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TEST 2 • Reading Taskl Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5). There are three choices you don't need to use. Write your answers on the separ

10-11 класс

ate answer sheet. Peacekeeping Wherever there is conflict in the world and enemies have agreed to let a third party or neutral force come in to try and maintain the peace, it is usually the familiar blue helmets of the United Nations that we see on the scene. (D The actual definition of peacekeeping is a bit unclear and it was never written into the original U N Charter, but it goes something like «using military personnel f r om different countries under the command of the U N to control and resolve armed conflicts either between or within states». Peacekeeping is neither just finding out the facts nor full-scale military intervention, but something in between. Over the last ten years it has become clear that for peacekeeping to work certain things must already be in place — the conflicts must actually have finished and there must be a genuine desire for peace on both sides. The peacekeeping force must have clear international support and a mandate that shows it is strictly neutral; and it needs adequate resources to do the job. (2) There have been 56 U N peacekeeping operations in total since 1948, although over 30 of those have happened since 1990. Two of these operations have in fact never stopped since 1948: the interventions in the Arab/Israeli conflict following the foundation of the state of Israel, and in the dispute between Pakistan and India over the Kashmir region. Another that has been going on for over forty years is on the divided island of Cyprus, where peace has been maintained between Greek and Turkish Cypriots since March 1964. (3) There are different types of intervention, some more discrete than others: Observation/monitoring only, for example of Cuban troops leaving Angola or of the Iran-Iraq ceasefire in 1991. Assisting a country to independence, for example in Namibia 1978— 1989. Armed intervention, for example in the Suez Canal region 1956—1967 to keep Egypt and Israel apart and supervise the withdrawal of troops f r om the UK, France and Israel. (4) They are professional soldiers, civilian police and m i l i t a r y observers f r o m any member country of the U N . These countries also p r o v i d e supplies, transp o r t a t i o n , telecommunications, and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e help, amongst other t h i n g s . (5) Somalia was the first b i g f a i l u r e f o r U N i n t e r v e n t i o n in 1992. In Srebrenica in 1994, a Dutch force under U N command failed to p r e v e n t a massacre of the local population, and in R w a n d a in the same year there was fullscale genocide of nearly a million people, despite a peacekeeping force of 5,000. Four U N missions to A n g o l a failed to stop civil war breaking out again and again. I t seems only if there is a real will to t u r n away f r o m w a r , can peacekeepers be e f f e c t i v e . T h e attack on U N headquarters in Baghdad in 2003 has also called into question the respect f o r being impartial which the o r g a n i z a t i o n t h o u g h t it had. N e v e r t h e l e s s , most people agree that the w o r l d still needs some kind of neutral body, backed by f o r c e i f necessary, f o r helping f o r m e r enemies make the transition f r o m w a r to peace. A W h o A r e the Peacekeepers? В Some Success Stories C W h a t Is It? D W h o Pays? E A r e A l l U N Peacekeeping Missions Similar? F T h e Future G H o w L o n g Has I t Been G o i n g on? H D i d n ' t Peacekeeping Get a Bad N a m e in the 1990s?

Aminel13 05 февр. 2015 г., 17:18:12 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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05 февр. 2015 г., 17:58:09 (9 лет назад)

