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Translate into English using the Present SImple or the Present Continuous Tense. 1.По вечерам мы смотрим телевизор. 2.Сейчас вечер.Мы смотрим

10-11 класс

телевизор. 3.Я встаю в восемь засов. 4.Сейчас восемь часов.Я встаю. 5.Посмотри в окно!Идет проливной дождь. 6.В Петербурге часто идет дождь. 7.Нелли, иди в столовую-звонит телефон. 8.Звонит телефон, и Нелли идет в столовую. 9.Я вхожу в столовую, но никто меня не замечает; все заняты: мать накрывает на стол, отец включает телевизор, сестра режет хлеб, и даже моя собака не поворачивает головы, потому что лижет лапу. 10.Куда ты идешь? -Я иду в кино. 11.Ты часто ходишь в кино? 12.Ты любишь кошек?

Epohof78 23 апр. 2015 г., 13:16:21 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 апр. 2015 г., 13:52:38 (9 лет назад)

1.We watch TV in the evenings

2.Now is evening.We are watching TV.

3.I get up at 2 o`clock.

4.Now is 8 o`clock.I am getting up.

5.Look out the window! There is rain.

6.In St. Petersburg is often rain.

7.Nelly,go to the dining-room-telephone is ringing

8.Telephone is riniging and Nelly is going to the dining room

9.I walk into the dining room, but I will not be noticed, everyone is busy: mother is setting the table, father is  turning on the TV, my sister is cutting the bread, and even my dog is not turn heads, because licking his paw.

10.Where are you going?-I am going to the cinema

11.Do you often go to the cinema?

12.Do you like cats?

+ 0 -
23 апр. 2015 г., 16:47:02 (9 лет назад)

We watch TV in evening It is evening now Usually I get up at eight o'clock It is 8:00.i am getting up Look in the window!it is raining cats! It is often rainy in st peterburg Nelly come to the kitchen the telephone is ringing 10 where are you going to? I am going to cinema 12 do you like cats? 10 how often do you go cinema? Девятое лень извини


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Perfect:

1. She __________ (finish) by 8 o’clock.

2. I ___________ (read) this book by next week.

3. By the end of the class students (discuss) the results of
their tests.

Dear Granny, we haven`t got some money after our shopping.But we have got a lot of food.Look.There is two bottles of oil and there cans of fish.There are

also some meat and two jard of cream.We have got 2 bags of sugar.Now we need some jam for tea.Mum is away.Can you come and bring us some jam?Your grandsons, Willy and Sam найти ошибку

He seems( to read) since morning
In Great Britain some categories of people are entitled to financial help. The benefit paid to retired people is the state pension or retirement

pension, to which women are entitled to at the age of 60 and men at 65. Anyone below the retirement age of 65 who has previously worked for a certain minimum period of time receive unemployment benefit. Women who leave work to have a baby receive maternity pay from their employer. Women who do not qualify for this, for example, the self- employed, receive a maternity allowance from the government. A women whose husband dies before retires, receives a widow's pension if she is aged 45 or over. If she has children, she receives a widowed mother's pension. Some people are entitled to neither pension nor unemployment benefit. These people can apply for income support. Child benefit is a small weekly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers. Family credit is for working families on modest incomes. Income support is for those without work and with low financial resources. There is also mobility allowance available to the disabled to pay for transport or to buy a special vehicle. Invalidity pension is paid to a person who is unable to work after a sickness period.ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ

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Translate into english using the past continuons or the past indefiniteКогда я вошел в зал, студенты все еще обсуждали первый доклад. 2. Поезд

приближался к станции; делегаты стояли у окон и махали шляпами. По перрону бежали дети с цветами. 3. Пассажиры так и не увидели Байкал. Когда поезд проезжал Байкал, была ночь. 4. Охотники замолчали. Красивый олень медленно приближался к ним. 5. Вдруг, когда уже не оставалось никакой надежды на опасение, люди на тонущем корабле увидели дым на горизонте. Какой-то пароход направлялся к ним «а помощь. 6. Поезд набирал скорость, когда он вскочил в вагон. 7. Я разговаривал с Воронежем по телефону в течение 10 минут. Но каждую минуту что-то случалось: то кричали какие-то голоса, то телефонистка прерывала нас, то что-то свистело в трубке. 8. Машинистка печатала доклад, когда вошла секретарь и положила на стол еще какие-то бумаги. 9. Иванов писал свою знаменитую картину двадцать лет. 10. Пока директор вел деловую беседу с представителями иностранных фирм, секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 11. В то время как он пробирался сквозь толпу, он услышал, как кто-то окликнул его. 12. Мы вышли на привокзальную площадь. Толпы народа спешили на вокзал и с вокзала; сновали носильщики с тяжелыми чемоданами, подъезжали и отъезжали машины, кто-то покупал цветы. К нам подошел шофер такси и спросил, куда нам ехать.

Translate into English using the conjunctions either...or, neither...nor, both...and

1) И америка, и Россия борются с терроризмом
2) Он не учил английский ни в школе, ни в институте.
3) Либо он заплатит налоги(taxes), либо его посадят в тюрьму
4) Мне не понравилась ни пьеса, ни игра актеров
5) Эта популярная певица изменила и свой имидж, и манеру пения
6) Эта сделка не принесла ему ни денег, ни славы.
7) Я верну ваш журнал или завтра, или в понедельник
8) Ни учителя, ни родители не могли заставить его изменить свое решение

Ex.2. Put the verb in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple tense 1. Have you heard the rules? They _______________(just/elect) a new manager.

