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Sultan in for the kill перевести

5-9 класс

лол5222 09 окт. 2013 г., 18:44:47 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 окт. 2013 г., 21:26:13 (10 лет назад)

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Мартин — наемник, командир отряда «Серые гуси». После стычки с наемниками под руководством Волкодава, остатки «Гусей» покидают Зону навсегда. Но судьба

распорядилась иначе. «Серые гуси» возвращаются, чтобы выполнить важный заказ. Волкодав объявляет охоту, считая себя обойденным. Теперь кто прав, кто виноват — разрешат Зона и оружие.

Чем отличается must,need,should
The gentleman whom you introduced me to last night called to ask if I____ him for dinner or drinks.

A. would meet
B. had met
C. meet
D. met
E. would have met

Помогите рассказ что люди ....

рассказ что люди увидят если приедут к нам в Россию

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Sultan in for the kill перевести
Dear Madam, My name is Carol Albert and I....(write) to you about the advertisement in today's newspaper for the post of hotel receptionist. I

.....(leave) school and at present....(study) hotel catering at night school. My typing....(be) good and I also....(speak) two languages, English and Spanish. I....(take) courses in Computer Studies, Accounting and Office Management and I....(feel) that these courses....(give) me a lot of experience for the post you.....(advertise).

Переделайте предложения в сложное. Пример: Yuri Gagarin was the first russian cosmonaut. In 1961, he travelled into space for the first time in


Переделанное:Yuri Gagarin was the first to travel into space in 1961

Сами предложения:

1) Galina Ulanova was a great ballet dancer of the 20th century. Her performances were a great success on many stages of the world.

2) Ivan Bunin was a great poet and novelist, He was the first Russian Nobel Prize winner in literature.

3) Zhores Alferov is an outstanding physicist. He received the Nobel Prize for physics in 2000.

4) Aleksey Nemov is a famous gymnast. His gymmnastics achievements brought many gold, silver and bronze medals as well as many fans.

5) Aleksander Solzhenitsyn is a writer and historian. He is known for the series of novels about Russian such as August 1914, the red wheel and others.

6) Vladimir Dal was a writer and a disctionary writer. He complited the famous Explanatory Disctionary of the living russian language and some collections of proverbs and fairy tales.

7) Kazimir Malevich was a painter. His black square made him famous throughout the world.

8) Aleksey Leonov. travelled into space in 1965. He made the first space walk in history then.

What are the traditions?Fill in the gaps in the sentences. 1.In 1987 the children started to collect information for the scool

museum.The children ----------------- information for the scool museum since ------------- .

2. The museum started working in 1999.The museum ---------------- for ------------ years.

3. In 1998 the children gave the first concert for veterans.The children------------- concerts for veterans since -------------- .

4. Since 1987 the children have given veterans gifts and flowers.The children --------------------- for ----------------- .

5 The children have helped to clean the lakes for eight years.

------------------- since -------------------------- .

1 Fill in the missing words. Write one word only in each gap. 1 We didn't find tickets for the play. It was


................................ out.

2 I can't ................... feeling sorry for the homeless.

3 If you don't ..................... up, we'll miss the plane.

4 I'm looking .......................... to my summer holiday.

5 The hotel is busy, so book a room ...................................


6 You don't .................................. to wash the dishes.

I'll do it later.

7 Apologising now won't ....................................................

any difference.

8 You ................................. have a passport to travel


9 "What does he do for a .............................................. ?"

"He's a musician."

10 There's no answer. They .......................................................

be sleeping.

1 1 He got back home just in ..................................................

for dinner.

12 Statues are usually made of .............................................

13 Mary's always chatting .....................................................

the phone. It's so annoying!

14 You .............................................. better ask for help.

15 I couldn't ................................. my eyes when I saw

Tom Cruise enter the shop.

16 John has a part-time job for the summer to make some extra

17 hie hasn't got enough money to set ...............................

his own business.

18 Her eyes are red. She must have .....................................


19 The Eiffel Tower is a famous tourist ....................................

20 Lack of money has .......................................... back the

construction of the new shopping centre.

2 Circle the correct item.

1 People who ride their bicycles on the povement

are a public .............................

A nuisance

B attraction

C performer

2 He is wearing a ............... tie.

A flat

B striped

C long

3 We managed to get ............... of some tickets

in the end.

A advance

B offer

C hold

4I haven't seen John. He ............... be at the


A can't

B must

C can

5 The film was so sad that I was ............... to


A impressed

B moved

C excited

6 My teacher made me ........... the essay again.

A to write

B writing

C write

7 Stand ............ ! I want to take a picture of you.

A convincing

B real

C still

8 Oh, no! I forgot ............... the phone bill.

A paying

B to pay

C pay

9 Due to popular ..............., they're showing the

film for an extra week.

A function

B demand

C challenge

10 I remember...............a magazine but now I don't

know where it is.

A buying

B to buy

C buy

3 Complete the dialogues.

1 A: Hi, Steve! ...........................:...............

going out together?

B: I'd like to, but I'm working late tonight.

A; ........................ tomorrow evening, then?

B: Yes, that would be nice.

2 A: And ................................................ ?

B: A glass of Coke, please.

3 A: Can I use the phone?

B: Sorry — I'm .......................................

4 A: How ....................................... , Sally?

B: The music was great. I really enjoyed it.

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