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Answer the questions inserting the correct articles/

5-9 класс

1. When ..... sun is dhining we say ...... weather is fine, it's sunny! However, it is not always sunny ...... weather changes: Sometimes it rains. Sometimes ..... wind is blowing and all ....... trees shake. So, what is ...... weatherlike?
2. Which of the following make ..... weather? Mark haw you think is right ....... sun which is shining in the sky? Or ........ clouds that cover ........ sky and which are sometimes white and sometimes dark grey?
3. Can people survive without ...... air? How can rivers or seas be without ...... water? How do ......... sun, ...... air and ....... water make ....... weather?

БондареваВиктория 22 нояб. 2013 г., 20:53:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 нояб. 2013 г., 21:37:36 (10 лет назад)

1the, the, because of, the, the, the.
2.the, the, a, the.
3.any, any, the, an, the, the.


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составить слово из букв a s i r
Люди помогите!! Переведите плиз!! (не через переводчик) Scooter boards Matt is а highly-paid computer engineer. Не works on the

twelfth floor of а modern office building. Each morning he travels to work by bus. Не carries а laptop computer and is smartly dressed. Не doesn’t t look very different from all the other office workers on the bus. However, when Matt gets off the bus he changes. Не puts his laptop bag over his shoulder and unfolds the scooter board he is carrying under his arm. Не gets on the scooter board and takes off. Smiling happily, he rides through the crowd of people walking to work. If there is not much traffic, he will ride on the road. Не travels faster and faster as he goes downhill. When he arrives at his office, he rides his scooter board through the entrance and right up to the lift. Here, he gets off, folds up the scooter board and puts it under his arm. Не steps into the lift, just like everyone else.
Millions of people have bought scooter boards in the last two years. For а while, the craze was so great that manufacturers found it is difficult to make enough scooter boards. They were originally developed as toys for children, but soon everyone from university students to lawyers were buying them.
Some people use scooter boards for convenience. For example, it takes Matt ten minutes to walk from the bus stop to his office, but only five minutes on the scooter board. Often, though, people want scooter boards just because they are fun. Some people say that riding а scooter board feels like snowboarding through the streets. Matt gets а thrill from speeding along the footpath. Не loves being able to take his scooter board where cars and bicycles can' t go.

Читайте также

1How do they call present giver at Christmas in China? 2To answer the question you should read "the Gift of the Magi" by O.Henry.What Christmas

presents did Della and Jim prepare for each other? 3.To answer the question you should read "the Gift of the Magi" by O.Henry.What did Della sell to buy Christmas present for Jim? 4 Shakespeare s play has the same name as the festival next to Christmas.What s the name of this festival?

Answer the questions

1) are you answering the teachers questions?
2) is your sister sleeping?
3) is your mother preparing dinner?
4) are you playing the piano?
5) are your friends playing chess?
6) is your father looking throught the newspapers?
7) is the dog barking in the yard?
8) are you doing your homework?
9) is the sun shining in the sky?
10) are you listening to the radio?
11) are you sweeping the floor?
12) what are you doing?

Have a look at the pictures below and then answer the question that follows.

In what areas can the question of animal rights arise?
You may make use of the following words and expressions:to trap , genetic engineering, to hunt, red deer, to shoot, chemical and cosmetic test, captive, a net, to conduct experiments on, laboratory, animals under experimentation, electrical shocks, to implant electrodes in the animals brains.

Пожалуйста помогите за ранее спасибо....мне очень срочно надо....

Part 2. Correct the mistakes

1.What are you doing when the police arrived?
2. Mary can"t answer the questions.She hadn"t read the text yet.
3. It is often snow in December.
4. The lesson started since twenty minutes ago.
5. These pupils have finished Unit Fifteen last week.
6. They have been written the test for an hour.
7. John is doing exercises since 8 o"clock.
8. The boy are not runing right now.They are playing tennis.
9. I am thinking he will be happy to get the toy.
10. He was writing a new book for four years, but he has done only half of it.

Find the mistakes and correct them. Answer the questions. 1. Do more people speak the Chinese or the English?

2. Which is the largest country in the world?
3. Is the Africa larger than the Europe?
4. Which sea is smaller, the Baltic Sea or the Black Sea?
5. Are the Himalayas or the Alps the highest mountains in the world?
6. The deepest lake in the world is the Lake Ontario, isn't it?
7. Is the Caspian Sea or the Dead Sea the saltiest in the world?
8. Is the Amazon shorter than the Nile?
9. Does the Nile flow through the Egypt or through the Iran?

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