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сделайте небольшой расказ на улице на которой ты живешь спасибо на английском

5-9 класс

1999FiL1999 10 марта 2014 г., 4:53:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 марта 2014 г., 6:58:10 (10 лет назад)

I live on______.This a big street.This street is always illuminated by lanterns.I like walk on the street.Yesterday i my family and my friends walk on the street with my dog.There walk  lot children and people.Summer my friend and i play boll.There is interesting. I like walk on the street.
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1.) -Jane , dear,you ( 1. call) Emily? - Yes, I ( 2 .call) her about an hour ago, but I (3. not, speak) to her because she (4. have) a bath. I think I (5. try) again in a few minutes. She (6. have) her bath by this time.
2.) By seven o`clock yesterday evening the train (1. not, arrive) yet. The people on the platform (2.feel) cold as a strong wind (3. blow). Suddenly there (4.come) a voice from the loudspeaker which (5.say) that the train (6.arrive) a quater of an hour later. Mark who (7. stand) on the platform for half an hour already (8.decide) that he (9. go) to the snack bar and ( 10. drink) a cup of hot coffee.
3.) - Can I (1. have) my book back, Chris?-Sorry, I (2.not, read) it yet. But I (3.think) I (4.read) it by Saturday. Then I (5. bring) it to you myself. -you (6.like) it? -Oh , yes. Very much. Yesterday I (7. read) it for five hours non-stop. When mother (8.come) into my bedroom at 12 o`clock (9.say) " good night" to me I still (10. read) it.
4) Last Sunday Alice`s neighbour (1.ask) her (2.keep) her cat Flufff for three days when she (3.be) away on business. She (4.say) the cat (5.be) no trouble. But when Alice (6.wake) up the next morning she (7. notice) that the cat ( 8.eat) all the goldfish. When Alice (9.leave) for school the cat( 10. sleep) peacefully in the sun. When the girl ( 11.come) home the cat ( 12. disappear). It (13. take) poor Alice two hours (14. find) Fluff in someone`s garden where the cat ( 15.run) after birds.

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Chernobyl - the city of Kiev region Ukrainy.Chernobyl located on the Pripyat River . Before the accident, the city's population 12,500 people. Currently live in the city , only employees of institutions and enterprises of exclusion and squatters . Distance to Kiev -83 kilometra.Chernobl is the most polluted places in the world . Chernobl isolated due to radiation contaminationenvironmental situation
28y.o. passed since the Chernobyl accident , there are fewer birds and insects Wildlife thrives in the special zone because vozdeytvie little man . The radiation level in the area was dangerous to life only in the first year or two , but for ten years he fell 1,000-10,000 times .What is extreme is the place .Many people tell horror stories , many tourists want to visit veryat.Mnogo stoltainstvenny town called Pripyat . On the psychological impact of this gorodedovolno scary. There's still a remaining live people who do not want to leave their homes. There are rumors that there go live hermit society ( thieves, vagabonds ) For mnogihlyudey visit the mysterious city is overcome strahpered unknown maybe this is ekstrm . there is a lot that can collapse staryhsdany any minutui there are found many wild animals. Who knows, who knows ?)

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