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The difficulties of the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospitality: if you didn't take in the stranger and didn't take care of him, there was no

10-11 класс

one else who would.(перевести)

20072002 03 окт. 2014 г., 6:00:11 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 окт. 2014 г., 6:52:58 (9 лет назад)

Трудности границы также сформировали традицию гостеприимства:если вы не брали в незнакомце и не заботились о нем, не было никого больше, кто был бы.


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William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. Not much is known of his life. He was probably the son of a businessman and

was born in 1564 in Stradford-upon-Avon. He probably attended the local grammar school and got a classical education. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway and had 3 children. Little is known of his life before 1592, when he appeared as a playwright in London. Soon he became an actor playing supporting roles like the ghost in "Hamlet". In 1599 Shakespeare became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London.
Shakespeare's work as a playwright is subdivided into 3 periods. Written in the first period, Shakespeare's plays are mostly history plays like "Henry VI", and comedies with strong elements of farce. His masterpiece of this period is "Romeo and Juliet". In the second period Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies where he moved away from farce towards romance. In the third period, after 1600, appeared his major tragedies - "Hamlet", "Othello". They presented a clear opposition of order to chaos, good to evil. Shakespeare was a great poet and would be well known for his poetry alone. His major achievement as a poet is his sonnets, first published in 1609. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, with a moral at the end. The sonnets are addressed to some "W.H.", and to mysterious "Dark Lady of Sonnets". The sonnets deal with the great themes of love, friendship, death, change and immortality. Shakespeare looks at his own poetry as a means of immortality. Shakespeare's sonnets are excellent. They are full of harmony and music; they praise love, friendship and beauty, though there is no sentimentality in them. Shakespeare's poetry is at the summit of human achievement. Many centuries have passed since his death in 1616, but Shakespeare is still considered to be the greatest of all playwrights and poets.
Перевод:Уильям Шекспир является величайшим драматургом из всех драматургов. Не так много известно о его жизни. Вероятно, он был сыном бизнесмена и родился в 1564 году в Страдфорд-на-Эйвоне. Онучился в местной гимназии и получил классическое образование. В 1582 году он женился на Энн Хэтэуэй и имел троих детей. Мало что известно о его жизни до 1592, он появился в качестве драматурга в Лондоне. Вскоре он стал актером, играющий роли второго плана, как призрак в "Гамлете". В 1599 Шекспир стал совладельцем Globe Theatre в Лондоне. Работа Шекспира как драматурга подразделяется на три периода. Написано в первом периоде, пьесы Шекспира в основном история пьесы, как "Генриха VI" и комедии с сильными элементами фарса ("Комедия ошибок"). Его шедевр этого периода является "Ромео и Джульетта". Во втором периоде Шекспир написал ряд комедий, где он отошел от фарса к романтике ("Как вам это понравится"). В третьем периоде, после 1600, появились его основные трагедии - "Гамлет", "Отелло". Они представили четкую оппозицию порядка к хаосу, хорошее ко злу. Шекспир был великим поэтом и будут известными только его поэзии. Его главным достижением как поэт является его сонеты, впервые опубликованный в 1609 году. Сонет это стихотворение, состоящее из 14 строк, с моралям в конце. Сонеты адресованы некоторых "В. Н." и к таинственному "Dark леди сонетов". Сонеты имели дело с великими темами любви, дружбы, смерти, изменения и бессмертия. Шекспир смотрит на свой страх и поэзии как средство бессмертия. Сонеты Шекспира превосходны. Они полны гармонии и музыки; они хвалят любовь, дружбу и красоту, хотя в них нет сентиментальности. Поэзия Шекспира на саммите человеческих достижений. Много веков прошло со дня его смерти в 1616 году, но Шекспир до сих пор считается величайшим из всех драматургов и поэтов.

Помогите ответить на вопросы : 1) what is Shakespeare famous for?
2) what is Shakespeare's major achievement as a poet?
3)how can you define a sonnet?
4) what themes do Shakespeare's sonnets deal with?

Помогите ктнбуд!! просто нужно выбрать из текста 15 предложений для пересказа. буду очень благодарна!

Lost Horizon.

Conway never exactly remembered how he and the others arrived at the monastery, or how they were greeted and led into the grounds. The thin air was dream-like and matched the light blue of the sky. With every breath and every glance, he took in a deep relaxing feeling that made him unaware of Mallinson's uneasiness, Barnard's witty comments, and Miss Brinklow, who looked like a lady well prepared for the worst. He just about remembered being surprised at finding the inside of the monastery spacious, well warmed, and quite clean.

