life.

9-I swim for three to five hours a day,six days a week.

10-I am often in the pool at 5-30 in the morning.

11-What do you do when you are not swimming?

12-I have my two dogs and two cats to look after.

13-I do not like parties much,but I like going to the cinema.

14-Why do you think swimming is such a good spot?

15-Swimming is better than other sports because it exercises all the different parts of your body.

16-But best of all,swimming is the only sports which teaches you how to save someone's life.

17-What is been the best moment in your career?

18-Winning the silver medal at the Olympics has been the high point so far.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!!!

написать предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме: 1.My uncle usually drinks coffee in the morning. 2.Jane always walks to


3. We often work in the garden on Satuday.

4. The children play with their toys every evening.

5. His Granny makes a cake every weekend.

6. I write letters to may friends every month.

7. Ben goes shopping on Friday.

За ранее спасибо,

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