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I've got ....money. I can't buy this CD.a) littleb)few

5-9 класс

16834 24 марта 2017 г., 12:42:12 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 марта 2017 г., 14:43:36 (7 лет назад)

i've got little money

+ 0 -
24 марта 2017 г., 17:28:41 (7 лет назад)

I've got little money

+ 0 -
24 марта 2017 г., 19:58:06 (7 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите на английский, плииз) 1.Мой новый друг спросил, откуда я родом 2.Мы не знали, где родилась наша бабушка 3.Что ты выяснил

о его семье? Когда они переехали в наш город?

4.Где ты был все это время?

5.Джейн спросила своего младшего брата, где он был

6.Когда мы жили за городом, мы с удовольствием удили рыбу

7.Я не знала, что ник любит спать на открытом воздухе

8.-Где питер?-Он ушел гулять с собакой

9.К тому моменту, когда мама вернулась, мы уже выучили новые слова

помонитееее пожалуйста

Читайте также

1)I've got to get up early. 2) I have to stay at home today. 3) I have to call Mary at once. 4) I've got to buy new shoes. 5) I've got to send a letter

to him at ince. 6) I've got to take my little brother to the zoo. 7) I have to do this exercise in writing. 8) I have to translate ehis arcticle. 9) I have to write a short story about some animal. 10) I've got to run now. example : I have to wake at five Why do you have to wake at five? I have to wake at five because my father takes me fiching and we are leaving at six. Спасибо!

помогите пожалуйста по английскому PUT IN THE MISSING WORDS: 1 - whats the matter with you, Sam? - I .........bad. I"ve got a .......... nose and a

......... . - Have you .........a cough? - No, only a .......... throat. - Well , my dear. i think you" ve got ........... . Stay in bed,, take ........... And you"ll fell ........... in a few days. - Shall i go ........ school tomorrow ? - No, you should ......... in bed for two or three days. - it"s great. Tomorrow the olympic games will begin and i can ........ sports from morning till night. - Oh, you are a .............. fan. aren"t you? - Yes, but I"m not just a .......... , I"m good .......... football and basketball.

Choose the correct answers. 1. We've got some/any milk and there's much/a lot of cheese,but there isn't much/many bread. There's a

little/a lot of orange juice, only enough for one glass.

2. Is there any/a lot of olive oil? No,there's no/any oil. There aren't many/any packets of nuts- we need a few/any more.

3. How much/many apples have we got? Oh,there are a lot of/a few apples,at least twenty. There are some/many oranges too and a few/a little kiwis,so we've got any/a lot of fruit,but we haven't got any/much vegetables.

4. I need some/any red peppers for this recipe, but there are no/a few peppers in the house. I'll have to go shopping.

решите по примеру - i can not buy this pair of shoes . They are not my size. if the shoes were my size , i would buy them 1) I c

an not wear this coat . it is out of fashion.


2) I do not wear this shirt . It does not match my trousers .


3) He does not put on that cap , It does not suit him.


4) I can not put on this cardigan . It is too tight .


5) I have to take a raincoat . It is going to rain .


6) He is short . he can not afford to wear shoulder-padded suits .



Сard 10 SHOPPING. 7.What can you buy at the bakers,grocers,greengrocers,fishmongers,dairy confectionary,sweet shop? 8.What is department

store?What goods can you buy there?

9.What is Selfridge"s?

10.Where is this store situated?

11.What other departament stores do you know?

12.Do you prefer departament stores or small shops?Why?

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