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10-11 класс

In the USA many sports and sports activities attract millions of active participants. One reason of the popularity of sport in America may be the variety and size of America, providing Americans with a large choice of summer and winter sports. In addition, public sports facilities have always been available in great number for participants. Another reason might be that Americans like competition, by teams or as individuals, of any type. Others point out that American schools and colleges follow the tradition of all English-speaking societies in using sports activities as a way of teaching «social values.
In the USA much attention is given to organized sports. Hockey, football, baseball, basketball and volleyball are the five major sports.
Football is the most popular spectator sport. What makes football in the USA so different from its European cousins, rugby and soccer, is not just the size, speed and strength of its players. Rather, it is the most «scientific» of all outdoor team sports. Specific rules state what each player in each position may and may not do, and when. There are hundreds of possible «plays» (or moves) for teams on offence and defence. Baseball is now in second place among the sports people most like to watch. Baseball is still very popular as an informal, neighbourhood sport.
Baseball and football have the reputation of being «typically American» team sports. This is ironic because the two most popular participant sports in the world today are indeed American in origin-basketball and volleyball. Both games were invented and first played at a YMCA in Massachusetts. Basketball was invented as a game that would fill empty period between the football season and the baseball season. Today, of course, both basketball and volleyball are played everywhere by men and women of all ages. They are especially popular as school sports. Professional and collegiate basketball games in the USA attract large numbers of fans. Most of the important games are televised live.

Imarovag 03 мая 2014 г., 8:43:52 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 мая 2014 г., 10:36:50 (9 лет назад)

В США много спортивной и спортивной деятельностипривлекает миллионы активных участников. Однапричина популярности спорта в Америке, возможно,является разнообразием и размером Америки,обеспечивая американцев большим выбором летнего изимние виды спорта. Кроме того, общественныеспортивные средства всегда были доступны вмногочисленности для участников. Другая причина,возможно, была бы, что американцы подобносоревнованию, командами или как индивидуумы, излюбого типа. Другие подчеркивают это, школыамериканца и колледжи следуют за традицией всехАнглоговорящих обществ в использовании спортивнойдеятельности в качестве пути преподавания"социальным ценностям.
В США много внимания предоставленоорганизованному спорту. Хоккей, футбол, бейсбол,баскетбол и волейбол - пять главного спорта.
Футбол - самый популярный спорт зрителя. Что делаетфутбол в США, таких отличных от его Европейскихкузенов, регби и футбола, - не только размер, скорость исила его игроков. Скорее, это является самым"научным" от всей внешней команды


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Глаголы, данные в скобках, поставьте в правильную форму. They do everything wrong here! They _______(eat) too much meat and they ______(eat) it

at 11 p m. Yesterday we ______(go) out to dinner at 11.30 and we _____(have) trouble getting a table! At 1 a m we ______(be) still eating, and the restaurant _____(be) still half-full! They _______(spend) too many hours in the sun and they not _____(get) enough sleep. One Saturday night we ____(go) to a disco at 2 a m and ______(be) surprised to see a few people on the dance floor. Then the DJ ______(arrive) at 3 a m and the party ______(begin). Everything (be) wrong here, but I no _______(want) to _______(go) home!

. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните и определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием

–(е)s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно: а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite; б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного; в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Water for concrete mixtures should not contain substances that harm the concrete. 2. Strength of materials is a branch of engineering that deals with the behaviour of materials in response to applied forces. 3. Ozone discolours dyed materials, cracks rubber and adds to the total cost of producing tires by requiting the addition of antioxidant chemicals. 4. A good mortar sticks to the surface of the bricks or stones and hardens to lock them together. 5. Before construction of the Brooklyn Bridge even began, the bridge’s chief engineer, John A. Roebling died.

1. Сложное дополнение с глаголами желания. Закончите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение. 1)“My daughter will study at a private

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Have you buy from us

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ЗАДАНИЕOpen the brackets.Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite.
1.I (not to go) to the Hermitage tomorrow.
2. Kate (to give) it to you this afternoon.
3.We (to have) orange juice.
4.He (not to phone) her tonight.
5. I (to help) you with it.
6. They (not to have) coffee.
7. It is hot here, I (to open) the window.
8. I (to get) a taxi.
9. It is cold here, I ( to close) the window.
10. I (not to tell ) anyone what happened.

Помогите пожалуйста сделать пересказ из этого.

On 1 June, 1910, Captain Scott left London to begin his Antarctic expedition. On his way, he received a teledram from the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen: “I`m going South.” During the polar summer of 1910-11, both teams organised food depots in preparation for their expeditions. Amundsen was the first to leave, on 16 October, 1911. He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all his men were on skis. Because of this, he made rapid progress. Scott left on 1 November and soon had problems. His two motor sledges broke down. Amundsen reached the Pole on 14 December and put a Norwegian flag there. Scott finally arrived at the Pole with his men on 17 January. They were devastated when they saw Norwegian flag. The return journey was one of the worst in the history of exploration. The men were exhausted and were running out of food. Captain Oates and Edgar Evans died in spite of terrible frostbite. After their death Scott and two men carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food depots. But then a terrible storm started and they could not leave their tent. Scott spent some of his last hours writing letter to his wife. The news of Scott`s death shocked the world. The remarkable courage shown by Captain Scott and his men made them into heroes.

Помогите, пожалуйста, восстановить идиому: "Неоперделенный артикль + синоним прилагательных "beautiful, cute" + кухонная утварь для чая +

предлог, означающий принадлежность + водное животное.
Получается, или a или an + wonderful, pretty + teapot + of + какое-то водное животное. Помогите пожалуйста!

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст и как произносить его на русском языке.

Dear friends,
Welcome to Green School!
Let's read and write in English.

Let's run and jump in the forest!

go to school together!
Mr Greenwood and his pupils

Помогите пожалуйста дописать предложения в рассказе и перевести его.
1) He is an elephant.
2) His _____________ is Thomas.
3) He isn't angry.
4) He is _________________________.
5) He can _______________________________.
6) He can't ________________________________________.
7) We _____ to school together.

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