ТЕСТ 2 • Читающий Тэскл Рид текст ниже. Выбор матча (— H) к (1 — 5). Есть три выбора, который Вы не должны использовать. Напишите свои ответы на отдельном листе ответа. Поддержание мира Везде, где есть конфликт в мире и врагах, согласилось позволить третьему лицу, или нейтральная сила входят, чтобы попытаться поддержать мир, это обычно - знакомые голубые каски Организации Объединенных Наций, которую мы видим на сцене. (D фактическое определение поддержания мира немного неясно, и это никогда не писалось в оригинальный U N Чартер, но это идет что-то как «использование военнослужащих f r om разные страны под командой U N, чтобы управлять и решить вооруженные столкновения или между или в пределах государств». Поддержание мира ни просто не узнает факты, ни полномасштабное военное вмешательство, но что-то промежуточный. За прошлые десять лет стало ясно, что для поддержания мира, чтобы работать определенные вещи должны уже быть на месте — конфликты, должно быть, фактически закончились и с обеих сторон должно быть подлинное стремление к миру. У миротворческих сил должны быть ясная международная поддержка и мандат, который показывает, что это строго нейтрально; и это нуждается в соответствующих ресурсах, чтобы сделать работу. (2) было 56 U N операции по поддержанию мира всего с 1948, хотя более чем 30 из тех произошли с 1990. Две из этих операций фактически никогда не останавливались с 1948: вмешательства в арабский/Израильский конфликт после фонда государства Израиля, и в споре между Пакистаном и Индией по области Кашмира. Другой, который продолжал больше сорока лет, находится на разделенном острове Кипр, где мир был поддержан между греческими и турецкими киприотами с марта 1964. (3) Есть различные типы вмешательства, некоторые более дискретные, чем другие: Наблюдение/контроль только, например кубинских войск, уезжающих из Анголы или перемирия Ирана-Ирака в 1991. Помощь стране к независимости, например в Намибии 1978 — 1989. Вооруженное вмешательство, например в регионе Суэцкого канала 1956 — 1967, чтобы держать отдельно Египет и Израиль и контролировать вывод войск f r om Великобритания, Франция и Израиль. (4) Они - кадровые военные, гражданская полиция и военные наблюдатели из любого государства-члена ООН. Эти страны также обеспечивают поставки, transp ortation, телекоммуникации и административную помощь, среди других вещей.


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1. Read the text below. Fill in each gap with one word which best

1. Read the text below.
Fill in each gap with one word which best fits each space(1-4).
Ukrainian Art
1)............. galleries feature beautiful art works such as
paintings, graphic arts, design, sculptures, crafts,pysanky, and
fotographs from both local and international artists, visitors can enjoy
exquisite works of arts created by highly-talented artists. Several
great artists from Ukraine have become 2)................ worldwide for a
variety of artists styles. An important religious art form is the
3)..............., a hihly stylized painted image of a religious figure
or event; icon art came to Ukraine from Byzantium with the
Christianizing in 988.
Ukrainian folk art is rich and colourful. The
tradition of the Easter eggs has its beginings in Ukraine, where these
4)........... are called pysanky. Weaving and woodcarving are also
important in Ukrainian art.
2. Write down five special questions to the text of task 1 .
Дуже терміново !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read the text and match items A-G to the gaps 1-6. There is one item you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table


There are many different kinds of activities for us to enjoy nowadays. In fact, there is something for all personality types.

If you are the brave, adventurous kind,

you can try skydiving or white-water rafting.

Many people are crazy about sports like these (1). Today we live in the 'extreme' sport world. We seek adventure instead of


If you are the quieter type, you may enjoy gardening or fishing. These activities are more relaxing 9 (3). Seeds sewn in the spring result in beautiful flowers that can brighten up your mood; fishing with friends can strengthen the relationship you have, or may just be a relaxing day out with a tasty supper at the end!

The imaginative may take up art classes or learn sculpture. In today's fast-paced world we all appreciate the opportunity to express

ourselves and take it easy (4) . Solitary

activities like knitting or stamp collecting, once considered to be old-fashioned, are becoming popular again.

Traditional team sports like football or basketball are great for developing team spirit and a sense of national pride. However, shy, reserved types prefer to watch them from the comfort of their couches rather than practise the sport itself. It is a pity(5).

Today's pastimes are often linked to technology and may encourage us to be lazy. Surfing the Net or chatting online is a popular pastime for many but more sociable types prefer to go to the cinema or go to an exhibition (6).

Whatever we like to do in our free time, the main thing is to find something that we enjoy doing and be open to new experiences.

