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Рассказ на английском языке про коалу. 8-10 предложений (не больше, не меньше). Пример ниже на фотке.

5-9 класс

Linafrolova19 09 авг. 2016 г., 13:22:05 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 авг. 2016 г., 14:29:02 (7 лет назад)

Koalas are not bears! They are marsupials who carry their young in pouches. The mother koala can close the pouch with a muscle that acts like a drawstring. Eucalyptus leaves are poisonous to most animals, but koalas have a special digestion system that breaks down fibers and cleans out the poison. They communicate with deep, resonant bellows, snores, and grunts. Babies and mothers murmur, hum, click, and squeak to each other. Males mark territory with scent from their chests. Koalas do not have sweat glands. To keep cool they stretch out in shady trees and lick their arms.


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К этому тексту ответить на вопросы:
1.Where did the American descendants come from?
2.Why did the pioneers have a hard life?
3.Why are Amerians optimistic?
4.What facts help to explain why Americans are responsive?
5.Where did Americans more to?

Write a tag for each sentence. He took the box, ...... ? She translated the text, ..... ? It opened the door, ..... ? She asked a lot of questions,

.... ? He answered your question, .... ? Mary invited you to her party, ...... ? You copied the dialogue, ...... ? Tom told you the news, ...... ? The party lasted four hours, ..... ? The children liked the story ...... ?

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Вот план только он на английском языке написан.
1 Name
2 Where does it live?
3 How does it look like?
4 What is it like?
5 What does it eat?
6 What can it do?
7 Why is it your favourite?

Помогите,плииз :* ^^ Составить рассказ на английчком языке про свое хобби.10 предложений. (Мое х

обби-роспись по стеклу)

Заранее спасибо!☼

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