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5-9 класс

В отрицательной и вопросительной форме!!!!
Утвердительно предложение дано:

Fedhc 21 марта 2015 г., 6:43:43 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 марта 2015 г., 8:25:03 (9 лет назад)

They didn't have to go the library every week last month.
Did they have to go the library every week last month?
They had to go the library every week last month, didn't they?

They won't have to go the library every week next month.
Will they have to go the library every week next month?
They will have to go the library every week next month, won't they?

+ 0 -
21 марта 2015 г., 10:49:57 (9 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории


Where is the Tallest observation wheel in the world?
Where is the Longest care system of the world?
Where was basketball invented?
What country is the only in the world which does not have the country is name on its postage stamps?
What is the most popular fruit in USA?
What lies at the feet of the second in the world to give women to right to vote in 1902?
What is the most popular sport in canada?
What city is home to 4 world Heritages Hes?
In what country was the world selfieused for the first mime?
In want state of the Usa were George Washington Thomas Sefferson James Madishon Sames Monroe William Henry Harrison Jon Tyler Zackary Taylor and Woodrou Willson (President the USA)
What is the world is longest underground tunnel?
What castle is the largest royal home in the world?
What castle is the official language of the USA?
What country the world Higby and pola?
What is the origin of the word Canada and what does it mean?
What pop band was once known as Johnny and the moondogs?


ЗАДАЙТЕ альтернативный вопрос:
1)Do you like roses or .....?
2)Werе you at the theatre or ....... yesterday?
3)Can you speak English or .......?
4)Did they buy peaches or .......?
5)Was it cold or ...... in Moscow?
6)Is she seven or ....... years old?
7)Are you a doctor or ......?
8)Is she your aunt or your ......?

Читайте также

Нужно верно составить предложения из английских слов.Естественно с добавлением дополнительных слов при котором предложение станет нормальным. Например:

даны слова: Make,tidy,his room. По этим словам нужно составить предложение. Например: Ann makes Steve tidy his room.
1) Want,make a mess,in the house,not.
2)Ask,turn the musik off.
3)Let,take,her things,not
4)Make,do the dishes.
5)Need,do the shopping.
6)Would like,walk the dog.

Как правильно составить предложение на английском?

Великобритания состоит из Англии, Северной Ирландии, Шотландии и Уэльса.
Но мне не нужно из переводчика,просто я не знаю,как составить предложение такого плана

составить предложения music i a long for have not time listened to

составить предложение Galileo telescope the first made it and looked straught

Составить предложения Poland/ you/ from/are? Robert/your/name/is? Tuesday/is/today/it? where/your/is/brother?



Составьте предложения плизз.

Образец: Very/your/dog/noisy/be Your dog is very noisy/

1. cupboard/the/in/shoes/your/be/

2. cloudy/today/it/be/

3. I/hungry/cold/and/be/

4. mother/doctor/a/be/my/

5. Russia/country/big/very/be/a/

6. American/cheerful/people/very/be/

Составить предложение со словом miracle.

Составить предложение со словом sickle(серп)
Заранее спасибо

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