There was no time to do more than notice these qualities, for the Chinese had left his hooded chair and was already leading the way through different rooms. He was quite pleasant now. "I must apologise," he said, "for leaving you to yourselves on the way, but the truth is, journeys of that kind don't suit me, and I have to take care of myself. I hope you were not too tired?"

"We managed," replied Conway with a tight smile.

"Excellent. And now, if you will come with me, I will show you to your rooms. No doubt you would like baths. Our accommodation is simple, but comfortable, I hope."

At this point Barnard, who was still affected by shortness of breath, chuckled. "Well," he gasped, "I can't say I like your climate yet - the air seems to stick on my chest a bit - but you've certainly got a fine view out of your front windows. Do we all have to line up for the bathroom, or is this an American hotel?"

"I think you will find everything quite satisfactory, Mr Barnard."

Miss Brinklow nodded. "I should hope so, indeed." "And afterwards," continued the Chinese, "I should be greatly honoured if you will all join me at dinner."

Conway replied politely. Only Mallinson had given no sign of his attitude in the face of these kind offers. Like Barnard, he had been suffering from breathing problems, but now, with an effort, he found breath to exclaim: "And afterwards, also, if you don't mind, we'll make our plans for getting away. The sooner the better, so far as I'm concerned."


"So you see," Chang was saying, "we are less barbarian than you expected."

Conway, later that evening, was not willing to argue. He was enjoying that pleasant feeling of his body being relaxed but his mind being awake, which seemed to him, of all feelings, the most truly civilised. So far, Shangri-La had been all that he could have wished certainly more than he could ever have expected. It was not so strange for a Tibetan monastery to have a system of central heating, but that it should combine. the baths and cleaning facilities from the Western part of the world with tradition from the Eastern world struck him as amazing and rare. The bath, for instance, in which he had recently bathed, had been of a light green pottery from America. Yet the native servant had washed him in a Chinese way of cleaning his ears and nostrils and under his lower eyelids. He had wondered at the time if - and how - his three companions were receiving similar treatment.

Conway had lived for nearly ten years in China, not wholly in the bigger cities; and he counted it, all things considered, the happiest part of his life. He liked the Chinese, and felt at home with Chinese ways. He really liked Chinese cooking, with its subtle undertones of taste; and his first meal at Shangri-La had been familiar.

Помогите пожалуста перевести текст только не тупо в переводчике а чтоб смысл был ... THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW It was past midnight.

As the schoolmaster rode on and on, the night grew darker and darker. He came to a place where the road ran over a small bridge across a stream. As Crane approached it, his heart began to beat fast. He suddenly remembered all the stories about ghosts that he had heard. He got frightened and gave his horse a kick: at first the animal rushed forward but then suddenly stopped. On the bank of the stream stood a horseman riding a black horse. The poor schoolmaster got still more frightened. He gave his horse another kick and rode on as fast as he could. The horseman followed. Having reached the top of a hill, Crane looked behind and was struck with horror as he saw that the horseman was headless. His horrow became still greater when he saw that the ghost held his own head in his hands. Crane tried to get away from the ghost, but the faster he rode, the faster the headless horseman rode after him. Soon, however, Crane saw a bridge behind the trees. "If I could reach that bridge," thought Crane, "I would be safe". Again he looked behind him. He saw the ghost picking up his own head and throwing it at him. Crane was struck on the head and fell off his horse. The headless horseman and his black horse quickly passed by and disappeared. The next morning Crane's old horse was found standing near his master's gate. But there was no Crane to be seen. On the bank of the stream they found the schoolmaster's hat and near it a pumpkin broken to small pieces. On the following Sunday many people gathered at the place where the hat and the pumpkin had been found. The stories of ghosts were told again. The villagers decided that the schoolmaster must have been carried off by the headless horseman. A few years later an old farmer who had been to New York brought the news that Crane lived in another village and had been made a judge. Shortly after his rival had disappeared, Brunt married Katrina. It was noticed that each time the story of Crane was told, he laughed or smiled. This made some people think that he knew about the matter more than cared to tell.

Напишите, пожалуйста текст на русском языке в английском произношении?

All along it was a fever
A cold with high-headed believers
I threw my hands in the air I said show me something
He said, if you dare come a little closer

Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know

Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay

It's not much of a life you're living
It's not just something you take, it's given
Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know

Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay

Ohhh the reason I hold on
Ohhh cause I need this hole gone
Funny all the broken ones but i'm the only one who needed saving
Cause when you never see the lights it's hard to know which one of us is caving

Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay, stay
I want you to stay, ohhh

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