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Как будет по английский 1895,1896?

10-11 класс

Julia755 16 дек. 2014 г., 5:07:49 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 дек. 2014 г., 6:15:53 (9 лет назад)

one thousand eight hundred ninety-five -1895
one thousand eight hundred ninety-six-1896


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Tourism in KenyaKenya appears in many tourist brochures. The Kenyan government has made

tourist development a priority. It has spent money on building hotels,
airports, safari huts and all the other requirements for tourists from
developed countries. The planes landing at Nairobi airport bring rich tourists
from Europe, North America and Japan. Some come for Kenya's fine beaches. Most
are more interested in the wildlife of East Africa. Lions, zebras, elephants and
hippopotamuses are among the attractions.

Kenya's tourist industry earns the country over £200 million per year,
but tourism does bring problems for a developing country. Only 75 per cent of
the money spent by tourists stays in Kenya. The rest is taken by foreign
companies which provide the hotels and the safaris. The tourists drink Scotch
whisky or Russian vodka. The hotels are fitted
with American air-conditioning and Japanese lifts. The electrical system is
Dutch and the fire control system is Italian. These imports cost Kenya vital
foreign exchange. Kenya borrowed money from overseas to pay for the tourist
developments, and much of the profits from tourism are spent in repaying the
loans. There have been several armed attacks on tourists. The bad publicity hit
in Kenya's tourist earnings because people were frightened off. It is risky to
become over-dependent upon tourism. Most of the jobs created for Kenyans are
unskilled and poorly paid. Some complain that tourism is a new form of

True False

1. Tourism is an important sector of economy for
2. The Kenyan government spent money on tourist
3. Tourists from developing countries visit Kenya.
4. Animals are among the tourists’ attractions.
5. Tourism in Kenya earns under £200 mln per year.
6. Kenya repays 75% of profits from tourism to
foreign companies.
7. Overseas companies lent money for the tourist
development in Kenya.
8. Armed attacks frightened foreign tourists.
9. Kenya aims at becoming over-dependent upon
10. Kenyans consider tourism a new form of

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