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помогите решить задания буду очень благодарен вам)хотя бы что сможете)

10-11 класс

Nehaevayuliya 27 февр. 2017 г., 7:55:17 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 февр. 2017 г., 9:54:18 (7 лет назад)


we sent - we were sent

he cures - he is cured


he is forgotten - he was forgotten - he will be forgotten

we are shown - we were shown - we will be shown


Hokey is played in winter

Flowers were sent her yesterday

He will be invited to the tomorrows party


He tells about his trip.

Bread is bought in a shop.


I was shown to the doctor

I gave him my address

When was the mistake fixed?


The dictation will be written tomorrow

I will bring a new book


A box of fruit will be sent by them - ими будет послана коробка фруктов

A new car is bought by Tom - Томом покупается новая машина

The mother was followed by five small children - за мамой шли пять маленьких детей.


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№1 Choose the best options to fill in the gaps in the text:

Clouds play a powerful(1)____in warming and cooling our planet. Even a one-percent change in cloud can have dramatic(2)____on global temperature. On the one(3)____, clouds spread out like global umbrellas, blocking the sun's heat energy and reflecting much of it(4)____into space. That cools the planet. But clouds can also act like giant blankets(5)____trap heat radiating from Earth. This(6)____to keep the planet warm and suitable for life. All life processes on Earth depend on a balance(7)____this warming and cooling. If the balance shifts, the effects(8)____be disastrous. Colder winters or hotter summers could threaten entire species of plants and animals, and force whole populations-humans included-to move to different latitudes. Scientists are now studying clouds in an attempt to forecast(9)____climatic changes. They hope to(10)____answers to many questions.

| 1 | part | role | place |
| 2 | reason | effect | source |

| 3 | side | view | hand |
| 4 | out | back | round |

| 5 | which | while | when |
| 6 | has | helps | makes |

| 7 | among | in | between | | 8 | could | must | should | | 9 | so | such | a |

| 10 | look for | put | find |

№2 Choose the right words to complete the sentences:
1. They(can / might)____be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2. He(can / could)____be from Sheffield,judging by his accent.
3. They(can' t / may not)____still be out!
4. With luck,tomorrow(can / could)____be a cooler day.
5. You(can / might)____be right but I'm going back to check the information.

Помогите пожалуйста с этими заданиями,буду очень благодарен!

35 баллов!Помогите пожалуйста решить!Задания для института.Буду очень благодарен.

6.Используйте сравнительную или превосходную степень
соответствующих прилагательных и заполните пропуски.

СЛОВА boring
warm simple good
wonderful lucky intelligent

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