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5-9 класс

TigRra 16 июня 2014 г., 11:44:18 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 июня 2014 г., 13:52:12 (9 лет назад)

1.Tomorrow he takes the final exam

2.In July we're going on vacation

3.This teacher will examine the students in the audience 15

4.If you go to the sea, you get a good rest

5.This summer I'll swim and sunbathe every day

6.Coley parents hope that it will withstand an English exam

7.I think, you will not enjoy this Film

8.I can not go to her birthday

9.In Sochi we live by the sea

10.If we have time we'll go in the evening to see the sights of the city

+ 0 -
16 июня 2014 г., 15:48:20 (9 лет назад)

1. Tomorrow he takes the final exam

2. in July, we're going on vacation

3. the teacher will ekzamenirovat students in the 15 th audience

4. if you'll go to the sea, you get a good rest

5. This summer I'll swim and sunbathe every day

6. Coley parents are hoping that it will withstand angliskomu language exams

7. I think, you will not like this movie

8. I can not go to her birthday party

9. in Sochi we will live by the sea

10. If you have time, we'll go in the evening to see the sights of the city










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Dear Anton,

I haven't heard from you for a long time . How are you?I'm at camp now.It's fun to be here. The weather is fine.It's sunny and hot.I spend a lot of time outdoors .We ride horses and walk in the fields.We have different sport competitions and outdoor games.We also make fires, play the guitar and sing songs in theevenings.
I miss my parents and friends a little,but I will be home in a week.Where do you spend- your summer holidays?

Write back soon.

Dest wishes,


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