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перевидите пожаоуйста This is a bedroom.

10-11 класс

Тура1488 24 дек. 2013 г., 6:54:20 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 дек. 2013 г., 8:46:16 (10 лет назад)

Это спальня. Это и есть перевод)

+ 0 -
24 дек. 2013 г., 10:36:04 (10 лет назад)

This is a bedroom-это спальня


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They want to escape_____the routine____ everyday life

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Переделайте из прямой речи в косвенную:

1) Grandpa said:"We may buy a new car next year"
2) The publisher said: "Mess media became more powerfull this century
3) The farmer said:"It will rain tomorrow"
4) My brother said:"I like traveling from time to time"
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Прочитать стихотворение и перевести.Перевод должен быть литературный.И придумать свое стихотв и перевод Спасибо.This is a ball.And these are toys.That

is a girl.And those are boys.This is a parrot.And these are frogs.That is a dolphin.And those are dogs.Задание 3 класса слова должны быть легкие

Перевести не с переводчика.This is the little Red Hen.Her name is Jen,or Jen the Hen.Jen the Hen is very clever.Jen the Hen got a family.She has got thr

ee little children-three little chickens.They live in a brown house in Green Street.Jen the Hen has got one son and two daughters.They are yellow.They are very,very nice.They like to run and jump.How Jen the Hen loves them all! They are a happy family.Jen the Hen has got three friends.They are a cat,a dog,and a duck.This is Cat.The Cat-s name is Pam,or Pam the Cat.She is big grey cat.She lives in Green Street,too.

Вставьте подходящее по смыслу притяжательные местоимения: its, her, his, their. Задайте 5 спец. вопросов к тексту. This is a class - room. It is

large.___ walls are green. ____floor is brown. This is Mrs.Smith. She is a teacher. She is at ____ table. ___ students are text - books are open. They read the text. ____ text is interesting. This is a student. ___ book is at home. __ copy- book is in ___ bag. ____ bsg is under the desk on the floor.

заполните пропуски определённым или неопределённым артиклем 1. this is ... textbook. ... textbook is old. 2. '' Is that ... easy text?'' ''Yes,

it is. ... text is very easy.'' 3.This is ... apple. ... apple is good. 4.'' Is thet ... cat?'' '' Yes, it is. ... cat's white.'' 5. ''Is ... pencil red?'' '' No, it isn't . ...pencil is black.'' 6. Open ... textbook, please.Read ... text, please. 7.''Is Bill ... good student?'' ''Yes, he is.He's ... very good student.'' 8. Mr Petrov is ... famous diplomat.

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