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1)Сhristoper Сolumbus discovered

5-9 класс

a) central america b) south america c) north america d) the united states of america

2) The first english settlements appeared in
a) north america b) south america c) central america d) america

3) The Mayflower is
a) the name of season b) the name of the first english settlement in america c) the name of a flower d) the name of the ship that sailed from plymouth for the new world in 1620

5) The first colonists started the tradition of
a) halloween b) independence day c ) thanksgiving day d) memorial day

6) The first president of the US was
a) george washington b) abraham lincoln c) jeffrey gefferson d) bill clinton

7) the capital of the US is
a) washington D, C. b) washington c) new york d) philadelphia

8) There were .... colonies in america in 1773
a) 13 b) 7 c) 21 d) 10

9) jeans are clothes worn by
a) cowboys in the wild west b) people all over the world c) levi strauss people d) actors in america

10) the american flag is often called
a) union jack b) the stars and stripes c) the red dragon d) the wite eagle

11) there are ...... stripes on the american flag
a) 7 b) 6 C) 50 d) 13

12) the oficial national symbol of the usa is
a) the statue of liberty b) the eagle c) the lurkey d) the mayflower

Sbfedorova77 02 дек. 2013 г., 19:18:53 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 дек. 2013 г., 20:42:03 (10 лет назад)

1) a 2) a 3) d 4) 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) a 9) b 10) b 11) d 12) b


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В is the hottest?

C got its name after a Roman god ?

D is known for its density?

E comes the second after Jupiter in size?

F was discovered by a musician?

G is believed to have water on the surface?

1 Venus, one of the planets in the solar system, is the second in distance from the Sun. Except for the Sun and the Moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky. The planet is called the morning star when it appears in the east at sunrise, and the evening star when it is in the west at sunset. Venus is never visible more than three hours before sunrise and three hours after sunset. The surface temperature is the hottest of any planet - about 477C.

2 Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is the fourth brightest object in Earth’s sky, after the Sun, the Moon, and Venus. The Romans named the planet for their chief god, Jupiter, because of its prominence in the sky. Jupiter is a ball of gas and has no solid surface.

3 Pluto is farther from the Sun than the other planets in the solar system. The small, rocky, and cold planet takes 247,7 years to revolve around the Sun. It was discovered in 1930. Pluto is the most distant planet in the solar system and it is very difficult to be detected. century Shakespeare and his friends had enough money to build their own

4. Uranus is a major planet in the solar system. Uranus has 11 known rings and 27 moons. Uranus was the first planet that people discovered by using a telescope. Sir William Herschel, a German-born British musician and astronomer, discovered the planet in 1781.

5. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Mercury is surprisingly dense because it has a very large iron core. Mercury’s surface is similar to the Moon’s because many asteroids constantly fall on it

6. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Saturn has its own ring system which was first seen by the Italian scientist Galileo in 1610. He did not understand that the rings were separate from the body of the planet. Later the rings were described correctly.

TROUBLE SPOT Many British and American teenagers have career classes on their timetable. A career teacher helps them discover their talents and tries

to help them find an appropriate profession.
Fill in this information about career education with job, profession, or career.

a) In their last three years at school, teenagers receive _________ advice. There are a lot of ____________ to choose from.
b) A ________________ teacher helps teenagers discover their interests and make the first steps to future ________________.
c) A lot of teenagers have a part-time __________________.
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What questions did the tourists ask the guide? What did the guide tell them? What/James Cook famous for? British? What/discover? Where/travel? He was a

great traveler and explorer. He sailed to Antartictica, Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia. Yes, he was English. He was born in Yorkshire. He discovered new lands for English.


Проверьте пожалуйста и исправьте грамматические ошибки.Two years ago my brothers and I were in Almaty without parents. It was one of the best holidays

of my life. First, we decided to visit there our favorite rink Medeo but because of repair, we do not agree to stay there. Then we decided to have lunch at restaurant. Tam were all adults and looked at us. After we ate we brought the bill to 29600 tg. We wondered whether we are for so much eaten. Come up with various plans out. But then it turned out that it was not our bill, it mixed up. Sighing quietly, we decided to go to the Fantasy World Aya. It was certainly fun, but we lost it to each other. All were found , except for younger brother, we did not know what to do. We called him all the time and I accidentally discovered that his phone in my bag. We split, looked everywhere. We have considered each carousel, each bench. Night fell, we still could not find him. Suddenly the guard said that there was a boy, we all ran after him. We were shown a very different boy. We have considered each carousel, each bench. Night fell, we still have not found. My brother said that we would return home and tell their parents in extreme cases the police. Upon returning home, we found him there, he quietly played in the computer. We were surprised that he has found a home and we are very happy. It was one of the most adventurous days of my life.

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце предложений, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложения.

The day was ________ yesterday. RAIN

What a _______ girl! BEAUTY

Tim is _______. He’s lost his favourite toy. HAPPY

This doctor is an eye __________. SPECIAL

Columbus was a famous _________. DISCOVER

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