2. Martha _______________(find) a new job. She is starting next week. 3. When ______________Simon _______________(arrive) at the cinema yesterday? 4. John is a well-known artist. He ______________(paint) a lot of pictures. 5. John ________________(paint) his first picture in 1980. 6. Mike _______________(win) more than 20 medals when he was a sportsman. 7. I ________________(see) Sting last year. 8. I ______________(speak) to Celine Dion. 9. I _______________(write) 5 letters this week. 10. I ______________(read) this book a month ago. 11. He _______________(still/not/buy) a computer. 12. They ________________(yet/not/find) the way out. 13. _______________you ______________(write) this translation yet? Ex. 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous 1. What ____________you ______________(look) at? –Some photos I __________(take) when I _____________(be) on holidays. 2. I _______________(be) sorry, but I ______________(not understand) what you _____________(mean). 3. What ___________Jane_____________(do)? – She ______________(be) a teacher, but she ______________(not teach) at the moment. 4. He never _____________(smoke) and ___________usually __________(not eat) meat. 5. Last time I _____________(go) abroad was when I ______________(go) to London. We _____________(stay) in London for three days. On the first day when I ______________(do) the sights, I _____________(meet) my old friend. He ___________just______________(go) to his hotel when we ___________(come) across. 6. ___________you ____________(often, go) to the gym? – I _______________(not go) much at the moment, I ____________(not have) time. I ____________(be) too busy these days. But I ___________(want) to go to the gym next week. 7. Tomorrow Kate _____________(visit) her aunt, that’s why now she _____________(make) a cake. It _____________(smell) delicious! When Kate ____________(visit) her aunt last week, she _______________(buy) some pastries from the baker’s, but they _____________(not be) that good.

ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУСТА!!!!! СРОЧНО НУЖНО!!!1. GRAMMAR the Past Simple or the Past Continuous

1a. Write sentences with when. Use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
1) They / play tennis / start / rain___________________________2) He / break / his leg / ski___________________________3) The boys / fight / their father / come home___________________________4) A dog / eat / my sandwich / I sleep / in the park___________________________5) We / study / in the library / the fire / start___________________________
1b. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Last summer I 1) _____ (go) to Los Angeles to stay with my cousin for a few weeks. One afternoon we 2) _____ (have) lunch in a nice restaurant in the centre of the town when my cousin 3) _____ (get) a call on her mobile phone and went outside to talk. While she 4) _____ (speak) to her friend I suddenly 5) _____ (notice) a man in a black hat who 6) _____ (sit) at the next table. It was the actor Johnny Depp! He was alone, and I 7) _____ (decide) to take my chance. So I got up and 8) _____ (go) to his table. ‘Excuse me, could I have my photo taken with you?’ I asked. He 9) _____ (say) yes, so I 10) _____ (stop) a waitress who 11) _____ (pass) by and gave her my camera. She 12) _____ (take) the photo of me and Johnny, I thanked them both, and then I returned to my table. When my cousin 13) _____ (come) back, I 14) _____ (smile). ‘Why are you looking so pleased with yourself?’ she asked. ‘I had my photo taken with Johnny Depp’. ‘Johnny Depp? Where is he?’ ‘He is sitting over there. Look!’ She turned around to look and then started to laugh. ‘That’s not Johnny Depp!’ I 15) _____ (look) at the man in the black hat – he16) _____ (laugh) too.
2. SPEAKING (in spoken form)Tell about your favourite photo. Look at the questions and plan your answers. 1) What is your favourite photo?2) Who took it? When? Where?3) What was happening when you took the photo?4) Where do you keep it? Why do you like it?
3. SPEAKING (in spoken form)Prepare the text about the top Russian person. What was he or she famous for? Be ready to tell about him or her.
Home assignment #61. GRAMMAR the Present Perfect
1a. Complete the two biographies with the correct form of the following verbs:act / become / have / make (x2) / say / sell / win (x2) / write
Future winners of the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award?Many people have 1) _____ that Madonna is one of the greatest pop stars ever. She has 2) _____ over 15 albums and has 3) _____ 11 US number one songs. She has 4) _____ in lots of films and 5) _____ a number of awards. She has 6) _____ five books for children. Coldplay have 7) _____ only three albums but have 8) _____ famous around the world. They have 9) _____ more records than any other group in the last two years and have already 10) _____ a Grammy with Clocks in 2004.
1b. Rearrange the words to make questions.
1) had / has / How / Madonna / many / number / one / records___________________________________________________2) has / books / children / written / Who / for___________________________________________________3) many / have / made / How / Coldplay / albums___________________________________________________4) won / Have / Coldplay / awards / any___________________________________________________5) Coldplay / done / have / in / last / the / two / What / years ___________________________________________________
2. SPEAKING (in spoken form)
Read the article.
I think Robbie Williams should get a Lifetime Achievement Award. He has made some great CDs. He’s written lots of songs. He’s given concerts all round the world. He’s been number one in many countries, and he has written a book. I think he is a great singer.
Which musician or group in your country should get a Lifetime Achievement Award for their work? Why? Prepare your reasons. Look at the article for an example.

Future actions.put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or future simple.

A)Future Simple
B)Present Simple

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