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сочинение на тему осенью на улице 2 страницы

1-4 класс

Marina110500 25 апр. 2013 г., 15:01:53 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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25 апр. 2013 г., 15:48:20 (11 лет назад)

Autumn - a positive mood, but at the same time sad. Even the melancholy sometimes. The color dreams, the most honest conversations, the lightest of memories. The rains. It rains a lot, the world's best buddies and buddies. Fogs. In the head and on the street.And the temperature that is necessary. Hurry, hurry autumn, all new paint finds it for his paintings. Gray clouds cover the sky. Wash cold rain motley dress of leaves. Their work took autumn's most vibrant colors and began painting. Birch and poplar covered it with lemon yellow. And the leaves of Osiek and maple how they have rouged like ripe apples. All the trees and even bushes painted autumn to autumn: one in the yellow dress, one in bright red. Only pine Yes ate she did not know how to decorate. They have on the branches, not the leaves, and needles, and they are difficult to paint. Let, as were green in summer and remain. And suddenly change their autumn colors. Plants grey, faded. Empty fields.Even wider, roomier became. And stretched over them in the autumn sky shoals of migratory birds: cranes, geese, ducks... Flying birds in warmer climes. Wonderful make the picture. Just seems like something is not finished, as if waiting for something quiet autumn rain washed the fields and woods. I wait impatiently bare branches of bushes and trees, when a new artist, and clothe them in a fluffy white dress. It seems to me that this is the most beautiful time of the year. I especially love the end of September the leaves of the trees in this period is simply amazing... these days I like to walk through the forest, feeling the cool, clear air; to behold the red and yellow colors, feel pleasant sadness... Autumn...

+ 0 -
25 апр. 2013 г., 17:21:21 (11 лет назад)

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