A as sports like these have the ability to make us fit and strong

B and they bring many rewards

C because some people would rather go snowboarding

D where they can be in direct contact with people

E because of the adrenaline rush they get from them

F after a hard day at the office

G staying at home and playing cards or board games

Помогите пожалуйста: Задание: for guestions 1-6, read the text below. Use the words in the capitals to form new words that fit the same numbered space

in the text : *Tomas Edisons most famous (1)_____(INVENT) is probably the light-bulb *The phonograph,he said,wouid (2)______(PLACE) shorthand typists andit would be used to teach languages. *He believed that a phonograph and a clock would (3)______(ACTUAL) say that the time was. *Edison also believed that people would listen to (4)______(WORLD,FAME) musicians on phonographs in their own homes. *People have (5) _____(LARGE) forgotten Edisons invention,but it was actually the (6)_____(EARLY) kind of record or cassette player.

For questions 1-11,read the text below. Use the words given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a world that fits in the gap in the

same line. 1.ROUND 2.SUIT 3,USE 4.FUNCTION 5,REPUTE 6,DESIGN 7.EXTREME 8,ATTRACT 9,CHOOSE 10.NATURE 11.CYCLE Whether you are at home ,at school or in the office ,you are likely to be 1,,,,,,,,,,, by object made of some kind of plastic material. And , of course ,there are many types of plastics ,each one 2..... for a particular use. Thin, flexible plastic is good for making objects such as bags ,whereas thick , hard plastic is a 3..... material for making things like pens, DVD cases and other 4... objects . So, although plastic has a 5... for beign cheap and disposable ,in the hands of a good 6.... ,it can also be used to make objects of great beauty. As well as offering 7... high quality at low price , plastic can take almost any shape ,colour or consistency , and has been used to make very 8..... pieces of furniture . Plastic can also be seen as an environmentally friendly 9.....of material It can be used in place of other materials that are in short supply in their 10.... state ,such as certain types of wood ,and it is also very hard-wearing , When you no longer wanted it,then it would almost centainly be possible to 11... the material...

Read the text below about Elizabeth II. According to the text, mark the statements 1-11 true(T), false(F), or unstated(U).

Queen Elizabeth is the queen of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Head of the Commonwealth. Elizabeth II is a modern, constitutional monarch. T his means she isn’t the head of Britain’s government, but she is the Head of State. Elizabeth II became the queen in 1952. Her coronation took place in 1953. It was the first coronation to be shown on television.

Queen Elizabeth II has a wide range of duties to perform. Here are some of them. The Queen takes part in many important government processes, for example, the State Opening of Parliament. Among her many royal duties are regular visits abroad, which help to keep friendly links with foreign countries, and especially those of Commonwealth, and to encourage trade. The Queen also supports many charities, using her name and influence to help them to raise money. In January and June the Queen presents medals or “honours” at Buckingham Palace. She gives them to people who have done something special. “The honours list” includes famous people such as top actors, musicians, politicians, scientists as well as ordinary people whose actions have benefited their local community.

When foreign kings, queens and presidents visit Britain, they often stay at either Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. But the Queen doesn’t just entertain Heads of State. Four times a year there are also “Royal Garden Parties”. The Queen invites all kinds of people. Some are famous, but other people have just worked hard for charities for a long time. Nine thousand people are invited to the parties which take place in the grounds of Buckingham Palace..Prince Philip and other “royal’s” often come too, so the royal family can talk to as many people as possible.

In 1969, the Queen wanted to “ open a window” on to the royal family. That year television cameras came into the royal home and filmed the family in private for the first time. Forty million people watched the programme. They saw a different side of the royal family. The programme brought the royal family closer to people, but it also helped to make problems for the future. Now the public wanted to see more and more of royal private life. It was harder to keep the reporters out. In the last thirty years there have been a lot of documentaries, series and interviews about the royal family. Before the days of television they seemed formal. Today they seem informal and friendly. As well as TV programmes, there are also newspaper stories, books and magazines about the Queen and her family. Hundreds appear every year. Some are good- many are bad, but almost all of them are popular.

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