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look at the list of activities, then ask each other what you generally do or dont do.

1-4 класс

1. reed books/newspapers
S1. do you read books? S2. Yes, I do. S2. Do you read newspapers? S3. No, I dont. etc.
2. play basketball/tennis
3. do your homework
4. get up early
5. go climbing/swimming
6. tidy your room
7. eat much
8. ride a bicycle
9. go to bed late
10. like sweets
11. watch TV
12. drink milk

Tirsomishieva 02 сент. 2016 г., 7:50:14 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 сент. 2016 г., 10:40:25 (7 лет назад)

2) Do you play basketball? - No, I don't. Do you play tennis? - Yes, I do.
3) Do you do your homework? - Yes, I do.
4) Do you get up early? - Yes, I do.
5) Do you tidy your room? - Yes, I do.
6) Do you go climbing? -No, I don't. Do you go swimming? - Yes, I do.
7) Do you eat much? - No, I don't.
8) Do you ride a bicycle? - Yes, I do.
9) Do you go to bed late? - No, I don't.
10) Do you like sweets? - Yes, I do.
11) Do you watch TV? - Yes, I do.
12) Do you drink milk? - Yes, I do.


Другие вопросы из категории


1. I will do my homework in an hour
2. We will play basketball tomorrow
3. You will get a very nice birthday present tomorrow
4. She (He) will send me a postcard next week
5. It will be snowy next winter
6. They will come to Russia next year

Как по английский абадок

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(35 баллов за лучший ответ )What have the children already done and what haven't they done yet?Look at the list of things they made some

days ago .
Пример - 0)to clean the house (Alise and Ally) - Alise and Ally howe arleady cleaned the hause
1)to wash the dishes (Alice ) - .........
2)to water flowers (Ally) - .........
3)to buy cheese , chips.fruit,juice,lettuce(Ally)
4)to make sandwiches (the girls)
5)to make toast (the girls )
6)to bring cola (the mother)
7)to prepare games(Alice)
8)to repair the DVD player(the father)
9)to sweep the paths in the garden(Alice)

Помогите прошу What have the children already done and what haven't they done yet?Look at the list of things they made some days ago .

Пример - 0)to clean the house (Alise and Ally) - Alise and Ally howe arleady cleaned the hause
1)to wash the dishes (Alice ) - .........
2)to water flowers (Ally) - .........
3)to buy cheese , chips.fruit,juice,lettuce(Ally)
4)to make sandwiches (the girls)
5)to make toast (the girls )
6)to bring cola (the mother)
7)to prepare games(Alice)
8)to repair the DVD player(the father)
9)to sweep the paths in the garden(Alice)

Work in pairs image that you are preparing for a test on the topic english speaking countries ask each other questions to see what things you remember

about them . Find out A) what English-speaking countries you remember b)in what countries the english language is popular nowadays and is used as the international language c) if english is the same in all english-speaking countries d) what words are used in America instead of the words "biscuits", "sweets" , "autumn".

ianguage in use look at the sentence in the boх . - (the fire quickly gets biger and more dangerous) put the words into the

sentences.use-er or more.

1)the piople of Bangladesh are...............every year because the floods are...........(afraid, nigh)

2)water is...... than food.(important)

3)we have to be..........with our clean water.(careful)

4)the winters are getting .............at the summer are getting.............(short,hot)

5)the ice is melting quickly because the weather is .................. (warm)

6)every year the number of piople in the world gets....and the problems get...(big,difficult) 7)farms and factories are making some rives.......every year (dirty)


Put in was or were. My parents ..... in New York on Christmas Eve I ..... at home on the 14th of February, we .... busy reading our

Valentine's Day cards.

My brorher .... fourteen on the first of January.

Where .... you at the end of the week?

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