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памогите написать текст на тему My rules

10-11 класс

Nebo55555 02 авг. 2013 г., 6:01:41 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 авг. 2013 г., 6:35:29 (10 лет назад)

I love how close my family is. I have two younger sisters and we’re always there for each other and support each other every chance we get. This is what I wish for my two boys, a close relationship with each other and with my husband and me. We actively work on developing routines and habits for our family and although our two boys are still very young what better time to start than now?I have found over the past year and a half that consistency, predictability and simplicity have been key with my eldest son. With that in mind, we have begun to establish rituals, or rules, that we hope will make our family closer today and into the future. Here are 5 family rules that we have implemented so far.


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Change the following sentences into the Active Voice

1. A great deal of property is destroyed by tornadoes every year. 2. A lot of buildings were ruined by the hurricane. 3.Several few proposals were being considered by the MPs.
4.Some new equipment has been ordered by the company.
5. These papers should be signed by the company.
6. The Prime Minister should have been called this morning 7.The works of art have been examined by the experts.
8. The papers will have been received by John by tomorrow.
9. Tina Turner is being interviewed on TV now.
10. Ms Greta will be called (by somebody) tonight.

Помогите !!(

Use the forms to complete the sentencesthree days ago Roy (go) to the Lake District we (have) only four classes last wednesdayWhen on holidays i (travel)

a lot and (see) a lot of inter-esting placesWe didnt walk to the zoo jn Tuesday.we (to.go)late

как задать вопросы по Английский

кем ты работаешь
чем ты занимаешься в свободное время
вам нравится индийская еда
откуда ты
вы получили квартиру
ты ездиешь каждый день в Лондон
ты изучаешь китайский язык

1. Why has he given up French?
Помогите пожалуйста) Что нужно вставить в место точек?)

1) Where ... the reys?
2)What ... the time,please?-Two o'clocr.
3) Which sport do you thinr ... the most danger ous?
4)What ... the weather forecast for tomorrow?
5)You ... the best friend I've ever had.
6)Two heads ... better than one.

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