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Сочинение на тему: What you would do to improve the world? Think of actions you could take to help make the world a better place. (20-25 lines)

10-11 класс

Lubobov 18 марта 2017 г., 22:33:26 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 марта 2017 г., 0:08:11 (7 лет назад)

World is a huge space. I think now out planet is suffering from our own hands: we crash it down every year. You know about Global Warming? Its the result of humans' actions. We bulit alot of factories every year, and stuff like that.

Firstly, we should solve world's problems like GW... we should stop using so much electricity, its not that hard to do. Just turn off the light when you don't need it. You can be sure, if 20 people do like that its gonna be much better for our planet. Every person has a chance to make our world "feel better". I think the commercial of plastic bags was an amazing variant!


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Write what you would do if... Use the phrases from the box below or your own ideas.

I would ask them what the matter was.
I would try to explain to them that he / she is not bad at all // I would invite the friend home to meet my parents.
I would ring him / her up early in the morning to wake him / her up on time.
I would give him / her the copebook // I would refuse to give the copybook.
I would fight with him / her // I would never speak to him / her again // I would not be his / her friend any longer // I would try to convince him / her not to do it again.
I would explain to him that he was wrong.
I would feel depressed and angry // I would come without invitation because I am a friend.
I would do my best to help him.
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2. If two of your good friends did not want to see each other?
3. If your parents did not like your best friend?
4. If your friend asked you to give him / her your homework to copy?
5. If your friend did not invite you to his / her birthday party?
6. If your friend told you lies?
7. If your friend were always late for his classes?
8. If your friend were rude to the classmates?
9. If your friend were in trouble?

Ответьте, пожалуйста, на вопросы(только содержательно)

1)What environmental problems our country has;(Russia)
2) What environmental problem you consider to be the most serious, why;
3) What people can do to improve the situation.

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