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Составить предложение:утвердительное и отрицательное

10-11 класс


Yakozhi2013 30 нояб. 2016 г., 19:52:55 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 нояб. 2016 г., 20:57:57 (7 лет назад)

Do  want what  does she breakfast


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите раскрыть скобки: A. When Peter was a child, he had two drawing books. One of

them was (large) than the other. His elder brother bought the

Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past



We _____________ there since 1980, you know. (to stay) – We had been staying there since 1980, you know.

He had married her two years before we met. (to marry) – He had married her two years before we met.

1. When the student revolution came, I _____________ there for 6 months. (to work)
2. Before Jim finally decided to go to Thailand, he _____________ about it for months. (to think)
3. They _____________ all the chocolate cake by the time Michael got to the party. (to eat)

4. I ______________ Scarlet Johansson on three previous occasions. Lucky me! (to meet)
5. The forensic evidence shows that he _____________ his nose just before he was murdered. (to pick)
6. When the doctor told him his liver was seriously bad, he _____________ hamburgers for a month. (to eat)
7. Prior to the explosion, the fat man _____________ seven large chocolate cakes. (to eat)
8. When they cancelled the flight to Alicante, the storm _____________ all afternoon with no sign of abating. (to rage)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Рresent continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

1.I (to play) chess tomorrow. 2.I (not to play) chess tomorrow. 3.You (to play chess tomorrow? 4.He (to play) chess every day. 5.He (not to play) chess every day. 6.He (to play chess every day? 7.They (to play) chess now. 8.They (not to play chess now. 9.They (to play) chess now? 10.Nick (to go) to the park now. 11.Nick (to go) to school every day. 12.Nick (to go) to school tomorrow. 13.You (to come to my place next Sunday? 14.You (to read) this book next week? 15.You (to read) books every day? 16.You (to read) a book now? 17.I (not to see) him tomorrow. 18.What you (to do) tomorrow? 19.What your friend (to do) tomorrow? 20.Where you (to go) next summer? 21.Where you (to go) every morning? 22.Where you (to go) now? 23.Look! Mary (to dance). 24.She (to dance) every day. 25.She (to dance) tomorrow?

Grade each group of five words according to the words in brackets (least first). One example (0) has been done for you. Eg.: 0- big, huge, gigantic,

massive, titanic, colossal
0. (size) massive, colossal, big, huge, titanic, gigantic,
1. (sound) giggled, laughed, smiled, guffawed, chuckled

поставте существительное во множественное число

wolf ,game ,tomato, class, child, day, tax

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста!

сделайте следующие предложения утвердительными или отрицательными в зависимости от смысла,употребив глаголы в нужной форме.
1.manufacturing industries (to be) important in all countries.
2.agriculture (to include)crop and animal farming.
3.mining (to belong) to the service sector.
4.industries of the primary sector (to process)resources.
5.fishing,forestry and beekeeping (to be) industries of the secondary sector,they (to belong) to the primary sector.
6.countries which (to be) rich in land (to produce) agricultural products.

соствьте предложения: утвердительное или отрицательное.


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